Questionnaire Text

Benin 2002 Guinea 2014 Morocco 2014 Rwanda 2012
Benin 2013 Haiti 2003 Mozambique 1997 Saint Lucia 1980
Cambodia 1998 Honduras 1961 Mozambique 2007 Sierra Leone 2015
Cambodia 2004 Honduras 1988 Myanmar 2014 Suriname 2012
Cambodia 2008 Honduras 2001 Palestine 1997 Switzerland 2011
Cambodia 2013 Hungary 1970 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Cambodia 2019 Hungary 1980 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Cuba 2012 Hungary 1990 Panama 1970 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Dominican Republic 2002 Hungary 2011 Panama 1980 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Egypt 1986 Iran 2011 Panama 1990 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Egypt 1996 Iraq 1997 Panama 2000 United States 2015
Egypt 2006 Jordan 2004 Panama 2010 Uruguay 1963
El Salvador 1992 Kenya 2009 Papua New Guinea 1980 Uruguay 1975
El Salvador 2007 Lesotho 1996 Paraguay 2002 Uruguay 1985
France 1999 Lesotho 2006 Philippines 1995 Uruguay 1996
Germany 1981 Malaysia 2000 Philippines 2000 Uruguay 2006
Ghana 1984 Mauritius 1990 Philippines 2010 Venezuela 2001
Ghana 2000 Mauritius 2000 Romania 1977 Vietnam 1989
Ghana 2010 Mauritius 2011 Romania 2002 Vietnam 1999
Guinea 1996 Morocco 2004 Rwanda 2002 Vietnam 2009
Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity (in the last 3 months)
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Residents of 6 years or more of age
[Questions in columns 18 - 22 were asked of residents 6+ years old]

(19) Occupation status

[] 0 OCSI = employed informal sector
[] 1 OCFP = employed formal state sector
[] 2 OCFP = employed formal private sector
[] 3 CT = seeking first employment
[] 4 CHO = unemployed
[] 5 MEN = housewife
[] 6 ETU = school children and students
[] 7 RET = retired
[] 8 REN = rentier
[] 9 AINA = other unemployed
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iv) Economic Characteristics
For all questions related to economic activity, the census agent shall refer to the 3-month periods preceding the interview.

Column (18): Occupation
For all questions related to occupation, the census agent shall refer to the 3-month period immediately preceding the interview.
Ask the following question to each person of 10 years or more of age: "Have you worked for at least one week in the last 3 months?"
The census agent shall then circle:
The code 1. OCC (employed) for each person who has worked during this period.
Included in this category, are:

Persons working or having worked as independents,
Persons working or having worked for a compensation of any kind.
Persons working or having worked under the authority of the head of household with or without compensation.
Example: A child (of at least 10) guarding or having guarded cattle for his/her parents.
A woman who in addition to her household duties has worked independently or for her family (saleswoman, sewer, farmer, potter).
A woman or a man who does housekeeping for a salary. Example pages boys, wet nurse.
CT: for persons seeking first employment.
CHO: (unemployed) for every person without employment during the period of reference but who has worked before and is currently looking for a job. Ask if this person has no activity allowing him/her to survive. If yes, he/she is employed.
MEN: (housewife): for women only working in the household and taking care of children without any monetary compensation.
ETU: for elementary schoolchildren, middle and high school children, and students of higher education,
RET: for retired persons,
REN: for annuitants, i.e. persons possessing a personal fortune that allows them to live without having to work.

Note: a retired person or an annuitant who has helped a family member in his/her work or has performed another activity that generated him/her money shall be classified under the rubric of "OCC" i.e. employed. This is the case of retired persons who work in commerce or agriculture.
This question does not apply to those below 10 years of age during the census. The census agent must not note anything in this section for these persons.
Note: Apprentices are "employed"

Column (19): Occupation status
As the following question to each person aged 6 or higher: "Does [the respondent] currently work or has worked continuously for at least one week during the last three months?"
If the answer is YES, the census agent shall ask "if [the respondent] works in the informal sector, public formal sector, or private formal sector" and shall circle the code corresponding to the interviewee's declaration according to the following:

0. OCSI: Occupied informal sector;
1. OCFE: Occupied formal public sector;
2. OCFP: occupied formal private sector.

Example: Is occupied each person having worked for at least one week during the reference period. Are included in this category:

-Persons having worked independently.
-Persons having worked for any kind of remuneration.
-Persons having worked under the authority of the head of household with or without remuneration.
-Children of at least 6 years of age having guarded their parents' cattle.
-Women, who in addition to household chores, have worked independently or for their families (saleswoman, seamstress, farmer, potter, gardener, etc.)
-Women or men who perform household duties for a salary (Example: pages, baby-sitters, etc.).

If the answer is NO, the census agent shall ask the following question:
"Has [the respondent] worked during the reference period?" If the answer is Yes, circle the code 4 corresponding to unemployed. If the answer is no, ask:
"Is [the respondent] a housewife, elementary or middle school/high school/university student, retired, rentier?" If the answer is yes, circle the appropriate code according to the following options below:

5. MEN: housewife;
6. ETU: elementary or middle school, high school, university student;
7. RET: retired;
8. RENT: rentier;

If the answer is NO, ask: "Is [the respondent] seeking first employment?" If yes, circle 3. CT (Seeking 1st employment or 1st job); if no, circle 9. AINA: other unemployed.

1) A retired person or a rentier who has assisted a family member in his/her work or who has performed an activity that brought in money shall be classified under the rubric "employed." This is the case of retired persons who work in commerce or agriculture.
2) Apprentices shall be counted as "employed."

Note: If the circled code corresponds to one of the following options, go to column 23 (marital status).

4. CT: seeking 1st employment or 1st job;
6. MEN: housewife;
7. ETU: elementary or middle school, high school, university student;
8. RET: retired;
9. RENT: rentier;
0. AINA: other unemployed;

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity (last 3 months)
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Residents of 6 years or more of age (questions 20 to 24)
[Questions 20-24 were asked of persons aged 6 years or older]

21. Occupation status - Does [the person] currently work or has [the person] worked in the last 3 months for at least one continuous week?

[] 0 OCSI: employed informal sector
[] 1 OCFP: employed formal state sector
[] 2 OCFP: employed formal private sector
[] 3 CHO: unemployed
[] 4 CT: seeking first employment
[] 5 MEN: housewife
[] 6 ETU: school children and students
[] 7 RET: retired
[] 8 REN: rentier
[] 9 AINA: other inactive

[If the person chose an option between 4 and 9, go to question 25]
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21. Occupation status

This variable allows knowing whether a person has worked for at least 7 days [continuously or not] during the last 3 months preceding your visit in the household. In other words, the reference period is determined starting on the date of your first visit in the household. This means that you should count back 3 months starting with the date of your first visit, and those 3 months correspond to the reference period [3 months in this specific case equal 90 days].

This variable's categories are:

[] 0. Employed in the informal sector [OCSI]: i.e. the company in which the person works has not be constituted according to the rules provided by legislation. In other words, this enterprise does not have a book-keeping that is regularly established and does not possess a INSAE number or a unique fiscal identifier [IFU];
[] 1. Employed in the public formal sector [OCFE]: i.e. the establishment in which the person works is an administration or a public enterprise;
[] 2. Employed in the formal private sector [OCFP]: i.e. the enterprise in which the person works a private enterprise constituted according to the rules established by law.
[] 3. Unemployed [CHO]: this is the case of a person who has worked for at least once but has not worked for at least 7 days [continuously or not] during the last 3 months and who is seeking employment;
[] 4. Seeking 1st employment [CT]: this is the case of a person who has never worked and who is seeking their first employment;
[] 5. Housewife [MEN]: all persons who exclusively take care of house work without receiving a salary and who are not seeking employment;
[] 6. Elementary school student, middle and high school student, university student [ETU]: all persons regularly attending an education establishment and who do not exercise an economic activity;
[] 7. Retired [RET]: this is an individual who no longer exercises a remunerative activity and who benefits from a retirement pension;
[] 8. Rentier [RENT]: this is a person who does not work and who lives exclusively from revenue on their property or capital;
[] 9. Other non-active [AINA]: this is a person without employment, capable of working, but who is not seeking employment.
Following the registration order for household members, circle the code corresponding to the declared occupation status of the counted person;

NB: The data on persons taking care of the household require particular attention, because some of their activities are considered part of the domain of production according to the definition of the National Accounting System and meaning that these persons have an employment [for example production and/or transformation of agricultural products, weaving, sewing], while they risk of being considered as not have an economic activity.

