Questionnaire Text

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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

8. Ability to read and write

[] Latin characters
[] Arabic
[] Chinese
[] Other
[] Illiterate

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6.9. Question 8: Literacy
6.9.1. Concept and definition
The concept is:
  • Those who can read and write letters or simple sentences.
  • Blind people who can read and write in Braille letters
  • Disabled people who could read and write, but because of their disability, they no longer can read and write.

Note: A person who can only read but can not write is categorized as illiterate.

6.9.2. Procedure
Ask this question:
"Can you read or write in Latin characters?"

If the answer is "Yes", fill in the Latin characters box and move on to Question 9.
If the answer is "No", ask this question:
"Can you read or write in Arabic letters?"

Or if the household in question is of Chinese descent, the question should be:
"Can you read or write in Chinese letters?"
Fill the answer in the appropriate box.

If a person can not read and write in Latin, Arabic, or Chinese, ask this question:
"Can you read and write in any characters, for example, ancient or Braille letters?"

If the answer is "Yes", fill in the other box.

If a person can not read or write in any letters, then this person is categorized as illiterate.