Questionnaire Text

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C. Educational characteristics
For persons 6 years and older.
[Questions 10-16 were asked of persons 6 years of age and older.]

14. Literacy: Does this person know how to read and write?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to question 17)

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C) Education
[Questions 10-16.]
71. Questions relating to education are only asked of people 6 years old or more. For all people less than 6 years old, the interrogation stops at question 9.

Question 14: Literacy (reading and writing)
75. The data on the reading and writing aptitude must allow you to distinguish between the literate and the illiterate. An illiterate person is a person incapable of reading and writing, with understanding, a short and simple statement of facts related to daily life. As a consequence, a person capable only of reading and writing numbers and his name must be considered as illiterate, just as is the case for a person who knows how to read but cannot write or a person who can only read and write something which they have learned by heart.