Q: "Have you/has [the respondent] exercised a good and services production activity in the last 3 months?"

If yes, ask:

[] Interdependently or for someone who is independent?"
[] In this case, circle the code 0 corresponding to employed informal sector;
[] In an administration or public enterprise?
[] In this case, circle the code 1 corresponding to employed formal public sector
[] In a private enterprise?
[] In this case, circle the code 2 corresponding to employed formal private sector

If No, ask:
[] Have you/has [the respondent] worked before the last 3 months?
[] If yes, chicle the code 3 corresponding to unemployed;
[] If no, ask the habitual occupation of the person, circle the corresponding code and go to question 25

NB: Apprentices are employed person and must be classified in the corresponding sectors: informal, formal private, or formal public.

If for question 21 [Occupation status], the response code if different from 0, 1, 2, or 3, do not ask questions number 22, 23, and 24. In this case, directly skip to questions number 25 [marital status].

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_EMPSECT — Employment sector
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15 Main Activity (Enter Code from list below)
Main activity during last year

Codes for Column 15 Main Activity During Last Year
1 Employed (Fill in Cols. 16 to 20)
2 Unemployed (Employed any time before - Fill in Cols. 16 to 20 for last employment)
3 Unemployed (Never employed any time before)
4 Homemaker
5 Student
6 Dependent
7 Rent-receiver, retired or other income recipient
8 ___ Other (Specify)
(For codes 3 to 8, put dash ( - ) in Cols. 16 to 20)]

20 Sector of Employment (Sector in which Employed) (Enter Code from list below)

Codes for Column 20 Sector of Employment

1 Government
2 State-owned enterprise (Parastatal)
3 Cooperative
4 Private
5 ___ Other (specify)

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Columns 15 to 20 on Economic Characteristics of Population

97. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population both male and female. Information proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population includes information on economically active and economically not active population. Economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed. Economically inactive population includes home makers; full time students; dependents; rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed nor unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the last one year.

Columns 16 to 20

99. Information in these Columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 15) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 15. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in Column 15 and inactive population i.e. any Code from 4 to 8 in Column 15, no information can be furnished in Columns 16 to 20 and hence enter dash (--) in each of these Columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in Columns 16 to 20 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 15. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 15). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 15, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.

Column 20: Sector of Employment

104. In this column you have to record the code for the sector in which respondent's employment falls. Five sectors are listed with their codes on the schedule. If the respondent is a Government servant you have to give Code 1 in this column. If he worked in state-owned enterprise (parastatal), you have to record Code 2 (e.g. electricity supply, water supply). If a respondent was working in a co-operative establishment (e.g., a Co-operative Bank) record Code 3 and all those who were working in private establishments as own account worker will get Code 4. If a person was working in an establishment which does not come under any of the above four categories you have to give Code 5 and indicate the sector of employment (e.g. 5 UNDP).

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_SECTOR — Sector of employment
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

[23] Sector of employment

Sector in which employed

[Question 23 asked of persons who responded codes 1 and 2 in question 18.]

Enter code from list below.

[] 1 Government
[] 2 State-owned enterprise (parastatal)
[] 3 Cooperative
[] 4 Private
[] 5 Other (specify) ____
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75. Columns 18 to 23
Information in these Columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 18) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 18. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in Column 18 and inactive population i.e. any Code 4 from 4 to 8 in Column 18, no information can be furnished in Column 18 to 23 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these Columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in Column 18 to 23 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 18. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 18). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 18, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.

80. Column 23: Sector of employment
In this column you have to record the code for the sector in which respondent's employment falls. Five sectors are listed with their codes on the schedule. If the respondent is a Government servant you have to give Code 1 in this column. If he worked in state-owned enterprise (parastatal), you have to record Code 2 (e.g. electricity supply, water supply). If a respondent was working in a co- operative establishment (e.g., a Co-operative Bank) record Code 3 and all those who were working in private establishments as own account worker will get Code 4. If a person was working in an establishment which does not come under any of the above four categories you have to give Code 5 and indicate the sector of employment (e.g. 5 UNDP).

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_EMPSECT — Employment sector
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21. Sector of employment
Sector in which [the respondent] is employed (enter code from the list below)
[Question 21 was asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question 16]

[] 1 Government
[] 2 State-owned enterprise
[] 3 Cambodian enterprise (private)
[] 4 Foreign enterprise
[] 5 Non-profit institution
[] 6 Household sector
[] 7 Embassies, international institutions and foreign aid and development agencies
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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Columns 16 to 21 on Economic Characteristics of Population

98. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population both male and female. Information proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population include information on economically active
and economically not active population. The economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed. The economically inactive population includes those who are mainly home makers, full-time students, dependents, rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed or unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the one year or 12 months before the census night, that is from 4 March 2007 to 3 March 2008. This is also referred to as last year or last one year in this instruction manual.

Columns 17 to 21

100. Information in these Columns should be filled in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 16) or unemployed (employed before) (Code 2 in Column 16). For unemployed (not employed before) (Code 3 in Column 16) and mainly inactive population (any Code from 4 to 8 in Column 16), no information can be furnished in Columns 17 to 21 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these Columns for these persons. The following are the instructions for filling in Columns 17 to 21 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 16. The information to be filled in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 16). In the case of unemployed (employed before) (Code 2 in Column 16), the information to be filled in will relate to last employment held by that person.

Column 21: Sector of Employment

105. This refers to the sector in which the institution or establishment of the employed person falls. Eight sectors are listed with their codes on the questionnaire.
105.1 You have to give one of the appropriate codes as explained below:

1. Government: includes State, provincial, district and commune government agencies and ministries.

2. State owned enterprise: This includes financial institutions like the National Bank of Cambodia and all other State-controlled enterprises such as CAMINTEL, Cambodian Pharmaceutical Company, Electricity du Combodge, State rubber plantations, State construction enterprises, State fishery enterprises, State printing house, State utilities and State courier and mail enterprises.

3. Cambodian enterprise (Private): This includes enterprises or businesses owned and operated by private Cambodians from a location that is not also a household or private residential dwelling of the owner(s) of the business. Do not include non-profit institutions. If there is a joint venture with any foreign enterprise, it will be treated as a Cambodian enterprise (Private) or as a foreign enterprise depending on the share of each. This category includes financial institutions like Cambodian controlled banks and other Cambodian controlled businesses producing goods or services for sale. In brief, it includes all private Cambodian enterprises.

4. Foreign enterprise: These are enterprises or businesses owned and operated by foreign establishments or persons from a location that is not also a household or private residential dwelling of the owner(s) of the business. Do not include non-profit institutions. Includes foreign controlled financial institutions like foreign controlled Banks (e.g. ANZ Royal, MayBank) and all other foreign controlled businesses producing goods or services for sale.

5. Non-profit institution: This includes all Cambodian and foreign NGOs providing goods and services for free or for a nominal fee that are not controlled and financed by government. Also included are trade unions, professional associations, political parties, charities, pagodas, other religious institutions and aid organizations financed by voluntary transfers.


6. Household Sector: This includes all businesses operating out of a household or private residential dwelling. Domestic workers should be included here.

7. Embassies, International institutions, and foreign aid and development agencies: This includes all persons working for foreign consulates, embassies, foreign aid and development agencies, ADB, IMF and UN agencies.

8. Others, Specify ____ This includes institutions not falling in any of the sectors described above.

105.2 Some examples for Sector of Employment with their codes are given below: Farmer (Code 3), National Bank of Cambodia Staff (Code 2), Staff of Mobitel (Code 2), Staff of ANZ Bank (Code 4), Staff of UNPFA (Code 7), Staff of Red Cross (Code 5), Vegetable seller or fruit seller (Code 3), Moto dop (Code 3), Guard of a house (Code 6), Staff of MoP (Code 1), Thai Airways staff (Code 4), Maid working in a household (Code 6).

