515. What is the ownership of this dwelling unit?
[] 1 Self-owned
[] 2 Contract
[] 3 Rent
[] 4 Free
[] 5 Official
[] 6 Parent/relatives-owned
[] 96 Other (specify) ____
Question 515: Ownership status of the living quarters
Ask the ownership status of the living quarters of this household. Living quarter ownership status of the household is seen from the point of view of the members of the household who live in it. Ownership status is the status at the time of the enumeration and consists of: owner occupied, lease, rental, rent free, official housing, owned by parents/other relatives, others. Circle the appropriate code. If the answer is others, write the status in the space provided.
Owner occupied means that the living quarter is legally owned by one of members of the household. This includes those living quarters that still have an existing mortgage from a bank or other party that is being paid in installments by one of the members of the household.
Lease means that the household in the living quarters has a contract agreement with the owner of the living quarters for a certain length of time, for example, one or two years. At the end of the contract period, the household members must move out unless both parties agree to extend the lease or sign a new agreement.
Rental means that one of the members of the household that occupies the living quarters signs a rental agreement and pays rent regularly and continuously without a time limit.
[p. 82]
Rent-free means that the household occupies the living quarters owned by another party (non-relatives/parent) without any payment.
Official housing means the household occupies the living quarters owned by an institution where one of the members of the household works. There is no need to consider whether or not there is any payment.
Owned by parents/relative means the household occupies the living quarters owned by the parent/relative without any payment.
Others means that the ownership status of the household occupying the living quarters cannot be classified into one of above-mentioned categories; for example cooperative ownership, traditional house and others.
Example: Andi's household occupies a living quarter rent free; the living quarter was rented by Bambang's household from Cici's household. The ownership status of Andi's household is "Free rent".