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53. What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No kitchen
[] 2 Modern kitchen, private
[] 3 Modern kitchen, shared
[] 4 Traditional kitchen, private
[] 5 Traditional kitchen, shared
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Column 53: What type of kitchen does the house have?

A house may have one or more rooms used to prepare food. A room is taken as kitchen if it is used to prepare food most of the time even if people sleep in it. The kitchen may be used only by the household living in the house or shared by other households living in another houses.

Private kitchen: - It is a kitchen used only by one or more households living in the house.

Common kitchen: - It is a kitchen used commonly by the household in living the house and households in another place.

No kitchen: = A house said to have no kitchen if the household living in it uses other rooms of the house to prepare food because it does not have room for this purpose or if the household prepares food outdoor in the field.

If a house has both modern and traditional kitchens code 2 will be circled in column 53 as having modern kitchen. After confirming that the house has a kitchen the correct type will be identified and circled from the list given below and entered in column 53 card column 45.

1 = No kitchen
2 = Modern kitchen, private
3 = Modern kitchen, shared
4 = Traditional kitchen, private
5 = Traditional kitchen, shared

Modern kitchen: -

A kitchen with at least pipe water and sink and also having a stove to prepare food with one or more source of fuel from electric, butane, diesel, or fire wood or coal,-, etc. is said to be modern kitchen.

Traditional kitchen

A kitchen with no pipe water and sink where wood, coal, leaves, etc. are used as source of fuel for cooking is said to be traditional kitchen.