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VII. Housing services and amenities
[Mark only one box in each division]


30. Energy for cooking

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Propane gas
[] 3 Charcoal
[] 4 Wood, sticks, etc
[] 5 Gas (kerosene), gasoline
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VII. Services and amenities of the dwelling

In this section, we investigate the existence and characteristics of some of the services that should be in every dwelling, such as water, drains, lighting, etc.

c) Amenities:

Energy for cooking (line 30):

Mark the small box that corresponds to the source of heat used for cooking daily meals for the family. The stoves and burners that are only used occasionally should not be taken into account in this section. For example: if in a house the occupants habitually cook with propane gas, but in addition they have an electric burner that is only used occasionally as a complementary means of cooking, you only mark the small box that corresponds to propane, and not the one for electricity. These are the different means of cooking that are commonly used: electricity, propane, coal, firewood or sticks, gas (kerosene) or gasoline.