Questionnaire Text

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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.

6.6 What type of work do (did) you do?

[] 1 As an employee [go to question 6.7]
A job based on:
[] 2 Continuous coordinated collaboration (project-based or otherwise) [skip to question 6.9]
[] 3 Occasional work [skip to question 6.9]
Independent work as:
[] 4 Business owner [skip to question 6.8]
[] 5 Freelance professional [skip to question 6.8]
[] 6 Self-employed worker [skip to question 6.8]
[] 7 Member of a cooperative [skip to question 6.9]
[] 8 Family worker [skip to question 6.9]
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:

- Individuals with more than one job should answer in reference to their primary work activity only. Primary work activity is the job with the most work hours or the one (if you work an equal number of hours for different jobs) that provides the most income.
- Employed individuals who did not work during the week prior to the survey date (October 02nd-08th) because of a holiday, illness, CIG, leave of absence, etc., should refer to the job that usually represents their primary work activity.
- If you are not working at present, refer to the last job you had.
Question 6.6
Employment: work performed for a public or private employer (with or without a contract) in exchange for compensation in the form of wages, salary, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, food, lodging, etc.

This also includes:

-paid apprentices and trainees (paid work placements, fellowships, research grants), in other words, individuals whose work is a combination of training, practice and work;
- workers hired by a temporary employment agency;
- home workers who work on commission for one or more businesses.

Continuative and coordinated collaborative work (project-based or otherwise): work relating to one or several specific projects, programs or phases thereof. This contract type is characterized by the independence of the collaborator and mutual coordination with the contractor for provision of services. The worker may provide their services to multiple contractors (unless otherwise specified in the individual contract).

Occasional work: in this type of contract, the worker commits to providing the contractor with a job or service while retaining full organizational and operational autonomy without any administrative subordination. While this type of service is classified as occasional because of the fact that the relationship terminates after the agreed result has been achieved, the relationship is not necessarily a short-term one. Registration with INPS (the social security institute) is unnecessary due to the occasional nature of the relationship. Social security payments are not required, therefore, and the taxation involved is income tax, or IRPEF (20% withholding of the due amounts). This work category does not require a written contract, and there is no obligation to apply workplace safety regulations or any other legislation applying to other workers.

Business owner: self-employed manager of a business (agriculture, industry, commercial, services, etc.) which employs staff. With at least one employee working for them, the business owner?s main work is the organization and management of business activities. If direct involvement in the productive process is their primary work (in addition to organizing and managing the activity), then it is more appropriate to check box 6 ("Self-employed worker"). For example, a metalsmith who has his own workshop where he employs an assistant to help him, the primary activity is more about the metalwork itself than management of the workshop.

Freelance professional: works for him/herself in a professional capacity or in the liberal arts (notary, lawyer, dentist, construction engineer, etc.) in which intellectual work or effort is predominant. Freelance professionals may or may not be registered in an official roster of practicing professionals.

Self-employed worker: manager of a farm, small industrial or retail business, craftwork studio, shop or public service who contributes his/her own manual labor. This category also includes farmers, tenant farmers and similar who work directly from their own home on behalf of consumers, and not on commission for businesses. Self-employed workers may or may not have their own employees. What distinguishes them from business owners is how their direct involvement in the productive process predominates over their management-related tasks and responsibilities. If the worker has employees and the organization and management represents their primary activity, then it is more appropriate to check box 4 ("Business owner").

Member of a cooperative: an active member of any cooperative that produces goods and/or provides services, regardless of the specific type of activity involved, and whose compensation is proportional to services and/or share of business profits as opposed to contract-regulated payments.

Family worker: an individual who helps another family member who is self-employed without any contract-regulated work relationship (e.g. a wife helping her shopkeeper husband or a son helping his farmer father).