Question 3: Relationship to the head of household
Note that any adult member (male or female) of a private household, present on Census night may be returned as Head according as the household members consider appropriate. If the term "joint head" is used accept this without questioning provided the relationship with the other members is clear. The description "Visitor" must be used at Question 3 for a person whose usual residence is elsewhere (see Question 9) even though he/she may be related to the head of the household.
Q.5 and Q.6: Marital status
An entry is required at Question 5 for all persons born on or before 13 April 1971. For children under 15 years of age (i.e. born on or after 14 April l97l), these questions should be left blank. At Question 6 information is required on the present actual marital status irrespective of the legal status. Thus, for example a deserted wife though legally married should have a tick in box 5.