Questionnaire Text

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1. Do you have a kitchen?
[] Yes
What is the surface area?
[] 1 less than 7 squared meters
[] 2 from 7 to 12 squared meters
[] 3 more than 12 squared meters
[] No
However, do you have an installation in your dwelling for preparing food?
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
Do not answer "yes" except if this installation consists of a sink allowing water to drain

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3.1 Questions 1 and 3: Characteristics and existence of the kitchen, number of rooms.
The same room should never be counted at the same time in response to question 1 and in the answer to question 3. It should be counted in question 1 if it is considered a kitchen (answer Yes to question 1), and to question 3 if it is considered as a room in a dwelling.
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a removable partition) between the two "rooms", (for example the dining room and the living room). In such a case, you will count it as two rooms if there is a partition and one single room if there is no partition.
The case of the dwelling consisting of one single room
It in the country that you may often encounter some regular dwellings (dwelling category 1) made up of one single room serving as a shared room, with some kitchen facilities (sink, stove, etc.). In the city, it is frequent to find some places (furnished bedrooms, for example) made up of a single room (dwelling category 1, 2 or 3).
In all these cases, you will answer 1 for question 3 (number of rooms in the dwelling) and you will check box NO (no kitchen) for question 1 ("Do you have a kitchen?").
In the case of the furnished bedroom where someone has installed a simple portable stove and where there is no sink, you will complete the answer question 6 by checking the numbered box 6 (No) and not box numbered 5.
According to the rules above, for all dwellings consisting of at least one room for living you should never have a blank response to question 3.