Questionnaire Text

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VII. People in the census household

For all individuals
[Questions 1 - 8 were asked for all persons]

2. Relationship to head

What is your relationship to the head of the household?

(First person)
[] 0 Head
[] 10 Collective
[] 1 Wife or partner
[] 2 Child or stepchild
[] 3 Son -or daughter- in law
[] 4 Grandchild
[] 5 Parent or parent-in-law
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Domestic employee
[] 8 Other non-relative
[] 9 Unknown
[] 10 Collective
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

A. First block: personal characteristics (for all persons)

This part of the census form is designed to study the composition of the population according to the following characteristics: relationship to the head of household, sex, age, marital status, maternal orphanhood, ethnicity, and disabilities.

Questions 1-8 are presented to all enumerated persons, without exception, following the specific instructions presented below:

Question 2: relationship

From this question on, the data is recorded vertically for each person.

1. How to formulate the question
What is your relationship to the head of household?

It is necessary that the relationship between persons recognized as head of household and each of the household members. This relationship can be through family, work, or other (e.g. a chauffeur, an employee, a domestic employee, or a guest, etc. who resides in the home).

2. How to record the data

a) The number that corresponds to the relationship of each of the household members is circled.

b) "9. unknown" is marked only when the informant does not know the relationship between a household member and the head of household. These cases, obviously, are exceptions.

c) When enumerating collective dwellings, the number "10. collective" is marked for each person.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 2 of the census form]