A12. Type of residence
[For the household population only]
[] 1 Occupied housing unit
[] 2 Vacant housing unit [skip to section H]
If 2, go to section H
[For the non-household population only]
[] 03 Homeless household
[] 04 Schools, college, university, seminary, monastery, convent, school hostel
[] 05 Children's Home/SOS, orphanage, destitute home, old people's home
[] 06 Hospital, maternity home, divine healers or herbalist establishment, leper settlement, infirmary, prayer camp
[] 07 Prison, Borstal institution, police/immigration/military cells, industrial school, Remand home
[] 08 Service training institution including police training college, military academy and army camp
[] 09 Mining camp, road camp, farm camp, refugee camp, etc.
[] 10 Hotel, rest-house, transit quarters, hostel, bar night club, restaurant
[] 11 Transit post e.g. at railway station, in ship, in ferry, inside harbor, at airport, at international border stations
[] 12 Passengers at lorry parks and other transport terminals
[] 13 Location of outdoor sleepers (e.g. on floor near shops, in markets, lorry parks, on beaches, on verandah of houses, on pavements at office premises), and other locations of persons not in transit (e.g. mentally ill)
(A12) Type of residence - Shade the appropriate circle for the type of residence. Options 01, and 02, are for households (PHC 1A) while options 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are for institutions and the floating (PHC 1B) population.
Note that option 03 (homeless households) should be marked only for two or more persons sleeping outdoors who are related e.g. mother and child or mother, father and child. Shade the circle for option 13 for an individual outdoor sleeper.
Also note that if the circle for option 2 (i.e. vacant housing unit) is shaded, skip to Section H (housing conditions) and complete only questions H01, H02 and H04.