Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 14 through 16 were asked of all persons that are currently working or seeking work]

14. In what type of establishment, enterprise etc., did you work during the previous week or the last time you worked?

Give a full description (example, wool mill) ____

15. What is or was you profession (job) the last time you worked?

Give a full description (example, assistant accountant) ____

16. What is or was your status at this job?

Choose only one answer.

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Employee or wage-earner
[] 4 Member of producers' cooperative
[] 5 Contributing family worker
[] 6 Not classifiable
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 16 "What is or was your status at this work?" (Cases 1 or 2 of question 13)
The enumerated individual will record his occupational status at his work or if he is seeking work his occupational status at his last job, i.e. [omitted as in the form].
For each case we clarify:

[] Employer is the owner of the establishment (with one or few partners) and is employing on a continuous basis one or more individuals, salaried, a day's wages etc.
[] Self-employed is the individual that works in his own business (with one or few partners) without employing continuously any individual, salaried employee or a day's wages worker, apart maybe members of his family as unpaid assistants.
[] Employee or a day's wage earner is the person who for his work is having a salary or a day's wage or is paid by contract or percentage on the sales, with bonus, or in kind (food, housing, education).
[] Member of producers' cooperative is the self-employed individual at a cooperative, where each member takes part on equal terms with the other members in the organization of production, sales and /or other work, investments and distribution of profits to the members. Note that, "producers' cooperative employees" they are not classified in this group but in the "employee or a day's wage earner" category.
[] Assistant in the family business is the family member working in the family business without pay, except the expenses for his livelihood.