Questionnaire Text

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A. - Personal and Geographic Characteristics (For all people resident in the dwelling)

5. Are you married, in a consensual union, single, divorced, or widowed?

Mark the appropriate box, according to the instructions on page 32 of your manual.

Married to a spouse who:
[] 0 lives in the dwelling
[] 1 lives elsewhere
[] 2 lives separately
In a union with a partner who:
[] 3 lives in the dwelling
[] 4 lives elsewhere
[] 5 lives separately
[] 6 Single
[] 7 Divorced
[] 8 Widowed
[] 9 Unknown
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
A) Personal and Geographic Characteristics

This section is for all residents in the dwelling. It is intended to find out information about the composition of the population according to their relationship with the head of household, sex, age, civil status, whether the mother is alive, place of birth, year of arrival in the country, nationality, and permanent residence in 1969.

Ask questions 1-9 of everyone who is enumerated, without exception and according to the detailed instructions below.

Question set 5: Are you/is the person married, co-habiting, single, divorced or widowed?

The following definitions will help you categorize each person correctly according to his/her civil or marital status.

A) Married. This is a person who has entered into matrimony, even though he/she may be separated but not divorced on the census date. Within this category the following information is of interest:

a) Married to a spouse who lives in the dwelling (box 0)
b) Married to a spouse who lives elsewhere (box 1)
c) Married living apart (box 2)

If a person is married but living with another person because he is separated from his legal wife, check off box 3, co-habiting with a companion who lives in the dwelling.

B) Cohabiting. This is a person (single, divorced or widowed) who lives in a consensual relationship with another person and has established a family with that person, without any legal matrimonial ties. Within this category the following information is of interest:

a) Cohabiting with a partner who lives in the dwelling (box 3)
b) Cohabiting with a partner who lives elsewhere (box 4)
c) Cohabiting living apart (box 5)
[p. 33]

Be very careful when enumerating persons who were cohabiting and are now living apart as they tend to declare themselves single. Check off box 5 for these people (co-habiting living apart).

C) Single (box 6). This is a person who has never been married and who is not cohabiting and has not cohabited.

D) Divorced (box 7). This is a person whose marriage was legally dissolved by a qualified authority. The person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

E) Widowed (box 8). This is a person whose spouse has died. The person has not remarried and is not cohabiting.

The categories are mutually exclusive. Therefore, check off only one box according to the civil or marital status of the person being enumerated.