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_SECTOR — Employment sector
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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

[Question 20 to 24 were asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question 19]

24. Sector of employment

Sector in which [the respondent] is employed

(Enter the code from the list below)

[] 1 Government
[] 2 State-owned enterprise
[] 3 Cambodian enterprise (private)
[] 4 Foreign enterprise
[] 5 Non-profit institution
[] 6 Household sector
[] 7 Embassies, international institutions and foreign aid and development agencies
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
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72. Column 19 to 25 on economic characteristics of population

These questions should be asked of all persons irrespective of age. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population, both male and female. Information is proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population. Economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed (including those available for work or seeking work). Economically inactive population includes home makers; full time students; dependents; rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed nor unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the one year or 12 months before the survey night, that is from 4 March 2012 to 3 March 2013. This is also referred to as last year or last one year in this instruction manual.

74. Columns 20 to 24

Information in these columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in column 19) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in column 19. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in column 19 and inactive population i.e. any code from 4 to 8 in column 19, no information can be furnished in columns 20 to 24 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in columns 20 to 24 for a person for whom code 1 or 2 is given in column 19. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in column 19). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in column 19, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.

[p. 33]

79. Column 24: sector of employment

This refers to the sector in which the institution or establishment of the employed person falls. Eight sectors are listed with their codes on the questionnaire.

79.1 You have to give one of the appropriate codes as explained below:

1.Government: includes state, provincial, district and commune government agencies and ministries.

2. State owned enterprise: This includes financial institutions like the National Bank of Cambodia and all other State-controlled enterprises such as Camintel, Cambodian pharmaceutical Company, Electricity du Cambodge, State rubber plantations, State construction enterprises, State fishery enterprises, State printing house, State utilities, State courier and mail enterprises.

3. Cambodian enterprise (private): This includes enterprises or businesses owned and operated by private Cambodians from a location that is not also a household or private residential dwelling of the owner(s) of the business. Do not include non-profit institutions. If there is a joint venture with any foreign enterprise it will be treated as a Cambodian enterprise (Private) or as a foreign enterprise depending on the share of each.
[p. 35]
This category includes financial institutions like Cambodian controlled banks and other Cambodian controlled businesses producing goods or services for sale. In brief it includes all private Cambodian enterprises.

4. Foreign enterprise: Foreign enterprises are enterprises or businesses owned and operated by foreign establishments or persons from a location that is not also a household or private residential dwelling of the owner(s) of the business. Do not include non-profit institutions. Includes foreign controlled financial institutions like foreign controlled Banks (e.g. ANZ Royal, MayBank) and all other foreign controlled businesses producing goods or services for sale.

5. Non profit institution: This includes all Cambodian and foreign NGOs providing goods and services for free or for a nominal fee that are not controlled and financed by government. Also included are trade unions, professional associations, political parties, charities, pagodas and other religious institutions, and aid organizations financed by voluntary transfers.

6. Household sector: This includes all businesses operating out of a household or private residential dwelling. Domestic workers should be included here.

7. Embassies, International institutions, and foreign aid and development agencies: This category includes all persons working for foreign consulates, embassies, foreign aid and development agencies, ADB, IMF, and UN agencies.

8. Others, (specify): This includes institutions not falling in any of the sector described above.

Some examples for Sector of employment with their codes are given below: farmer (Code 3), National Bank of Cambodia Staff (Code 2), Staff of mobitel (Code 2), Staff of aNZ Bank (Code 4), Staff of UNPFA (Code 7), Staff of red cross (Code 5), Vegetable seller or fruit seller (Code 3), Moto driver (Code 3), Guard of a house (Code 6), Staff of moP (Code 1), Thai Airways staff (Code 4), Maid working in a household (Code 6).

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_SECTOR — Employment sector
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

[Questions 17-22 of this section are to be answered by persons aged 5 years and older]

22. Sector of employment:

[] 1. Government
[] 2. State owned enterprise
[] 3. Cambodian private enterprise
[] 4. Foreign private enterprise
[] 5. Non-profit institution
[] 6. Household sector
[] 7. Embassies, international institutions, and foreign aid, and development agencies
[] 8. Other (specify): ____

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_EMPSECT — Type of employer in main occupation
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Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

For persons 15 years and older
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

20. In your main occupation, were you employed by...?

[] 01 The state
[] 02 Cuban commercial societies
[] 03 A mixed partnership
[] 04 A foreign company
[] 05 Self-employed
[] 06 UBPC (basic cooperative production unit)
[] 07 CPA (agricultural production cooperative)
[] 08 In other cooperatives
[] 09 Small farmer, associated or not with CCS (credit and service cooperative)
[] 10 Beneficial owner of the land associated or not associated with CCS
[] 11 Permanently or temporarily contracted in agricultural activities
[] 12 Privately contracted (non-agricultural) and in homes
[] 13 Unpaid family helper
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Section IV. Personal Data.

For persons 15 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)

Question 20. In your main occupation, were you employed by...?
This refers to the conditions of employment, i.e., what is the relationship between the worker and the employer, which may be state, private, self-employed, cooperative, etc.
The State
The person was employed by a state business, entity, body, union, group or budget unit, whether national, provincial or municipal, receiving compensation in the form of a salary, hourly pay or pay on a job-to-job basis.
Conventionally this includes those who work for a salary in a political or popular body at any level, the military, as well as lawyers who work Collective Law Firms.
Workers at a Cuban Commercial Society
A person that works for a non-state corporation located within the national territory and receives pay for their work.
Corporation (used in Cuba to refer to "Holding or Parent" companies: These are companies whose goal is to control other entities by acquiring equity stakes in the companies. These companies are only Cuban capital.
Mixed Partnership Worker
A person that works for a non-state mixed partnership located within the national territory who receives pay for their work.
Mixed Partnership: As the name implies, this is a company in which both national as well as foreign capital are associated.
Worker in a Foreign Company
This is a person who works for a foreign company, located in national territory, who receives pay for their work.
This box will also be checked for those who work for a company or entity located abroad.
E.g. Those who work abroad and have Permission to Reside in the Exterior (PRE) or those who have a job abroad and enter the country on vacation and/or to maintain their Cuban residency.
Representation of Foreign Companies: These are direct offices of foreign companies established within the Republic of Cuba under the provisions in force in this area. They operate in accordance with the registration and license issued by the National Register of Foreign Representatives attached to the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba.
According to the Law there are entities authorized to represent foreign companies in Cuba, which are duly registered in the National Register of Foreign Representatives.

[p. 66]

A person who works in their own business or economic enterprise, which may or may not have paid employees.
Worker in Basic Cooperative Production Unit (UBPC)
The Basic Cooperative Production Units (UBPC) are cooperative social production organizations whose fundamental difference with the CPAs is that the land is owned in usufruct.
A member of a UBPC belongs to the Agricultural Union, not to the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) as is the case with Cooperatives.
This box includes people working in such organizations.
CPA Worker
The fundamental distinguishing feature is collective ownership of the means of production.
This includes what were previously known as "small farmers," their families, collaborators, and farm workers united within the Agricultural Production Cooperatives (CPA).
Workers in other Cooperatives
The fundamental distinguishing feature is collective ownership of the means of production.
All workers in non-agricultural cooperatives are grouped here.
Small farmers, whether or not they are associated with the Credit and Service Cooperative (CCS)
This includes people who both own the land and work it, whether or not they have salaried employees or unpaid family assistants. These may or may not be associated with the CCS, or may be independent farmers.
Remember that only the landowner is considered a "Small Farmer," and not the family members or other employees.
In the cases of heirs who have not liquidated their inheritance (who have not legally carried out the partition of land) and continue working on the farm, they will be considered "Small Farmers."
This category will never include full-time salaried employees or unpaid family members that work the land of said farmers, as they will be considered "Private Employees" if they receive payment (in money or in kind) or as an "Unpaid Family Assistant."
Part-time salaried workers contracted by the Small Farmer will not be included either; they will be classified as "Self-employed workers without contracted employees."

