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III. Occupation Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 16-22.]

For those who are 14 years and older (born in 1955 or earlier)
[Questions 16-22. Questions 16-17 determined employment status, and questions 18-22 were asked only of those employed.]

21. a. Occupational status

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Member of co-operative
[] 3 Self-employed worker
[] 4 Unpaid family worker

21. b. If you are an employee or member of co-operative, in what capacity do you work?
[] Non-manual worker
[] Manual worker: skilled-worker
[] Manual worker: semiskilled-worker
[] Manual worker: unskilled-hand-worker
[] Other manual worker, namely ____

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21/a Employment status
The answer should define in the case of the occupation entered at question 20 relates to a person having a working contract (as employed), to a private entrepreneur, to a member of a co-operative or else.


The "employees" are the persons having a working contract at a state company, institution, office, agricultural or other co-operative, private entrepreneur, etc. and based on the contract a salary or other material compensation is paid to them. The same entry will be recorded in case of day-labourers, causal workers too.

Member of co-operative
The member of co-operative is the person who is regular member of an agricultural co-operative (production-, specialized co-operative, co-operative working group, association, vine-growing community), fishing co-operative, industrial or cottage industrial co-operative and their membership was effective on 31 December, 1969. (The supporting members are not regarded as members of a co-operative.)

The answer must not be underlined in case of persons working for the General Consumer's and Trading Co-operatives as well as in case of persons working as members of a working team (e.g. lawyer's team). The correct entry for these persons is "employee".

Private entrepreneur
The answer "private entrepreneur" shall be given in case of persons who are working as agricultural private entrepreneurs, artisans, retailers, free-lance intellectuals, of those letting their land for a material compensation.

Family helper
The answer "family helper" should be given in case of persons working without any material compensation in a workshop, store, and private venture of one of the household members.

21/b Intellectual (white-collar) or manual worker
The persons giving the answer to question 21/a "employee" or "member of co-operative" should declare the qualification of the profession, job entered at question 20.

The answer should not be given in case of the professional employees of the armed forces though it has to be answered by civilian employees there.

Before the detailed description of the quality of occupation it to be defined in the case of the persons was a "white-collar" or a "blue-collar" worker. The answer will be given by underlining the respective word printed.

In general the intellectual (white-collar) workers are those performing managing, administrative activities not requiring physical efforts.

Intellectual (white-collar) worker
The white-collar workers are the technical managers (chief engineers, plant engineers, etc.); the persons pursuing scientific or teaching activities (scientific researchers physicists, librarians, teachers, schoolmasters, etc.); the persons curing, taking care of sick people (physicians, maternity nurses, nurses, etc.); the artists (performers, writers, etc.); the managers of companies, institutions, offices; payroll-clerks, cashiers, typists, etc.); the shop managers and managers of restaurants .

The persons working as trainees to become an engineer, technician, chemist, nurse or similar and those working as candidates for intellectual works should be regarded also as white-collar workers.


Manual (blue-collar) worker
The categories of blue-collar workers besides the physical workers cover the activities complementing the productive work: doormen, guards, cleaners, packers. The category includes also the shop assistants, the messengers, the janitors, the domestic hands.

The quality of the blue-collar workers should be further classified. Answer should be given in the case of the enumerated person was a skilled worker, a semi-skilled worker, an outside worker or other worker.

Skilled worker
The person is a skilled worker having the qualification of (proved by) a journeyman's certificate, a certificate of skilled laborer, a document on passing the exam of technical base studies). Nevertheless the same answer will be underlined even in case the given persons do not have the necessary written certificate though based on the long experience he is employed as such.

Semi-skilled worker
Semi-skilled workers are executing similar works as the skilled workers but as they acquired the ability for accomplishing the tasks by a simple training, they do not have a certificate of profession neither a document to proof the passing the exam of technical base studies and they do not regard themselves as skilled workers.

Contracting (outside) worker
The answer "contracting (outside) worker" should be underlined in case of persons working generally at their homes, usually performing industrial works based on a contract with a state company, a production co-operative eventually a private entrepreneur. In their case it must not be recorded the qualification of the work (skilled or semi-skilled labour) but the word "outside worker". Persons working in the household plots of the members of the agricultural co-operatives must not be regarded as outside (contracting) workers.

Other manual worker
The answer "other manual worker" will be underlined in case of persons not listed above, such as:

Unskilled workers, that is the persons assisting the skilled and semi-skilled workers (e.g. material handlers);
The persons performing agricultural works without having any professional qualification in crops production, animal husbandry, teamsters, etc., that is the unskilled agricultural laborers;
The roustabouts, causal workers and
The persons performing other auxiliary physical activities not listed above, e.g. doormen, guards, office servants, etc.