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Marital status

Questionnaire Text

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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.4 Marriage status

1 Single
2 Married
3 Divorced
4 Widowed

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Column (6): Marital status
Ask the marital status of each household member and enter the appropriate code, "1" through "4", in column (6).
  • "Married" is the status of those who were legally married at the time of the enumeration, either living together or separately. This includes not only those who have been certified as married by law (local custom, religion, state, etc.), but also those who live together and are considered as husband and wife by society.
  • "Widow" is the status of those whose spouse passed away and they have not yet remarried.
  • "Divorced" is the status of those husbands and wives who no longer live together because they are legally divorced. This includes those who say they are divorced even though they are not legally divorced. On the other hand, those who live separately and do not consider themselves divorced, are considered married; for example, a husband/wife who has been left by his/her spouse to go to some other place for education, employment, or to look for work may still considered himself/herself married.