[p. 67]

Beneficial owner of land associated or not associated with CCS
This includes people who are not the owner of the land which they work, whether or not they have salaried workers, and as a rule they are members of the Credit and Service Cooperatives (CCS).
This category will never include full-time salaried employees or unpaid family members that work the land of said farmers, as they will be considered "Private or Household Employees" if they receive payment (in money or in kind) or as an "Unpaid Family Assistant."
Part-time salaried workers contracted by the Beneficial Owner of the land will not be included either; they will be classified as "Self-employed workers without contracted employees."
Permanently or temporary contracted for agricultural activities
This is a person hired by a Small Farmer no a permanent or temporary basis to carry out labor related to agriculture or livestock, such as planting, weeding, harvesting, looking after animals, etc.
Privately contacted, non-agricultural, including household work
Those who work in a private workplace or household and receive compensation either in kind or in the form of pay (salary, commissions, or job-by-job), and others. This includes those who are individually employed.
This includes priests and other clergy of various beliefs who regularly perform services of this type, educational, etc., and receive income for this work (donations and others).
Not to be confused with unpaid family assistants, who constitute a separate category.
Unpaid family assistant
This includes people who regularly work for others to whom they are related by consanguinity, affinity or adoption, and do not explicitly receive a salary (monetary or in kind) for their work, even if they receive food; so long as they have worked less than 8 throughout the previous week (reference week).
[Figure omitted]

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_SECTOR — Type of business
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For persons of 10 years old and more

52. For what type of firm, business, or institution did [the respondent] work last week (or in his/her last job or trade)? Read all options and select just one.

[] 1 Free zone enterprise
[] 2 Other private enterprise or business
[] 3 Non-governmental non-profit organization
[] 4 For a particular individual
[] 5 Public institution or enterprise (Skip to question 54)
[] 6 A family house (Skip to question 54)
[] 7 Other (Skip to question 54)
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For people age 10 or older

Question 52: What type of company, business or institution did (NAME) work, last week (or in his/her last job)?

Read each option and fill in the correct answer, accordingly:

Factory or company in a free zone: When a person works for a specific industry, factory, company, workshop, warehouse or storehouse or any other establishment within the limits of the free zone or industrial area of the country.
Other private factory, company or business: When a person works for a specific industry, factory, company, commerce, hotel, farm, etc.
Non-profit organization or NGO: When a person works for an institution of social support or services or community service with no profit.
Working for an individual: When a person works for a specific person (i.e. as a chauffeur or as a bodyguard, etc.)
Public institution or company: When a person works for a public organization such as an office, branch, or state institution, including the city council, legislative or judicial branches, military or police.
Household: When a person works for a household doing domestic chores, including being a chauffeur, gardener, caretaker, housekeeping, etc.
Other: When a person works for an institution or organization not included in the previous categories.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_SECTOR — Employment sector
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Part B: Individual data

Persons six years and over
[Questions 8-11 asked of persons six years and over.]

10. Sector

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Governmental
[] 3 Public
[] 4 Private
[] 5 Foreign
[] 6 Not working
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Sector: Column number (10)
The suitable answer is chosen a according to type of sector the establishment follows:
The person less than (6) years put a circle round number (1) and the person (6) years and over put a circle:
Circle number (2) for those who are working in the government or any ministry or any of the general commissions that belong to those ministries and in the local Rule units, or circle number (3) for the person who is working in one of public sector companies for example, bank of Egypt /Egypt. Hilwan company /Omer Afandi etc. or circle number (4) for the person who is working for his own account or in one of the establishments of the private sector either the establishment follows the ordinary laws or the laws of the investment companies. Circle number (5) for the person who is working in a foreign establishment as the branches of foreign banks and companies working in Egypt and also those who are working in international commissions and foreign Embassies.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_SECTOR — Work sector
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Persons six years and over
[Questions 8-11 were asked of persons 6 years and over.]

10. Sector

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Governmental
[] 3 Public
[] 4 Private
[] 5 Foreign
[] 6 Not working

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The sector column No.(10)
The proper answer is chosen according to the type of sector that the establishment depends in which the person is working:
For the person less than (6) years fill in ink the circle in front of No.(1)
For the person (6) years and over, fill in ink the circle:
In front of No.(2) is for government employees in one of the ministries, administrations, or organizations that are related to and also in the local rule units
Or in front of No.(3) for the person working in one of the companies of the public sector such as the bank of Egypt/ Egypt company for concrete works...etc.
Or in front of No.(4) for the person who is working for his own account or for one of the establishments of the private sector, the establishment either follows the ordinary laws or the investment companies law No.(230) for the year 1989 or for the person who is working outside the establishment.
Or in front of No.(5) for the person who is working in a foreign establishment such as the branches of the foreign banks and companies working in Egypt and also those who are working in the international organizations and foreign Embassies.
Or in front of No.(6) for the person (6) years and over and not working such as (student, housewife, unwilling to work, retired, aged not working, unable to work)

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_EMPSECT — Sector
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[Questions 8-14 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

11. Sector

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Public
[] 3 Private
[] 4 Investment
[] 5 Cooperative
[] 6 Mixture of both
[] 7 Other
[] 8 Not working
[] 9 Under age

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Table 1: Household characteristics

13. Sector
There is one square; one of the following numbers is marked, writing the verbal response below the squares.

1. Below age: if the member is younger than 6 years of age.
2. Public: for the member who works at a government entity.
3. For the member who works in the public or public works sector.
4. For the member who works in the private investment sector.
5. For the member who works in the regular private sector.
6. For the member who works in the joint venture sector.
7. For the member who works in the cooperative sector.
8. For the member who works in the non-governmental organizations sector.
9. Other: for the member who works in another sector from the previously mentioned.
10. For the member who doesn't work like a housewife, full-time student, etc., or for the unemployed who have never worked before.

Note: An unemployed member who has previously worked is categorized according to the last job he/she worked at before becoming unemployed.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 10 or older
[Questions 14-21 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

[Questions 16-20 were asked of persons age 10 or older with employment or who performed some other activity, per questions 14 and 15.]

19. In this job, are or were you:

[] 1 Public sector employee or worker
[] 2 Private sector employee or worker
[] 3 Owner or employer
[] 4 Unpaid family worker
[] 5 Independent worker (own-account worker)
[] 6 Domestic worker
[] 7 Worker in a production cooperative
[] 8 Unknown

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4.5.4 Persons age 10 or older
These questions numbered 14 to 21 will be asked to those who are age 10 or older, males and females. If the person is younger than 10, the interview will end, canceling the corresponding page.

19. Situation at work
It is desired to know which position was worked in the principal job taking place in the week prior to the census. It is desired to know if the person was an employee or worker in the public or private sector, boss, or any of the categories that appear in the box.

[pg. 57]

In this job, you were:

Employee or worker in the public sector:
This is the person who works or worked in an institution in the public sector, whether with the central government, with an autonomous entity, or with a municipal city hall.

Employee or worker in the private sector:
This is the person who worked for a business, establishment, company or institution of the private sector. As such, this will include the people who work in international organizations, such as the UN, IDA (International Development Association), OAS (Organization of American States), etc. This should take into account that even though a person occupies the position of director, manager or president, if they are not owner of the company, they are still an employee, which is valid in both sectors (public and private).

Boss or employer:
The boss, entrepreneur or owner is the person who operates their own business or company or who works in a profession or capacity on their own account and who has one or more employees or paid or salaried workers.

Family worker without pay:
Uncompensated family workers are those who help with the family business without receiving pay, for at least 15 hours per week.

[pg. 58]

Independent workers (self-employed):
An independent worker is a person who is self-employed and doesn't have employees or workers to supervise but can receive help from a family member without paying them. Care should be taken not to confuse the self-employed worker with the owner or employer.

Domestic worker:
This is a man or woman who works in a permanent form for a household, doing household chores, such as: washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc., for which he/she receives pay.

Worker in a producer cooperative:
This is a partner who works in one or more producer cooperatives for which they receive retribution according to their investment in the cooperative. If it is only a worker compensated by the cooperative, it should be clarified as "1" or "2" or rather as either employee or worker of the public or private sector.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_CLASSWK — Work situation in the previous week
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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older]

22. Are you or were you the following in this job:

[] 1 Employee or worker in the public sector
[] 2 Employee or worker in the private sector
[] 3 Boss or employer
[] 4 Unpaid family worker
[] 5 Unpaid non-family worker
[] 6 Independent worker (self-employed)
[] 7 Domestic employee

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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older. If the person is younger than 10, end the interview and cross out the corresponding page]

Question 22: Are you or were you the following in this job?
The information desired is the position the person had in the principal job he/she performed in the week prior to the census. Was the person an employee or worker in the public or private sector, a boss or [employed in] any of the following categories:

Employee or worker in the public sector:
This is a person who works or worked in a public sector institution, be it the central government, an autonomous agency or a mayor's office.

