Questionnaire Text

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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.11 Reason moved

1 Transmigration
2 Employment
3 Education
4 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

B. Block VII. A: Persons of all ages

Question 11: Reason for moving
The objective of Q.11 is to collect information on migration between regencies/municipalities and is asked to those who have ever moved beyond the boundary of the current regency/municipality. If the respondent has moved several times before taking up his/her residence in the current regency/municipality, ask the reason for the last move. A person has ever moved if:

1. Place of birth and the current place of residence are different or the answer to Q.7 is not the same as the current place of residence.
2. Place of birth and the current place of residence are the same, but the respondent's age is greater than the length of time the respondent has lived in the current place of residence, or the answer to Q.7 is the same as the current place of residence, but the answer for Q.3 ["Age"] is greater than the answer for Q.9.
3. Previous place of residence is not the same as the current place of residence, or the answer to Q.10 is not the same as the current place of residence.

For respondents who have never moved across the regency/municipality border, that is, the answer for Q.8 is code 2 [never lived in another regency/municipality] or if the answer for Q.7 [place of birth] is the same as the current place of residence, then skip Q.10 and Q.11, and go to Q.12.

Circle one of the codes 1 through 4 corresponding to the respondent's main reason for moving.
  • "Transmigration" is the reason given by someone who moves to a transmigration location, either with government assistance or through his/her own efforts.
  • "Employment" is the reason given by someone who moves to a new place for some reason related to his job/work, such as searching for work, his/her job was transferred, or he/she changed job.
  • "Education" is the reason given by someone who has moved to a new place to continue his/her education in the new place.
  • "Other" is the reason for someone moving that cannot be categorized into one of the three categories given above.