9. Type residence
10. Housing unit serial number ____
11. Housing units number sub number ____
12. Household serial number ____
Description for codes 1 through 7 is given below:
1. Only for residential purposes
A housing unit is said to be used for residential purposes if and only if it is separate and independent and no other activities such as commercial, manufacturing, business, etc. are done in it. On this basis, during listing if a housing unit is used for only residence of conventional household members, then write the purpose and enter code 1 in the given card column.
2. For residential and enterprise purposes
During listing if the housing unit serves partially a residential purpose and partially an enterprise purpose, then describe the purpose and enter code 2 in the card column. For instance, in a residential housing unit, if there is additional activity such as selling of local drinks like Tella, Teji, or Katikala, code 2 is entered in the card column. However, if these two activities are done in two separate and independent housing units each of the housing unit could be listed in a separate row and given different housing unit serial number in column 9.
A description of an enterprise is given below. The code for partial residential and partial enterprise does not include hotel/hostel and other collective quarters.
Enterprise: an establishment which has its own fixed place and address, mostly managed by one or more private owners, that is in engaged in service-rendering, business or manufacturing activities. For example, establishments engaged in manufacturing of shoes, bread, textiles, etc. The repair of shoes, transport, health, education, restaurant, bars, supermarkets, etc. are service-rendering enterprises.
According to the above definition given for enterprise the purpose of a housing unit could be classified as partial residential and enterprise, if and only if, at least one member of the household resides in it and runs one or more formal or informal business activities in the same housing unit. For example a housing unit could be used as:
Even if the owner of the enterprise/establishment does not live in the housing unit, as long as employees or other individuals live in the housing unit, the purpose of the housing unit could be classified as partial residential and enterprise.
Collective quarter
A collective quarter is a premise (a housing unit, a building or a compound) in which a number of unrelated or related persons reside together, and share common facilities. It includes hotels, hostels, boarding schools, orphanages, homes for the elderly, children's homes, prisons, military barracks, monasteries, work camps, rehabilitation centers, etc. It is important to note that in the premises of some collective quarters there may be private households.
3. Hotel/hostel
A hotel is an enterprise which provides:
Even if it doesn't fulfill the criteria listed from above, as long as there are people who live in it and share common facilities we can classify it as hotel/hostel.
If it doesn't fulfill at least one of the criteria listed above and if it is not a collective quarter enter code 5.
A hostel is a structure in which many people live differently from regular households in one or more housing units and share common facilities like water, electricity, etc. together and could be administered by one manager.
Hotel/hostel residents are those people who do not have another place to live and do not cook their food in the room where they are living in. On the contrary, if they cook their food in their room, they should be classified as regular households.
In a hotel/hostel, if there are residents who live independently and cook their own food in the housing unit and live as regular households they should be listed separately from the hotel/hostel residents.
For example, if the owner of the hotel lives separately from the hotel residents with his/her family in the hotel by cooking his/her own food, then the owner with his/her family will be listed in a column 9 of the listing form and the hotel residents are listed separately. The private households who live in the hostel will have separate housing unit serial numbers.
4. Other collective quarters
Other collective quarters are, excluding hotels/hostels, premises where a number of unrelated or related persons reside together, and share common facilities. These include prisons, boarding schools, hospitals, military barracks, orphanages, homes for elderly, children's home, monasteries, etc.
Remember there could be regular households in a compound of other collective quarters.
Sometimes in big enterprises there might be collective quarters. In this case, the enterprise and the collective quarter are assigned different housing unit serial numbers in column 9 of the listing form. For other collective quarters code 4 should be entered in the corresponding card column.
5. Other enterprise
Other enterprise includes manufacturing industries, business centers, government offices, churches and mosques (excluding individual praying rooms), bars which do not have bedrooms, supermarkets, garages, stores, schools, etc. (excluding hotels/hostels and other collective quarters).
During listing, if the housing unit serves as the one of the enterprises mentioned above, code 5 should be entered in the card column.