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1. Main material of the walls
[] 1 Masonry or cement
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Wood slats (clissage) and mud mortar
[] 4 Wood slats (clissage) without mud mortar
[] 5 Wood from boxes
[] 6 Other (specify) ________

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A. Building Characteristics

A building may include one or many dwellings. The building characteristics are only indicated for the first dwelling. Thus if a building is comprised of 4 dwellings, fill in the 'principal building material of walls' and 'principal building material of roofs' headings for dwelling number 1 only; i.e. the household whose visitation order in the building is 01. Do not write any information for dwelling 2, 3 or 4, i.e. for households whose visitation order in the household is 02, 03 or 04.

1. Main Construction Material of the Walls.

a) Masonry or Cement: this category includes all construction of the type commonly described in Haiti as 'walled house'. The exterior portions are built of the following materials: stone, cement or concrete; stone blocks, earthen bricks, bricks made of sand and cement, concrete. Multi-storey houses whose ground floor is of masonry and upper floor is of wood or wood and masonry are also considered as masonry constructions, even if the exterior sides of the upper floor are covered in galvanized sheet-metal.

b) Wood: This category includes all houses whose exterior portions are made of wood, even if they are covered in galvanized sheet metal.

c) Wood Slats and Mud Mortar: This type of building is very widespread in the countryside and includes all small houses and huts which are not completely finished but are nonetheless lived in by a household. These constructions are built of flexible wooden slats covered by a sort of earthen mortar.

d) Wood Slats without Mud Mortar: This type of building is also very widespread in the countryside and includes all small houses and huts which are not completely finished but are nonetheless lived in by a household. These constructions are made of flexible wooden slats only.

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e) Wood from Boxes: This category includes all small houses whose exterior portions are covered with wooden boxes (codfish boxes, soap boxes, etc.). This type of construction is common in the suburbs.

f) Other: Put all buildings which do not correspond to any of the above categories in the "Other" category. Specify the materials used, as in the case of huts made of tâche, arbors which have been covered by branches, etc. Always make sure you specify the type of construction placed in this category.