516. Primary construction material of roof.
[] 1 Concrete
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Tile
[] 4 Asbestos/zinc
[] 5 Sugar palm fiber/leaves
[] 6 Other (specify) ____
Question 516: Construction material of the roof
This question is asked if the enumerator cannot see the construction material of the roof of the building in which the household lives. If the enumerator can see and knows the materials type for the majority of the roof, circle the appropriate code of the answer. A roof is the top cover of the building so that those living in the building are sheltered from the sun, rain, etc. For multi-storied buildings, the roof is the top cover of the highest story.
Concrete roof is a roof that is made from a mixture of cement, gravel, sand and water.
Wood roof/shingles is a roof that is made of wood materials.
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Tiled roof is a roof made from clay that has been molded and baked. This category also includes tiles made from a cement mixture, fiber cement, and ceramic.
Asbestos roof is a roof made from a mixture of asbestos fiber and cement. In general asbestos roofs are made into wavy pieces.
Zinc roof is a roof made from zinc. A zinc roof can be in the form of flat zinc sheets or wavy zinc pieces; also included in this category are zinc roof tiles called decrabond (zinc that is arranged in layers with epoxy and acrylic).
Fiber roof is a roof made from the fiber of sugar palm trees or other similar trees that are generally black in color.
Foliage roof is a roof made from types of leaves that can be woven or not. Example: thatched.
Others are roofs that cannot be classified into one of the above-mentioned categories. Example: carpet, tarpaulin, plastic, bamboo.