Employee or worker in the private sector:
This is a person who worked in a company, establishment, business or institution in the private sector. Also include persons who work for international organizations such as the United Nations, USAID [US Agency for International Development], the Organization of American States, etc.

Keep in mind that, even if the person holds the position of director, manager or president, if he/she is not president of the company then he/she is considered an employee. This is the case for both the public and the private sector.

Boss or employer: A boss, entrepreneur or owner is a person who runs his/her own company or business or is self-employed in a profession or trade and who has one or more paid employees or workers.

Unpaid family worker:
This is a person who helps in the family business.

Unpaid non-family worker:
This is a person who helps in the business, on the farm, in the shop, etc., without receiving pay.

Independent worker (self-employed):
This is someone who is self-employed and does not have any employees or workers in his/her service. He/she may receive help from a family member if the family member is unpaid. Be careful not to confuse the self-employed worker with a boss or employer.

Domestic employee:
This is a man or woman who is permanently employed in a dwelling doing housework such as washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, child care, running errands, gardening, etc. He/she receives pay for his/her work.

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_WKTY — Detailed status of working population holding a job

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_WORKOWN — Ownership of place of work

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_SECTOR — Establishment type
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Answer only for the employed (including those with jobs who did not work) and the unemployed
[Questions 9-11 were asked of employed and unemployed persons age 10 and older]

10. Industry

(a) What is the name and address of the establishment where you worked? (for unemployed last establishment)
____ Name
____ Address
(b) What was the main product or service of this establishment? ____
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8. Economic characteristics.

Questions 8, 9, 10 and 11 are restricted to persons aged 10 years and over.

10a. If employed (i.e. worked or had job but did not work) what is the name and address of the establishment where you worked? For unemployed, last establishment.

You should note that this question is restricted to the employed and the unemployed. However if a person was unemployed and you entered "new workers seeking employment" in column 9 you should leave columns 10 and 11 blank.

"Establishment" simply means the place where the respondent worked. "establishment" applies not only to the big enterprises such as Pioneer Biscuit Factory, G.N.T.C., etc., but the small ones as well, e.g. Kwesi Nimo's farm, place of petty trading in market or Amina Dagomba's kiosk "under the tree". What is required is the name and a precise address of the respondent's establishment or place of work. Do not write the respondent's postal address.

If the establishment has no name, then you must write down the name of the owner of the establishment, e.g.

(i) Addey Mensah's Farm (Name) Near Boso (Address)
(ii) Trading Place of Oku Boateng (Name), Prempeh II, Street, Kumasi (Address)
(iii) Awolo Adjo (Name) Stall No. 137, Central Market Kumasi (Address).
pg. 59
(iv) Seidu Wangara's Shop (Name), Near Opera Cinema, Accra (Address).

Where a person does not stay at one place and sell, you should write down the respondent's house address as the address of establishment.

Please note that a market consists of establishment of varying sizes and character. The name of the owner of each such establishment should be written down as in example (iii) above.

Please avoid vague addresses like:

(i) Drug Store, Bechem
(ii) Farm, Pedu
(iii) Ghana Government, Accra
(iv) School, Tamale

Never use unrecognized abbreviations like K.K.T., B.B.S., etc., which may be understood only in the areas concerned.

Note that addresses like Post and Telecommunications, City Council (Accra), United Africa Company of Ghana (Terna), etc. are not enough. With big enterprises which have two or more departments engaged in different activities, you should always specify the branch in which the respondent worked, e.g. Sanitary Branch, City Council, Accra; Vehicle Assembly Branch, U.A.C. of Ghana, Terna.

You should remember that for the unemployed you should write the name and address of the establishment where the respondent last worked. Similarly for those who "had job but did not work", we want information about the establishment where they claim to have jobs.

10b. If employed (i.e. worked or had job but did not work) or unemployed, what is the main product or service of this establishment?

This sub-item refers to the establishment where the respondent worked and not to what the respondent produced. For instance, if a carpenter who makes window frames is employed by a firm which builds houses, the major product you must write down is houses, not window frames, .since houses are produced by the establishment where he worked.

Similarly, if a carpenter gives Ambassador Hotel as the name of the establishment where he worked, you should write catering or hotel services as the major product or service of the establishment. You must also note that the major product or service of all educational institutions, e.g. the University of Ghana, Mfantsipim School, Government Technical School, is education even though the persons employed in these institutions may be doing different types

pg. 60

of jobs. However for craftsmen employed by a construction company which has undertaken a contract with an educational institution you should write down building construction but not education.

Note that the answer for this particular sub-item must be the same for all persons employed by the same establishment, or in the case of a multi-purpose establishment a department of it.

Examples of such multi-purpose establishments are City and Municipal Councils, G.I.H.O.C., some big business concerns like the G.N.T.C., U.T.C., U.A.C., etc. A City Council, for instance, may have the following functions: Local Administration, Transport Services, Education Services, Health Services, etc. Similarly G.I.H.O.C., G.N.T.C., U.T.C., etc., may have departments with the following as the main product or service:-Leather Hand-bags, Tobacco, Wholesale or Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Transport Services.

Thus for a respondent employed by such big establishments, you should record the main product or service of the particular branch in that big establishment where the respondent worked.

Another example is the market. The establishments within the market may offer different services, such as fruit-selling, hair cutting and "banku" making. Also the establishments within the market may make different types of wearing apparel, e.g. shorts, shirts and dresses. Therefore, always specify the type of wearing apparel the respondent made.

Below are five groups of examples showing some establishments and their major product or service.

[Examples on establishments and their major product or service of the original document are not presented here.]

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_EMPSECT — Employment sector
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P13 Type of activity: For P13 to P17; answer only for ages 7 years or older. The answer should refer to the 7 days before census night:

[P14-P17 were asked of persons who did not work for pay or profit or family gain and P13b=1 or 2.]

P17 Employment sector: In what sector was (name) mainly working?

[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private formal
[] 3 Private informal
[] 4 Semi-public/parastatal
[] 5 NGOs/International organisations
[] 6 Other

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P13 Type of activity: questions are to be asked of only persons aged 7 years or older; and refer to the seven days before census night

P17 Employment sector: In what sector was (name) mainly working?

This question relates to the sector of employment in which (name) is working. The following explanations of employment sectors have been given to guide you choose the appropriate option:

1. Public: The public sector is made up of establishments that are largely regulated, owned or controlled by the central or local government e.g. Ministries, District Assemblies, NCWD, National Commission on Children, National Mobilization Programme, etc.

2. Private formal: Establishments owned and controlled by private person(s). They are formal in the sense that they have established procedures for keeping records, recruitments, promotion and dismissal, e.g. Mobil, Shell, Darko Farms, Japan Motors, etc.

[p. 47]

3. Private Informal: These are establishments owned and controlled by private person(s). They are informal in the sense that they have no established procedures for keeping records, recruitment, promotion and dismissals e.g. Kumasi Magazine garages, Abossey Okai spare parts shops, Kejetia market trading, table tops, etc.

4. Semi Public/Parastatal: These are corporations and boards that are partly owned or fully owned by the government. They do not however, depend on the consolidated fund or government funds. They normally generate their own income and have some autonomy e.g. ECG, VRA, Ghana Telecom.

5. NGO's/International Organizations: These are non-profit making organisations which aim at providing services/facilities/assistance to the government and communities. There are two main types of NGO's

i. The local NGO's e.g. Friends for the mentally retarded, Ghana Society for the
ii. International NGO's e.g. Save the Children Fund, International Needs, Water Aid, Help Age, World Vision International, ADRA, Care International, etc.

International Organizations include the following: UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, FAO, UNFPA, WHO, OAU, ECA, World Bank, etc.

6. Other: e.g. religious groups.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_EMPSECT — Employment sector
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Economic activity -- P13-P17: Should be related to the past 7 days preceding census night
[P13 to P17 were asked of all persons age 5 years or older.]

[Questions P14-P17 were asked of persons age 5 or older who were engaged in an activity for pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13a) or had worked before and were seeking work or had been engaged in voluntary work without pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13b).]

