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IV. Household information

410. Primary construction material of outer wall

[] 1 Brick
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Bamboo
[] 6 Other, specify ____

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6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.

Questions 409 to 411: Type of roof, walls and floor
If the roof/walls/floor is made from several types of materials, record the most used material. For a two story building the roof is the uppermost part (outside), and for the walls and floor, this is what exists in a census building of a household.

A roof is what covers the top part of a building so that people living beneath it are protected from the sun, rain, etc.

Walls are the outside/border of a building or that which divides it from other buildings. A room divider is not considered as an outside wall.

Circle the appropriate code for the type of roof, wall and floor of the building based on P409, P410 and P411.