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406. What type of toilet facility?
[] 1 Private toilet
[] 2 Shared toilet
[] 3 Public toilet
[] 4 No toilet facility (go to Q408)

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Question 406: Type of Toilet Facility Used
229. Ask the type of toilet facility used by members of the household and put a mark beside the code which corresponds to the answer.
This question is asking if a toilet facility is available for the use of the members of the household.
Toilet Facility
1. Private means a latrine/toilet which is used only by the members of the respondent's household, even though from time to time it may be used by others.
2. Shared is a latrine/toilet which is used by several specific households.
[p. 159]
3. Public is a latrine/toilet whose use is not limited to certain households, but whoever wants to use it can use it.
4. No facility means there is no facility provided, for example an open field can be used (field/garden/yard/thicket), beach/shore, river, lake, pool, and other.