P17. Employment sector.
In what sector was [the respondent] mainly working?

[] 1 Public (government)
[] 2 Private formal
[] 3 Private informal
[] 4 Semi-public, parastatal
[] 5 NGO (local and international)
[] 6 International organization
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Economic activity (P13 - P17)

Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.

P17. Employment sector: In what sector was (name) mainly working?

This question relates to the sector of employment in which (name) is working. The following explanations of employment sectors have been given to guide you choose the appropriate option.

1. Public - Code 1 if respondent works or worked in the public sector which is made up of establishments that are largely regulated, owned or controlled by the central or local government e.g. ministries, other government departments and agencies, district assemblies, national mobilization program, etc.

2. Private Formal - Record 2 for persons who worked in large/organised establishments owned and controlled by private person(s). These establishments include Uniliver, Darko Farms, Japan Motors, Nestle, CFAO, Shell, MTN, UT Bank, etc. They are formal in the sense that they have established procedures for keeping records, recruitment, promotion, and dismissals.

3. Private Informal - Record code 3 for persons who worked in small establishments owned and controlled by private person(s). They are informal in the sense that they have no established procedures for keeping records, recruitments, promotion and dismissals, e.g. Kumasi Magazine garages, Abossey Okai spare parts shops, table top shops, etc.

4. Semi-public/parastatal - Record 3 in the appropriate box if respondent works in corporations and boards that are partly or fully owned by the government. These do not, however, depend on the consolidated fund or government funds. They normally generate their own income and have some autonomy e.g. ECG, VRA, Ghana Water Company, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Graphic Communications Group Limited, etc.

5. NGOs (local and international) - Enter code 4 for respondents who work in non-profit making organizations which aim at providing services / facilities / assistance to the government and communities. There are two main types of NGO's.
(i) Local NGO's e.g. Friends for the Mentally Retarded. Ghana Society for the blind, etc.

(ii) International NGO's e.g. Save the Children Fund, International Needs, Water Aid, Help Age, World Vision International, ADRA, Care International, etc.
6. International Organizations - Write down 5 in the box for persons who work in international organizations. This includes UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, FAO, UNFPA, WHO, AU, ECA, World Bank, etc.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_CLASSWK — Status in employment
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Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

To be filled out only for employed and available unemployed persons
[Questions P16-P18 to be asked only for employed and available unemployed persons.]

P17 Employment status

[] 1 Self-employed
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Public administration employee
[] 4 Mixed enterprise employee
[] 5 Private sector employee
[] 6 Cooperative
[] 7 Apprentice
[] 8 Family assistant

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Column P17 Status of economic activity (Situation Dans L'activité Economique)
The status of economic activity refers to the hierarchical position of the worker in the organization, production unit or economic enterprise, familial or otherwise, in which the worker is engaged or, in the case of an unemployed person, in which he was engaged.

For the purposes of the census, the National Bureau of Statistics has identified the following possible situations: independent worker, employer, salaried civil service worker, salaried worker in a joint public/private enterprise, salaried worker of a private sector enterprise, members of a producer's cooperative, apprentice, and family helper.

a) Independent worker. An independent worker is a person who is self employed in his occupation or economic activity either alone or with the help of members of his family or unpaid apprentices.

b) Employer. An employer is a person who employs salaried workers in a [company] that belongs to him. He possesses the means of production, equipment, machines, buildings, etc.

[p. 50]

c) Salaried worker. A salaried worked is connected to an employer, either public or private, by a work contract which remunerates its employee either with room and board, or in cash for the work he does. For the purposes of the census, the National Census Bureau is also interested in the type of employer, and so differentiates: salaried worker in public administration; salaried worker of a joint public/private enterprise (entreprise mixte); and salaried worker in the private sector.

i) Salaried worker in public administration.
All civil service employees and agents of the state, including contracted workers of the Administration and of public bodies are salaried workers in public administration. Salaried workers of international bodies and foreign embassies, including all those who have diplomatic status in Guinea, are classified as "SAP."

ii) Salaried worker in a joint public/private enterprise.
All workers of companies in the joint public/private and paragovernmental (parapublic) sectors are classified in this category.

iii) Salaried worker in the private sector.
All salaried workers in companies in the private sector are grouped in this category.

d) Members of a producer's cooperative. Members of cooperatives, of groupings or associations of producers, are people who participate voluntarily and actively in a communal activity related to agricultural, commercial or artisanal production. They are not salaried workers but, on the contrary, share the profits realized according to the established rules [of the cooperative].

e) Apprentice. An apprentice is a person who is learning a manual trade within the framework of an apprenticeship, either in a workshop or in the field, with a professional. He receives no remuneration, as either room and board or in cash, for the work he does.

f) Family helper. A family helper is a person, either male or female, who works in a family business) without receiving any remuneration, either [in cash or as room and board]. By "family business," a farm, a commercial concern, a craft business, etc., belonging to a member of the family, is understood.

To figure out the question(s) you should ask to obtain the status of economic activity engaged in, rely on the nature of the economic activity engaged in by the worker to see which elements should be verified. Is it a question of:

a) work done for an employer who gives you a salary in exchange?

[p. 51]

If the answer is yes, then you are dealing with a salaried employee and need to determine the status of the employer, who may be:
i) The government, the state, a local government body, (collectivité locale) an international agency or a public agency ? SAP.
ii) A joint public/private or paragovernmental enterprise (entreprise mixte ou une enterprise parapublique)? SEM
iii) A firm, company or small business ? SPr
iv) An ordinary household ? Spr

b) a job carried out by the individual on his own behalf (the firm, workshop, shop, commercial, agricultural or industrial concern (exploitation), or provision of services belongs to him)?

If the answer is yes:

1st case: the workers has hired temporary or permanent personnel who are paid based on a contract: he is an employer -- Emp.
2nd case: The worker works alone with only members of his family or unpaid apprentices: he is independent -- Ind.

c) work carried out in the framework of a producers cooperative (artisans, shopkeepers, farmers)? If the answer is yes: the worker is a member of a cooperative ? Coop.

d) manual work carried out in the framework of an apprenticeship in a workshop or in the field (sur le tas) with a qualified person, a master tradesman (un maître) so to speak, without receiving any type of remuneration in exchange? If the answer is yes, the person who carries out such manual work is an "apprentice" -- App.

e) agricultural, commercial (buying or selling), transportation or artisanal activities, or providing a service, and carried out in a family business setting without receiving any type of remuneration in exchange? If the person answers yes, the person who carries out such economic activity is "a family helper" -- Afa.

Once you have managed to obtain an appropriate answer, circle the number of the corresponding code.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 6 years or more
[Questions P22- P25 were asked of resident persons age 3 or more.]

P24. Status in activity

[For those who answered 1 or 2 in P22.]

What was the status of [the respondent] in this activity?

Enter the appropriate code.

[] 1 Independent
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Public employee
[] 4 Private employee
[] 5 Contract employment
[] 6 Apprentice
[] 7 Family helper
[] 8 Member of a cooperative or group

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_TYPEMPL — Type of employer
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F3. Population aged 10 and older
[Questions 21-28 were asked for individuals 10 years of age and older.]

26. Who did this person work for?

[] 1 Public sector
Private sector

[] 2 Household
[] 3 Cooperative
[] 4 Non-governmental organization
[] 5 For himself/herself
[] 6 Other (please specify) ____

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_CLASSWK — Class of work
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For those who worked or looked for work
[Questions 17-19 were asked of people aged 10 years or older who worked or looked for a job]

Employment category (symbols of column 19)

[] Owner or employer: P
[] Government employee: G
[] Other employees and workers: E
[] Independent worker: TI
[] Family worker: TF
[] Others: O
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Economic characteristics
This section comprises questions 11 to 19 which are asked to persons aged 10 years or older.

Column number 19: Employment category
This question is designed to find out if the person is an: employer, government employee, private employee, independent worker, or an unpaid family worker. This only refers to the employment listed in column 18.

Employer: Those who operate their own company or who carry out a profession or trade on their own account and who have one or more remunerated employees.


a) Someone whose only employees are domestic servants is not considered to be an employer.
b) A salaried manager of a company that is not his or her own is not considered to be an employer.
c) Government personnel who are responsible for other employees are not considered to by employers.

