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54. What type of fuel is usually used for cooking in the housing unit?

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Gas
[] 3 Electricity and gas
[] 4 Electricity, firewood and charcoal
[] 5 Gas, firewood and charcoal
[] 6 Firewood and charcoal
[] 7 Firewood
[] 8 Other (Specify) ____
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Column 54: What is house's major source of fuel for cooking?

Residents in the household will be asked what source of fuel they mostly use to cook their foods, and based on their response one of the options given below is identified and circled. The code selected will be entered in column 54 card column 46.

1 = Electricity
2 = Gas
3 = Electricity and gas
4 = Electricity, firewood and charcoal
5 = Gas, firewood and charcoal
6 = Firewood and charcoal
7 = Firewood
8 = Other (Specify) ____