6. Rooms in the dwelling
____ (not counting the bathroom)
b) How many [rooms] are used as bedrooms?
c) Is there a separate room for the kitchen?
[] 2 No
a) How many rooms in total does the dwelling have?
Hallways, vestibules, and bathrooms are not counted as rooms. Then, write down the number of rooms told by the informant.
[There is a graphic illustrating the rooms in a dwelling]
b) How many rooms are used as bedrooms?
A bedroom is a room that is principally used for sleeping.
[There is a graphic illustrating the bedrooms in a dwelling]
c) Is there a room used only for cooking?
A kitchen is the room meant for food preparation.
[There is a graphic illustrating a kitchen in a dwelling]
Reminder: It is possible that, in the country, the kitchen is located separately from the rest of the dwelling. For the purposes of the census, this is considered to be an integral part of the dwelling.