Government employee: they are functionaries, employees, and laborers who receive a wage or salary from the national treasury, from district or municipal funds, from foreign governments (personnel from embassies or diplomatic missions, etcetera) or from international institutions.

Other employees and laborers: they work for an employer, receiving a wage or salary.

Independent worker: they do not work for an employer, but operate their own company or carry out a profession or trade without having remunerated employees.

Unpaid family worker: Those who work, without pay, for a member of their family, for at least one-third time (2 days per week or 2 hours per day).

The following symbols, also found on the form, should be used for the annotation:

"PE" for employer
"EG" for government employees
"E" for other employees and laborers
[p. 26]
"TI" for self-employed workers
"TF" for family workers
"C" for other not included in the previous five categories

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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C. Economic characteristics

23. In this job, are or were you a:

[] 1 Public sector employee or worker
[] 2 Private sector employee or worker
[] 3 Employer
[] 4 Unpaid family worker
[] 5 Own-account worker
[] 6 Domestic servant
[] 7 Worker in a production cooperative

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C. Economic characteristics

23. In this job, are you or were you? [employment status]
Employee or worker in the public sector:
It refers to those who work in public administration (governments or autonomous institutions), carrying out an executive, administrative, or support occupation.

[p. 54]

Employee or worker in the private sector:
It refers to those who work in a private company carrying out a managerial, technical, administrative, manual, or support occupation.

It refers to those who work alone or in association, in their own factory, workshop, company, or business and who employs one or more persons for a salary or wage.

Administrators, managers, or other directors who are in charge of personnel but are not the company's owner, are not considered to be employers.

Unpaid family worker:
It refers to those who work for the company directed by a family member, not receiving a salary or a wage.

Own-account worker:
This refers to the workers who offer and charge for their services individually. They do not have an employer and do not contract salaried personnel. In some cases, they work with family members and do not pay them for their work. Examples: street peddlers, shoeshines, small businessmen, independent shoemakers, plumbers, etcetera.

Domestic servant:

It refers to those who permanently work in the home of a family carrying out domestic duties, such as washing, cleaning, cooking, etcetera, for which a salary is received.

Worker in a production cooperative:
In this category are those who work as active members of one or more production cooperatives and who receive payment according to their participation. If the person is not a member of the cooperative and only receives a wage, they must not be in this category, rather they must be included in the first or second category as an employee or laborer of the public or private sector.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 7 years old or more
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]

15. In this job, [the person] works as or worked as:

[] 1 Private employee or worker
[] 2 Public employee or worker
[] 3 Owner with employees
[] 4 Self-employed
[] 5 Unpaid family worker
[] 6 Domestic employee
[] 7 Other
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Only for persons who answered in Block A
[Questions 14-16 were asked of persons who marked any option of block A of question 13]

Question 15: In this job, you work as or worked as: Private employee or worker?; public employee or worker?; Employer with employees?; Independent worker?; Unpaid family worker?; Domestic employee?; Other?

Read each of the options until you receive an affirmative answer and mark the corresponding box.

The indicated categories respond to the following definitions:

1. Private employee or worker: This person works for an employer or private business, and perceives payment in the form of salary, daily wage, commissions, payment, in currency or in-kind, for doing occupations that are managerial, technical, administrative, or support.

2. Public employee or worker: This person works in the public administration (central government, autonomous and municipal institutions) doing work that is executive, technical, administrative, and support.

3. Employer with employees: This person is owner of an economic unit (factory, business, workshop, farm, ranch, etc.) who hire or employ one or more persons in permanent form.

4. Independent worker: This person does an activity in independent manner, does not have an employer, nor hires salaried personnel in permanent form. In some cases, unpaid family members work for him or her. Example: Independent professionals and technicians, peddler, small businesspersons, shoemakers, plumbers, farmer, etc.

5. Unpaid family worker: This person works in the business of a relative, without receiving any payment in exchange.
[p. 53]
6. Domestic employee: In this category you should include all of the persons who are in charge of caring for a dwelling and its inhabitants, in exchange for payment in money or in-kind, for example: Housekeepers, butlers, cooks, nannies, launderers, gardeners, chauffeurs for the exclusive service of the dwelling, etc.

7. Other: In this category, you should include all persons who do not belong to any of the categories above.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_SECTOR — Sector
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III. Occupation Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 16-22.]

For those who are 14 years and older (born in 1955 or earlier)
[Questions 16-22. Questions 16-17 determined employment status, and questions 18-22 were asked only of those employed.]

20. Occupation, main activity, post, scope of activity ____

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22/b Exact definition of the place of work
The place of work is the workshop, division, institution, etc. (maintained by the employer) the person enumerated is going for work. The exact name of the place of work will be entered as answer to question 22/b.

In case the employer's and the work place's address is the same (that is in majority of the cases) a full address will be recorded only in the answer to question 22/a while the answer to question 22/b will be "the same.

The question will not be answered in case of the professional and civilian members of the armed forces.

In case of persons working in a particular department -- e.g. in the head office or in a grocery shop, in a clothing shop, restaurant, bar, etc. of an employer - it is very often that the name of the employer is very generous, e.g. Retail Trade Company, General Consumer's and Trading Co-operative, etc.

Therefore it has to be entered here the exact and definite address of the plant, shop, division, etc. where the enumerated person works.

Health and educational institutions
In case of persons working in health and educational institutions again not the name of the employer (that is Ministry of Education or District Council, etc.) rather the effective place of work (e.g. the definite address and/or name of the primary school, the District Hospital will be noted.


In case of persons working in the medical cabinets, crèches, kindergartens, day-time homes, holiday houses, restaurants maintained by companies, institutions, etc. instead of the name of the maintainer the concrete place of work will be entered, e.g. medical company of the company, crèche of a firm, holiday house of the company, etc.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_EMPSECT — Sector
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Questions No. 15 to 18 to be answered by:

[Questions 15-18 were asked of those who satisfied one of the following four requirements:]
- Answered 'yes' to question 14
- Inactive earners data prior to child (care leave, retiring)
- Other dependents having worked 90 days or longer,
- Dependents who were not enumerated together with the supporter (supporter's data)

15. Occupation, scope of activity ____

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18. Employer, place of work

The question must not be answered in case the answer to question 16 is either "own-account worker (5)" or "family helper 6-9"

18/a Employer

The official name and address (at least the locality, in Budapest also the district) of the employer should be registered. The employer is where the given person is working in an occupation marked in question 15.


1. In cases of own-account workers and their employees, family helpers the correct entry might be e.g. "private farmer", "own-account locksmith", "own-account fruit and vegetable merchant", "private person" (in case of domestics), etc.;

2. In cases of causal laborers or agricultural day laborers the correct entry is "occasional employer" or "private farmers";

3. In cases of professional and civilian members of the armed forces -- if no Personal questionnaire received by the enumerator -- the entry is always "HM", "BM", "BV" (BV=Ministry of Justice), Militia, Fireworks).

In cases of the latter two categories the sub-questions 18/b, c will not be answered.

18/a Place of work

As place of work the section, shop, educational, health, social or welfare unit (kindergarten, nursery, recreation house, et.) of the employer, that is the workplace where the given person is going to for work daily will be marked.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_SECTOR — Employer's sector
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[Questions 15-19 were asked of persons who are economically active, work or get a child care fee or child care allowance, per question 14]

16. Occupational status:

[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Member of co-operative
[] 3 Own-account worker, person of liberal profession -- family helper

18. Name of employer: _____

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19. Place of work

As an answer to the sub-question 19/a the section, plant, subsidiary of the employer should given, e.g. the weaving mill of a textile company, the retail shop of a trading company, the general (primary) school of the municipality of a given locality, etc.

In sub-question 19/b the name of the locality (in case of Budapest the district too) of the workplace should be entered. It has to be marked whether the given person is going daily for work from his/her permanent or provisional address. The address marked in case of persons working

-- On an alternate place (e.g. those working for the railways, etc.) the locality of the daily briefing;
-- For a construction company the actual place of the construction;
-- For an agricultural employer which has plants in several localities the name of the locality of the plant where the given person worked for the longest period of the year 1989;
-- Abroad the country of work is sufficient.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Personal questionnaire

IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

28. What is (was) your status in employment?

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Sole proprietor, self-employed
[] 3 Working member of a company
[] 4 Working member of a co-operative
[] 5 Causal employee (working by special commission contract, casual workers, day workers)
[] 6 Employed in public works (doing work for public benefit, public purposes etc., employed in public employment)
[] 7 Helping family member
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IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

28. What is (was) your status in employment?
Employee is the person who is in labor relation with an employer generally based on working contract. This category includes civil servants, public functionaries, persons acting as judges or attorneys, as well as professional and contracted members of armed forces and public defense (their legal status being civil servant or public services worker).

