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Only for those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13
[Questions 15.1 through 18.2 were asked of those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13.]

15.1 What is the name of the main occupation and what activities characterize it? ____

15.1 Do not use general terms (e.g. civil servant, public official, pedagogue, entrepreneur, unskilled worker, administrator).

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Question 15.1: What is the name of the main occupation and what activities are characteristic to it?

The answer should be recorded by taking into account the work on the week preceding the reference date of the census. The characteristics of the main job should be marked in case those are different from the one performed immediately before the reference date. If a person has several jobs he should whether which is regarded as the main job. In case the person is not able to answer, the job performed in the larger part of the weekly working hours will be recorded.

The generally accepted and used denomination of the occupation, scope of activity will be marked (e.g. mechanical engineer, nurse, and barrister). An entry not indicating the effective activity -- e.g. civil servant, teacher, outside worker, entrepreneur, or office rank (like councilor, executive, post officer, etc.) -- should not be accepted. Besides the denomination of the occupation -- in case it does not define the activity -- the answer should give short summary of the main tasks of the person. This might help in defining the effective activity of the person.
E.g. in the manual occupations there are expressions which describe similar but though different activities.

A good example is the sewer. The sewer working in a factory producing ready-made clothing is performing only a rather limited part of the dressmaking. The same is in case of the sewer as outside worker. The work of the former persons is different from that of the one who is making the dress as from the cutting up to the finishing. Similar examples could be listed on the occupations/denominations as smith, mechanic, etc.

The description of the tasks while at works will show whether the activity expands to the whole process of the production or is restricted only to partial tasks such as operating the machinery, or similar (a possible entry is e.g. "assembly of different parts on a production line").
While recording the occupation a reference should be always given to the professional character of the job, e.g. pl. head of section dealing with tutelage, offence's executive, head of section of accountancy, account manager in financial institution.

In case of leaders, managers of the institutions, business organizations, and companies, the denomination i.e. the description should give guidance for defining the appropriate managerial level (e.g. schoolmaster, managing director of motor repair limited company, head of section of a trading company, chief physician of a hospital ward, university professor leading a faculty, production manager in a construction company, foeman in a weaving mill). If the denomination of the occupation does not give allow the proper distinction more detailed professional approach is required, such as e.g. economist designated with the management of a market research section, doorman assigned with supervision of the security services, physician assigned with management of the maternity section, jurist assigned for directing the legal section of the ministry, shopkeeper I shoe shop, etc.

The heads of a production unit (store, workshop, etc.) employing less than 3 persons is not a manager as manager; he/she will be recorded according to the profession (shopkeeper, auto mechanic, hairdresser, accountant, etc.).

While recording the occupation the activity and not the qualification is taken into account.
An economist working as market researcher is not an economist but a market researcher; a private detective graduate of the University of Law is not a jurist but a private detective.
In case the profession or rather the actual activity of the professional and contracted member of the armed forces (military, frontier guard) as well as of he professional member or civil servant of the security services (police, professional fire service of the municipalities, civilian security services, detention services, excise and duty offices)
Is equivalent to a civilian occupation than that will be recorded,
Has an explicit military, defense character the answer will be "employed by the armed forces" and the rest of the question will not be answered.

The enumeration of the occupation, activity of the civil servants of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense will be performed as in general.

In case the answer in question 13 is "conscript or reservist on duty", the answer is "conscript" or "reservist on duty" and the question from 15 to 17 will be skipped.
The enumeration of the occupation of the persons in civilian services will be performed according to the general rules.

In case of causal hands and seasonal workers, it is not sufficient to enter the status but also the definite activity such as e.g. cleaning, digging in the garden, repairing the roof, wood-cutter, etc.
In case of family helpers, the description of the activity should give information whether what is the activity of the persons they are helping and what type of activity they perform (e.g. if the occupation is family helper as roustabout it has to be described that the person is family helper of a carrier).