Questionnaire Text

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Section I: Information about household and dwelling

1. Type of dwelling and household

1.4 In what capacity does your household occupy the dwelling?

[] 1 Own property (full or partial), right of use or subsidized housing
[] 2 Rental
[] 3 Other right (free of charge, in exchange for services, etc.)
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Section I - Information about household and dwelling

1 - Type of dwelling and household

Question 1.4
Check box 1 if the dwelling is owned in full or in part by at least one of the people who live there. Box 1 should also be checked if residence in the dwelling is attributable to right of user or some other right in rem (e.g. use, dwelling) or in the case of subsidized housing, or when only the bare property was purchased, or when the owner is living in part of his/her house while renting out the rest.

Check box 2 or 3 when the dwelling is not owned by anyone who lives there and is being rented (box 2) or occupied under some other form of entitlement (box 3), that is, for free or in exchange for services.