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Number of census units in building

Questionnaire Text

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[Province codes for questions 7 and 10 in block VII.A. and question 1 in code VII.B.1 are not presented here]

Q.2. Number of census buildings in this building

____ census buildings

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

2. A census building is part or all of a physical building that has its own door for entering and exiting. Census buildings are divided into three types based on their usage:

a. Census building used as a living quarters is a census building that is used as a living quarters.
(i) Multi-living quarters is one census building that is occupied by more than one household.
(ii) Single living quarters is one census building that is occupied by only one household.

b. Census building not used as a living quarters is a census building that is not used as a living quarters but is used as a shop, hotel/restaurant, factory, school building, place for religious services, office building, meeting hall, etc.
(i) A greenhouse is a building that is not used as a living quarters, but is used as a place to plant and grow seeds, a hatchery, for fish farming, etc.

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(ii) A garage is a building not specifically used as a living quarters, but is used to shelter vehicles from the sun and rain.
(iii) An office building is a building not used as a living quarters, but is used as an office.
(iv) A storage building/silo is a building not used as a living quarters, but is used to store materials/crops before they are sold, distributed, or consumed.
(v) A barn is a building not used as a living quarters that is used to keep livestock.
(vi) A farm stand is a building not used as a living quarters that is used to sell agricultural goods and agricultural-related products.
(vii) A drying area/platform is a building not used as a living quarters that is primarily used as a place to dry agricultural products [for example, paddy, coffee, etc.]. The term "drying platform" normally means a permanent structure that is plastered with cement.
(viii) A shop/food stall is a building not used as a living quarters that is specifically used as a place to sell goods.
(ix) A row/strip of shops is a group of shops outside the market place that has at least 10 shops.

c. Mixed-use census building is a census building that is partly used as living quarters and partly used for other purposes.

Commercial building is a building that has walls and roof, either permanent or temporary, that is used for commercial/business activities.

Question 2: Number of census buildings in the physical building
Fill in the number of census buildings as seen by the enumerator when conducting the interview in the space provided, and then copy that number into the box to the right of the question.