Questionnaire Text

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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

9. Ownership. The owner of the dwelling is:
[] 1 Individual person
[] 2 Legal Entity of Private Law
[] 3 The State or Legal Entity of Public Law

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

61. Question 9 Ownership

[Omitted, question 9 is repeated]

[p. 27]

Select response 1 if the owner of the dwelling is an individual, such as the householder, any other member of the household, or any other person who is not a member of the household. Select response 2 if the owner is a Legal Entity of Private Law (e.g., a company, a union, etc.). Select response 3 if the owner is the State or a Legal Entity of Public Law (e.g., Municipality, University, School, Hospital, Asylum, or any other legal entity of public law).

The owner of the dwelling is the individual or legal entity that the dwelling belongs to, not the tenant who resides there and who either pays rent, is squatting, or has permission to use the dwelling without payment of rent.