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Multifloor building

Questionnaire Text

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[Province codes for questions 7 and 10 in block VII.A. and question 1 in code VII.B.1 are not presented here]

Q.1. Type of physical structure

1. Single
1. Multi-story
2. Single story

2. Duplex
1. Multi-story
2. Single story

3. Multiplex
1. Multi-story
2. Single story
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

1. A physical building is a shelter that has walls, floor and roof, either fixed or temporary, whether used as a living quarters or not. If a building is not used as a living quarters, but the floor area of the building is at least 10 square meters, it is considered a physical building. If the building is not used as a living quarters, but is used for a business, then it is considered a physical building and given a number even if the floor area is fewer than 10 square meters.

[pg. 11]

There are three types of physical buildings:
a. Multiple attached buildings (see figures 1 and 2)
(i) Multi-story
(ii) Single story

b. Duplex/two attached buildings (see figures 3 and 4)
(i) Multi-story
(ii) Single story

c. Single buildings (see figures 5 and 6)
(i) Single story
(ii) Multi-story

[There are drawings of buildings as examples for each of the types described]

[pg. 12]

Kitchen, bathroom, garage and others that are detached from the main building are considered part of the building