Questionnaire Text

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Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

13. Do you work without pay, by helping another person in your profession ( a member of your family, for example)?

[] 1 Yes
[] No

14. Do you practice your main profession declared in question 12 as:

[] 2 Owner, farmer, sharecropper.
[] 3 Member of a free-market profession
[] 4 Employer or self-employed: artisan, merchant, industrialist, etc. (self-employed, including managers of the S.A.R.L. [Société à responsabilité limitée] and people only working on commission).
[For any of the above options:]

Do you hire employees?
Do not count servants at home in your service. In agriculture, only count permanent paid workers.
[] Yes
How many?

[] 1 1 to 2
[] 3 3 to 5
[] 6 6 or more

[] 0 No

[] 5 Person working at home for one (or more) businesses.
[] 6 Apprenticed under contract.
[] 7 Paid worker : answer questions 15a, 15b or 15c below:

15a. If you are a worker, specify the qualification for your current job:

[] 1 Unskilled laborer or specialized laborer
[] 2 Specialized worker (OS1, OS2, ...).
[] 3 Skilled worker or highly qualified (P1, P2, P3...)

15b. If you are an employee of the state, a local town or a public service (E.D.F. "Electricité de France", S.N.C.F. "Société nationale des chemins de fer", etc.) or military by career, specify your rank:

Examples: administrative secretary, second-class stationmaster, typist, etc.
15c. If you are in a different situation, specify your position in the organization:

Examples: supervisor, workshop manager, department store head, etc.
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Question 13: People working by helping another person in their profession, while not being paid.
It sometimes happens that some people - especially women - work by helping another person in his profession, without receiving a salary for it. These people will answer "yes" to question 12, even if they only work part time in these situations.
For example, this question effects the wife of a farmer who participates in the work of the farm, the wife or daughter of a merchant who spends several hours per day in the shop to ensure the sales or to operate the cash register.