Questionnaire Text

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13. [Country of origin]
For Israel-born, [specify] father's country of birth.
For born abroad, [specify] country of birth.

[] 01. Israel
[] 02. Iran (Persia)
[] 03. Bulgaria
[] 04. U.S.S.R
[] 05. Germany
[] 06. Hungary
[] 07. Tunisia
[] 08. Turkey
[] 09. Libya
[] 10. Egypt
[] 11. Morocco
[] 12. Iraq
[] 13. Poland
[] 14. Rumania
[] 15. Yemen
[] Other county ____

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Question 13: Country of birth (The explanation refers to country of origin)

In this question you have to refer to the country of birth according to its present borders (except for Israel, whose borders definition is in question 12).

13a. Foreign born: Write down their country of birth.

13b. Israeli born: write down their father's country of birth.

13c. You have to circle the number of the category Israel only for Israeli born whose father was also born in Israel.

13d. Countries of birth are written in alphabetical order except for Israel, which is written first.

13e. If the country of birth is not printed on the questionnaire, write that on the dotted line near the category 'other country -- namely' (Attention, do not circle any number).
Example: Belgium will be written as follows: [The original form includes an illustration of the question with Belgium written under 'other']