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Section 5: Information on housing unit

7. What type of bathing facility does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No bathing facility
[] 2 Bathtub private
[] 3 Bathtub shared
[] 4 Shower private
[] 5 Shower shared
[] 6 A room prepared for bathing
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Question 7:- What type of bathing facility does the housing unit have?

In this question data regarding the type of bathing facility of the housing unit is collected in addition to data on whether this facility is shared or not is also collected.

A bathing facility is said to be private if the bath/shower is used by one or more households residing in the housing unit, and a bathing facility is said to be shared if it is shared with other households residing outside the housing unit.

1 = No bathing facility
2 = Private bath
3 = Shared bath
4 = Private shower
5 = Shared shower
6 = An empty room reserved for bathing

If a housing unit has a bath and a shower, priority is given to the bath. If the housing unit has a separate room purposely built to serve as a bath room and the household members bring water from somewhere else because the room does not get have the facility, the enumerator should mark code 6. However, if the household uses the toilet that was neither a bath nor a shower the bed room, the kitchen or any room that has not been built to serve as a bath room, the housing unit is considered as not having a bathing facility and the enumerator should mark code 1 among the given alternatives.