Questionnaire Text

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Answer questions 13, 14, and 15 only if you answered question 12 with answers 2 (Working) or 4 (Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously).
If the answer to question 12 was 2 (Working), refer to your principal occupation.
If the answer to question 12 was 4 (Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously), refer to your last job before you became unemployed.

15. Which of the following accurately describes your situation?
Mark the corresponding box with an X.

[] 1 Owner, businessman, or professional who employs other personnel
[] 2 Businessman or professional who does not employ other personnel, or a person who is self-employed
[] 3 Member of a production or commercial cooperative, or an employee of such a cooperative
[] 4 Person who has a steady job, either for a salary, or as a day laborer, or working for commissions, or for any other type of remuneration
[] 5 Person who works occasionally or intermittently, either for a salary, or as a day laborer, or working for commissions, or for any other type of remuneration
[] 6 Person who works, without set pay, in the family business owned by members of the household where you live
[] 7 Another situation different from those described above