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For all persons
[Questions 1-13 were asked of all persons]

11. Where living in 1981

Province [in Fiji], country if outside Fiji
Town if urban area, village or settlement if rural.

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Question 11 - Where living in 1981

123. "Where was this person living in 1981?"

124. For persons who were living in Fiji write first the name of the province, and on the second line write the name of the town or of the village or settlement if the place was rural. Distinguish urban from rural places by adding the letters 'U' for urban or 'R' for rural as appropriate.

125. If the person was born on one of the small islands such as those in the Lomaiviti, Lau, or Yasawa groups write the name of the island rather than the name of the village.

126. Record the province and locality where the person normally lived and worked in 1981. A person who may have been away from home temporarily should be shown where he or she normally lived.

127. If the person changed residence in 1981, record the place where he or she was living on 31 August.

128. For persons who were living outside Fiji write the name of the country.

129. If the person was born in 1982 or after, write "Not Born", which you may shorten to "NB".

130. It is necessary to make enquiry for each member of the household. Do not assume that all members of the household lived in the same place five years ago -- members may have been separated for schooling or work and others may have joined the household on marriage, widowhood, adoption, for schooling or for other reasons.