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H12 Cooking space (kitchen)
What type of cooking space does your household have?
[] 1 No cooking space
[] 2 Separate room for exclusive use of household
[] 3 Separate room shared with other household(s)
[] 4 Enclosure without roof
[] 5 Structure with roof but without walls
[] 6 Bedroom/hall (living room)
[] 7 Verandah
[] 8 Open space in compound
[] 9 Other (specify) ________

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H12. Cooking space (kitchen): What type of cooking space does your household have?

This question seeks to obtain information on whether the living quarters has a kitchen (separate room equipped for the preparation of the principal meals and intended primarily for that purpose), or whether some other space is set aside for cooking, or whether there is no special place set aside for cooking.

The categories for cooking space include the following:-

1. No Cooking: Where no cooking occurs in the household

2. Separate room for exclusive use of household: Room in this case excludes temporary structures or sheds which may be used for cooking in the courtyard. To be regarded as a kitchen the room used must be enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering and it must be equipped for the cooking of the principal meals of the household and intended primarily for that purpose. Category 02 refers to a kitchen used exclusively by the household being enumerated.

3. Separate room shared with other household(s): Where the kitchen is being used by more than one household.

4. Enclosure without roof: Where the cooking space has walls but without any roof.

5. Structure with roof but without walls: Where the cooking space is a structure with roof but without walls (e.g. shed) in the house/compound.

6. Bedroom/hall (living room):Where the cooking space is co-terminus with the bedroom or living room. (i.e. preparation of principal meals for the household occurs in the bedroom/living room).

7. Veranda: Preparation of the principal meals occurs on the veranda.

8. Open space in compound: Open space in compound without any roof or wall used for cooking meals.

9. Other (specify): All other types of space used for cooking not mentioned above must be specified in the space provided.