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VI. Predominant construction materials
[Mark only one box in each division]

19. Walls

[] 1 Brick or cement block (alone or mixed)
[] 2 Adobe
[] 3 Stone
[] 4 Cane with earth
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Sticks, cane
[] 7 Other (specify) ____
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VI. Predominant materials of the construction

In this chapter, there are three sections that list of the principal materials that are used in the construction of walls, roofs, and floors. In each of these sections, you will mark with an X the small box that corresponds to the main material that has been used in the walls, roofs, and floors, since frequently in one construction there are diverse materials used.

a) Wall: for the construction of the wall the following materials have been indicated:

Brick or block (made of clay, cement, concrete): either the material is used by itself of in a combination with structures of reinforced concrete (mixed).

Adobe: this option includes the constructions made of adobe, even when there is a structure of reinforced concrete.

Stone: in some places, given the abundance of stone, walls have been built in this material joined by concrete. Do not consider this type of construction as simple covering of the wall with flagstone.

Cane and earth: this option includes structures of wood filled with adobe, mixed, or similar materials, generally reinforced with wire or metallic fabric.

Wood: This includes constructions with wood beams and studs and covered with wood slats, boards, lepa, plywood, or tablex. Covering a wall with sheets of wood does not mean that it is a wood wall.

Stick, cane: in the rural constructions it is frequent to use sticks, canes, etc., placed one after another and tied to each other to make the wall.

Other: in the case that you find another material, such as reinforced concrete, sheets of materials such as asbestos cement (duralita), wood with cement (aguilit), metallic sheeting, etc. you will mark in the small box that corresponds to "other" and in the blank space you will write the type of material used.