Personal questionnaire
I. Demography
[Questions 1 through 3 were asked of all persons]
10. What is your legal marital status?
[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widow(er)
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Registered cohabiting partner
[] 6 Widowed registered cohabiting partner
[] 7 Divorced registered cohabiting partner
[For responses 5, 6 and 7], these answers can be marked only in case of same-sex cohabiting partners registered after July 1, 2009.
I. Demography
10. What is your legal marital status?
The legal marital status must be taken into account. Also the legal marital status has to be marked in case of cohabiting partnership.
Never married is a person who has not yet married and not registered as cohabiting partner.
Married is a person whose legal marriage is not dissolved by a legal judgement, independently of the fact whether he/she lives together with his/her spouse or not.
Widowed is a person whose legal spouse deceased and who has not remarried or been registered as a cohabiting partner.
Divorced is a person whose marriage is dissolved by a legal judgement and who has not remarried or been registered as a cohabiting partner.
Registered cohabiting partner is a person who is registered with his/her same-sex partner by official authorities. According to the current legal status, registered cohabiting partnership can be registered since 1st July 2009. Registered at the notary public is not registered cohabiting partnership, as this does not change the person's legal marital status.
In case the respondent is not married, continue the questionnaire at question 12.