Questionnaire Text

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8. Is this your own apartment or do you rent it?
[] 1. We own the apartment; mark X and skip to question 10 [skip question 9]
[] 2. We pay 'key' money for the apartment
[] 3. We pay monthly rent (not 'key' money)
[] 4. None of the above; please clarify and move to question 10 [skip question 9]: ____

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4. Question 8

8. Is this your own apartment or do you rent it?

[] 1 We own the apartment > Mark an X and go to 10
[] 2 The apartment is rented with key money rights
[] 3 The apartment is rented without key money rights
[] 4 The apartment is not owned or rented. Please specify and go to 10 ____

A. A rent with key money is a type of rented apartment. The person who lives in the apartment will get paid a lump sum, "key money", once he leaves the apartment

[Key money is money paid by the tenant to the owner to have the right to live in the apartment for a relatively small rent for as long as he wishes]. He will get it from the owner of the apartment or from the new tenant who replaces him.

B. The apartment is not owned or rented (answer 4): This is an apartment that its tenant lives in it without pay. For example: An apartment of family relatives who do not ask for rent, or an apartment that belongs to the workplace.