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3. Type of dwelling
[] 1 Regular dwelling
[] 2 Dwelling in a non-residential building
[] 3 Hotel or boarding house
[] 4 Institution (hospital, military barracks, prison, etc.)
[] 5 Other (specify) ________

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3. Type of Dwelling. Indicate the type of dwelling by marking an 'x' in the appropriate box.

a) Regular Dwelling. An ordinary dwelling is a room or several rooms and their annexes in a permanent building, or in a portion of the building which is separated structurally from the building and which, given the way in which it was built, renovated or changed, is intended to be used as habitation for a household and is not entirely used for other purposes at the time of the census.

b) Dwelling: in a building not intended for habitation (factory, garage, etc.)

Put into this category housing units which have not been built, changed or equipped for residential purposes, but which are in fact used for habitation at the time of the census. Factories, garages, warehouses and offices belong to this category.

c) Hotels, Boarding Houses: This group includes permanent constructions intended to shelter more than 5 persons who are fed in exchange for paying a certain amount of money each day, week or month.

d) Institution (Hospital, Military Barracks, Prison, etc.). An institution is any establishment in which an organized group of individuals lives under an established management, such as a prison, [boarding] school, asylum, hospital, sanitarium, seminary etc.

e) Other: If the construction cannot be classified in one of the 3 groups listed above, put it in the 'other' category and specify the type of dwelling.