A6. Relationship to head of household
What is the name of the head of this household? What is the relationship of each person with the head of this household?
Write in the relationship with the head of household: ____
Fill in the code showing the relationship to the head of household.
[] 1 Head
[] 2 Wife of head
[] 3 Own child of head
[] 4 Non-own child of head
[] 5 Grand child
[] 6 Parent of head
[] 7 Parent of wife of head
[] 8 Son/daughter-in-law
[] 9 Other family
[] 0 Non-family such as servants, etc.
Column (2) Relation to head of household
To get this information, determine in advance who is the head of household. Afterwards ask the relation of each household member to the head.
Method of filling in
First, ask who is the head of household with the following question:
"Who among the people listed here is the head of this household?"
If this has been answered, then write "head of household" in this column beside the serial number of the person mentioned. Afterwards ask the relation of each person to the head of household. Write the relation to the head of household completely for each person.
Column (3) Code for relation to head of household
The relationship of every household member to the head of household is in column (2). In column (3) write the code for the relationship to head of household for each household member.
Concept and definition
- Household head (code 1) is the person responsible or considered responsible for the household.
- Wife of the head of household (code 2)
- Child (code 3) is the natural child of the head of household.
- Stepchild/foster child (code 4) is the stepchild or a child adopted by the household head either legally or not.
- Grandchild (code 5) is the grandchild of the head of household.
- Parent (code 6) is the father or mother of the head of household.
- Parent-in-law (code 7) is the father or mother of the wife of the head of household.
- Daughter/son-in-law (code 8) is the wife of the son or husband of the daughter of the head of household.
- Other relative (code 9) is a relative of the head of household or the wife of the head of household. For example, a niece or nephew, sister or brother, grandparents, brother/sister-in-law, etc.
- Housemaid and others (code 0) is a housemaid or another person who lives in the household as a member of the household but who is not related to the head of household.
Method of filling in the form:
Fill in relation to head of household codes in this column. The relation to head of household is written in column (2).