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2. Property of the dwelling
The dwelling is?

[] Owned, sold, completely paid
[] Owned, sold, with payments pending (mortgages)
[] Owned by inheritance or donation
[] Rented
[] Freely given or at a low price (by another household, paid for by the company...)
[] Other form
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3.12 Property of the dwelling

The ownership regimen of the dwelling is understood as the relationship that exists between the residents and the dwelling property.

This variable refers exclusively to the ownership regimen of the dwellings and not to the ownership of the terrain in which the dwelling is located.

Categories of this variable:

Dwellings in properties, by purchase, totally paid
Dwellings in properties with mortgages
Dwellings in properties by inheritance or donation
Dwellings for rent
Dwelling ceded freely or low price by another household, business...
Dwellings with another type of ownership regimen