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Amenities of household (only for inhabited dwellings)
[Questions were asked of all household]

13. Main energy source.

Only one answer for each use.

A. Cooking

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Natural gas
[] 3 Oil
[] 4 Solar energy
[] 5 Biomass
[] 6 Other (specify) ____
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Question 13 Household Amenities

[Omitted question as in the form]
This question refers to the energy used by households for cooking, heating and for hot water. One answer for each use will be as follows: X will be put in the box corresponding to the main source of energy for cooking, X will be put in the box corresponding to the main energy source for heating and X will be put in the box corresponding to the main source of energy for hot water.
Because, in general, many people are not familiar with the term "Biomass", we present in detail what is included, that enables respondents to be accurate in their response.
In general, the biomass means any material derived from living organisms and can be used as a fuel for energy production. For example:
[] Vegetable materials such as native plants and forests [firewood], or energy crops [oilseed rape, sorghum, sunflower, cane, eucalyptus, etc.]
[] By-products and residues of plant, animal, forestry and fisheries production [straw, sawdust -pellets-, executives corn and cotton, vines, kladodemata, algae, useless fruit or seeds -elias, peach etc. livestock waste, animals; fat, useless etc. ]
[]Waste food industries [food scraps].
Note that the key biomass is used for heating in most regions of the country [excluding counties Attica and Thessaloniki where the installation of such boilers is forbidden].
In "cooking" and "hot water ''answer "Biomass", the heating times [when the mate- edible energy source is organic matter] and where the main woodstove use, fireplace etc. If the household uses, for cooking or for heating or hot water, another source of energy other than those listed, will reply to paragraph 6.