H: Housing conditions (household population only)
[For vacant housing unit fill only H01, H02, and H04]
H06: Ownership type
Who owns the dwelling?
[] 1 Owned by household member
[] 2 Being purchased (e.g. mortgage)
[] 3 Relative not household member
[] 4 Other private individual
[] 5 Private employer
[] 6 Other private agency
[] 7 Public/government ownership
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
H06. Ownership type: Who owns this dwelling?
This question refers to the type of ownership of the living quarters themselves and not the land on which the living quarters are constructed. Type of ownership must not be confused with tenure, which is discussed in question H05.
Living quarters are classified by type of ownership as follows: Shade the appropriate circle.
1. Owned by household member - In this category the dwelling is owned wholly or partly by the household member (who owes nothing on the dwelling) and who is also occupying it with other household members.
2. Being purchased - This refers to living quarters being purchased by a household member and paid for in installments e.g. under mortgaged arrangement, loans from banks or individuals.
3. Relative not member of household - This refers to living quarters owned by a person who is not a member of the household but related to the household member(s).
4. Other private individual - This category refers to the living quarters (housing units/compound) which are owned by persons not related to the occupants.
5. Private employer - This refers to living quarters (housing unit) that have been provided by the employer (private employer) for the household. The private employer may or may not own the housing unit.
6. Other private agency - This refers to living quarters (housing unit) that are privately owned by other private agencies, corporations, cooperatives, housing associations, estate developers, etc.
7. Public / Government ownership - Included in this category are living quarters owned by the public sector, such as the central government, local government, (district assemblies) public boards and corporations.
8. Other (specify) - All other types of ownership of living quarters which do not fall into the categories indicated above must be specified in the space provided.