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1. The type of building
[] 1 Residential building
[] 2 Recreation building
[] 3 Occupied other building
[] 4 Collective living quarters (i.e. college, workers' hostel, social welfare home, hotel, pension)
[] 5 Occupied other premises

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Question 1: Type of the building?

Residential building: building where the majority of spaces are used exclusively or mostly as a dwelling. The category also covers the collective houses, which accommodate private households and the buildings used for accommodation by the seasonal workers (e.g. vacant cottage house).

Holiday house (recreation building): a building with one or more units suitable for recreation, rest rehabilitation, but sometimes even for habitation.

Occupied other building: a building incorporating premises and rooms used for other than habitation purposes, and at the same time at least one dwelling or occupied other housing unit. This building might be a school, office-house, shopping-house, industrial plant, but on the other hand dormitories, workers' accommodation houses, social homes, children's homes, day nurseries, hotels and hospitals do not belong to this category.

Building for institutional household(s) (collective housing unit): building intended for the use by persons belonging to an institutional household (dormitories, workers' accommodation houses, social homes, children's homes, day nurseries, hotels etc.).
Occupied other housing unit and building: the housing unit other than listed above, such as business building temporary (e.g. store, shop wine-press house, summer kitchen, etc.), and mobile or other building (e.g. hovel hut, caravan, cave, etc.).