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Questions on your main place of work
[Questions 59-70]

69. How did you arrive at your workplace on most days in the week ending December 27, 2008?

It is possible to choose more than one answer
[] 1 In a private or commercial car - as a driver
[] 2 In a private or commercial car - as a passenger
[] 3 In a commercial bus (did you take one or more buses?)
[] 4 Transportation organized by the workplace
[] 5 By train
[] 6 In a sherut taxi
[] 7 In a regular taxi
[] 8 In a motorized two-wheel vehicle (e.g., motorcycle)
[] 9 By bicycle
[] 10 By other vehicle
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Part H: Work

3. Instructions for answering questions :
Questions for examining work in 2008:
The first group of questions about 'work' helps determine whether a person worked in 2008 and allows us to estimate the amount of labor force at the household's disposal.

r. Means of transportation to work
Question 7.160 - How did you get to work on most days during the week that ended on 12/27/2008?
You may choose more than one answers
Enumerator, please note: only choose the answer 'By foot' in addition to another answer if the walk lasts longer than 15 minutes

[] 1 Private or commercial vehicle - as driver
[] 2 Private or commercial vehicle - as passenger
[] 3 Public bus
[] 4 Organized transportation provided by workplace
[] 5 Train
[] 6 Share cub
[] 7 Taxi cab
[] 8 Motorized two-wheel vehicle (such as: motorcycle)
[] 9 Bicycle
[] 10 By foot
[] 11 Other vehicle

- You may choose more than one answer.
- You must list all of the means of transportation used by the person to get to his workplace.
- If the person arrives at the main workplace and from there continues to different places, list the means of transportation he uses to get to the main workplace.
- If the person has a carpool arrangement with a group of people for getting to work and each day they ride in a different person's car, mark 'Private or commercial vehicle - as passenger' (answer 3).
- 'By foot' (answer 10) -only choose this answer in addition to another answer if the walk lasts more than 15 minutes.
- If a person rode in a truck weighing over 3.5 tons, mark 'Other vehicle' (answer 11) and when asked to elaborate, write 'Truck, over 3.5 tons'. A truck weighing less than 3.5 tons is classified as a commercial vehicle.
- If a person rode a public bus (answer 4), he will be asked to elaborate whether he rode one bus line or more than one bus lines.