Questionnaire Text

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Tenure of dwelling:
[] Owner
[] Tenant
[] Joint tenant
[] Cotenant
[] Subtenant
[] Bed tenant
[] Without tenure
[] The use of the tenure is authorized as a favor
[] The connected relationship, e.g. owner's child, brother/sister of tenant

Question 1/e (last column of the table).

Beneficial owners should also answer as "owners". The kinship relation to the owner can only be noted if the person living in the dwelling pays no rent. If rent is paid, the answer "tenant", "co-tenant", "apartment-sharer" (in case of relatives, the appropriate expression supplemented with the degree of relation, too) or "subtenant", "bed-tenant" should be given. The legal title for those who rent the whole dwelling from private person is always the "tenant".
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2. Owner of the dwelling

In case privately owned dwellings are in twin-houses or attached houses (terraced houses, chain houses, and atrium houses) the answer is "family house type dwelling (1)". The building incorporating not more than three dwellings is regarded as family house type building.

The dwellings in buildings incorporating more than three dwellings in private property should be regarded as "condominium or dwelling in collectively owned building (2)" even in case no articles of incorporation have been signed by the owners. In case of transitory dwellings the proper marking is "company tenement flat, service dwelling (5)". The dwellings of the housing co-operatives must not be mixed with the dwellings owned by co-operatives in general.