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Number of computers or laptops owned by household

Questionnaire Text

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[Questions H1-14 were asked of all households.]

H13. Household durables.
Are any of the following items owned by members of this household?

(State number of items in appropriate box. 0 If none)
[ ] 1 Car/Van
[ ] 2 Carrier/Truck/Tractor
[ ] 3 Outboard motor
[ ] 4 Generator
[ ] 5 Brush cutter/Lawn mower
[ ] 6 Home solar system
[ ] 7 Water pump
[ ] 8 Refrigerator/freezer
[ ] 9 Washing machine
[ ] 10 Clothes drier
[ ] 11 Gas/Electric stove
[ ] 12 Hot water system
[ ] 13 Air conditioner
[ ] 14 Radio/Stereo
[ ] 15 TV
[ ] 16 Video/ DVD
[ ] 17 Sky Plus
[ ] 18 Sky Pacific / PBS
[ ] 19 Telephone (L/line / E/tel)
[ ] 20 Mobile Phone
[ ] 21 Computer/Laptop
[ ] 22 Internet
[ ] 23 Energy saver light bulbs