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410. What is the ownership status of this dwelling/living quarter?
[] 1 Owned
[] 2 Rented
[] 3 Leased
[] 4 Others

[If responses 2-4, stop].

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Question 410: Ownership Status of the Dwelling
Ask the ownership status of the dwelling of this household; put a mark beside one of codes which corresponds to the answer.
Ownership Status of the Dwelling
[p. 161]
1. Owned is the status if at the time of the enumeration the dwelling is really already owned by the head of household or by any household member. A dwelling purchased with credit from a bank with installments or a dwelling which is rented with an option to purchase is considered owned.
2. Rented is the status if the dwelling is rented by the head of household or any household member by making regular payments without a certain time limit.
3. Contract is the status if the dwelling is rented by the head of household or any household member for a fixed period of time based on an agreed contract between the owner and the occupant, say 1 or 2 years. Usually the entire amount of the contract is paid at the beginning of the contract or payments can be made over the life of the contract depending upon what was agreed upon by the parties. At the end of the contract, the one occupying the dwelling must leave the dwelling; if the two parties agree, the occupant can extend his stay by preparing a new contract.
4. Other is the status of a dwelling which cannot be categorized as one of the above categories, such as cooperative ownership, traditional house, official residence, and includes living rent free.

If the answer is OWNED, then continue with question 411. If the answer is anything other than OWNED, the interview with this household is finished.
[A graphic showing this question and where to stop on the enumeration form is not presented here.]