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P04 Nationality: What is (name's) nationality?
[] 1 Ghanaian by birth
[] 2 Ghanaian by naturalisation (Go to P07)
[] 3 Other ECOWAS national (Go to P07)
[] 4 African other than ECOWAS (Go to P07)
[] 5 Non African (Go to P07)

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P04 Nationality: What is (name's) nationality?

You are required to differentiate between a Ghanaian by birth and a Ghanaian by naturalisation as well as all other nationals. Other nationals have been grouped into ECOWAS nationals (See Appendix 2 - for list of ECOWAS and African countries), Africans who are not from ECOWAS countries and non-Africans

1.Ghanaian by birth:
a. A person born in or outside Ghana, one of whose parents is a Ghanaian citizen
b. A child of not more than seven (7) years of age found in Ghana whose parents are not known.

2. Ghanaian by naturalization: For the purpose of this census, a Ghanaian by naturalisation would include the following:
Adopted Children: A child of not more than sixteen years of age neither of whose parents is a citizen of Ghana who is adopted by a Ghanaian.
Citizenship by Registration: A person who acquired citizenship by registration.
Naturalization: A person who acquired Ghanaian citizenship by naturalization.

Note that if a person is aged 21 years or over and claims to be a citizen of another country, he/she cannot be regarded as a citizen of Ghana.

3. Other ECOWAS National

[p. 37]

A citizen of any of the ECOWAS Countries; these include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Cote D'ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

4. African, Other than ECOWAS National
Write in and mark this option for all persons who are Africans but not from any of the ECOWAS states.

5. Non-African
Write in and mark this option for persons who are from other continents other than Africa e.g. Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australia.