Sole proprietor, self-employed is the person working alone or with some employees -- generally on the basis of a license of activity -- as sole proprietor (like artisans, retailers, farmers, free-lancers etc.), not as member of a joint undertaking.

Working member of a company is the person, who parallel to his/her partnership in possessing a non-co-operative venture, is obliged to contribute to the activity of the venture by personal activity, work.

Working member of a co-operative is the person who as a member of any kind of economic organization in co-operative form (e.g. consumption co-operative, agrarian co-operative) is obliged for work.

Casual employee (working by special commission contract, casual worker, day worker) is the person, who neither has a stable working contract, nor is an entrepreneur, though -- with, or without a special document -- is working, usually lasting for a short period of time (e.g. agricultural day-work, shoveling the snow, unskilled work in construction). The day-worker, based on an agreement with the employer, is working either for a negotiated period of time (one day, week etc.), or is performing a given job (digging of a piece of land, painting the fence etc.). Odd job performers are also the persons, who on the basis of an individual contract, not as entrepreneurs, perform an intellectual job (e.g. translation of a text, holding a lecture etc.).

Employed in public works (doing work for public benefit, public purposes etc., employed in public employment) is the person who is employed by the local government in public benefit work or public work program.

Contributing family worker is the participating family member who helps the sole proprietors, members of a company or members of a co-operative in their activity without pay, but receiving from the achievements of the enterprise or economic company as a member of the household.

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Activity and marital status - For people aged 10 and over

Questions 26-28 for those who are working, doing unpaid work in the household business, or are temporarily absent from work

28. Job status

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own-account, wage, and salaried worker
[] 3 Public sector
[] 4 Private sector
[] 5 Cooperative sector
[] 6 Unpaid family worker
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Column 23 -30, Employment and marital status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for individual 10-year or older.
Columns 26 -29, main activity of the workplace, job, job status, workplace
[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns if codes 1, 2, or 3 are checked in column 23, and leave it blank for the rest.
? For individuals who were temporarily absent from work (column 23 code 3) fill this column according to their usual job.
? When filling these columns for an individual who worked a job other than his usual one in the past 7 days [column 23 code 1] consider the most recent job carried.
? When filling these columns for individuals who work multiple jobs, consider the main job carried. If the respondent cannot specify the answer, the job that individual worked the highest number of hours carrying in the past 7 days is the main job. If the individual spends equal number of hours at each job, then the main job is the one that the individual has stayed with the longest.
Column 28, status in employment
[Picture omitted]
Code 1, employer
An individual who hires at least one employee e.g.:
? Owner of a sawmill who has hired a few laborers to run the mill.
? Owner of grocery with one hired laborer working for him
? A mason who has hired a few construction workers to carry the job he has contracted.
? Individuals who run their occupational activities using only unpaid family workers are not employers.
Code 2, own- account worker
An individual who hires no employee, and himself is not a paid worker either:
? A grocer who runs his own grocery store individually or with a partner.
? Individuals who run their occupational activities using only unpaid family workers.
? Farmers who cooperate with each other during harvest are considered own- account worker if they do not hire any laborer.
Code 3, public sector employee
Individuals who work for ministries, institutions, agencies, government offices and agencies and Islamic revolution organizations, public banks, or city, and are paid in cash or in-kind e.g. employees of Ministry of Education or National Bank of Iran or police officers.
? Public sector employees are hired, on contract, temp, or day laborer.
? Employees of manufacturing and business activities under public sector management.
? Privates in conscription.
? Individuals hired to work under private sector contractors are not public sector employees even if the contractor works for public sector.
Code 4, private sector employee
An individual who works in private sector in return for cash or in kind, whether the employee is an individual or institution, e.g. the CEO of a private sector construction company, private nursery teacher, private hospital accountant, cashier of private sector bank, etc.
? An individual hired and paid by private sector whose workplace is in public sector is private sector employee.
? Unpaid internes who work in public or private sector get codes 3 or 4 respectively.
Code 5, co- operative sector employee
Co- operative companies are created and registered according to co- operative law of trade and comprise different types such as consumer co- ops, housing co- ops, etc.
Code 6, unpaid family worker
An individual who works unpaid for another member of the same household with whom he has family ties e.g. a son who helps his father in livestock farm without pay.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_SECTOR — Sector of employment
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For persons six years old and more
[Applies to questions 46-52]

50. Sector

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Mixed
[] 3 Cooperative
[] 4 Private
[] 5 Arabic
[] 6 Foreigner

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50. Sector:
If the person is working in an establishment that belongs to the government the sign (x) is put in the square opposite to the word (governmental) but if the office belongs to Iraqi people (the government neither owns it or having a share in it) the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (private) but if the person works in an establishment that the government has a share in its capital besides the private sector the sin is put in the square opposite to the word (mixed).
If the person is working in a cooperative assembly, collective farm or agricultural cooperation the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (cooperative) but if the person is working in an Arab establishment the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (Arabic) but if he works in a foreign establishment the sign is put opposite to the word (foreign).
Note: The Iraqis, Arabs and Foreigners employees with Arabic construction companies and Arab's Embassies indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the word (Arabic) as for Iraqis, Arabs and Foreigners employees with foreign construction companies and foreign Embassies indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the word (foreigner).

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_WKSECT — Type of establishment in which the person works
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228. Name of establishment in which the person works ____
[Question 228 was asked of persons age 15+ who worked or were temporarily absent from work during the week ended in October 1st 2004, per Questions 225 and 226.]

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_EMPSECT — Main employer
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E: Labour force particulars
Economic activity
[Question 42 was asked of all individuals age 5+.]

For those who worked or held a job (including those on leave/sick leave).
[P-43 and P-44 were asked of all individuals age 5+ who worked or held a job in the 7 days preceding the census night.]

P-43. Who was [person's] main employer? _ _

The code list is provided. Code "99" for not applicable.

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- Section E: Labor force particulars. This section covers columns p42 to p44 and should be asked of all persons 5 years old and above.

34. Section E: Labor force participation

[Questions 42 to 44 are asked of all persons 5 years old and over.]

34.1 Column P42 to P44:

This section involves collection of labor statistics, mainly used for employment policies and programs and for projecting future labor force. The questions are asked to all persons aged 5 years and above and refer to the last seven days preceding the Census night. However, the reference period for those who held a job (on leave or on sick leave) falls outside the last seven days.

34.3 Column 43: Main employer

Each person who is working will be asked for whom they work for. This question applies to respondents whose response in column P42 is codes 1 ? 7, and code 15. The code list for the main employer will be provided. To clarify:

- Employment sector refers to whether the employment is public (governmental) or private (non?governmental).
- Public sector covers all activities and establishments of the Central Government, its statutory corporations (wholly owned corporations or parastatals), registered companies in which the Government is a majority shareholder, and all Local Government authorities.
- State owned enterprise refers to semi?public.
- Private sector is categorized into private company or private individual (or household).
- A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is a non?profit making body which mainly engages in charity work.
- A Faith?Based Organization (FBO) is a group that references God or Allah. It includes organizations such as schools, hospitals etc. whose leaders are affiliated to religious organizations and groups founded by missionaries or religious leaders, so long as the founders are still active in the group.
- Examples of self-employed modern sector includes doctors, lawyers in private practice etc. whose businesses are registered with the registrar of companies.
- International NGOs includes: CARE international, OXFAM, Plan International, ActionAid, Safe the Child UK, International Red Cross, GTZ etc.
- Local NGOs includes: Green Belt Movement, Family Health Options Kenya, Federation of Women Lawyers ? Kenya chapter (FIDA) etc.

Selected examples

- A person employed by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) as a cleaner will be classified as working in State owned enterprise (code "5")
- If KNBS outsourced cleaning services from a private company, the cleaner will be classified as working in Private owned enterprise (code "1").
- A person who works as a cleaning person in someone's home will be classified in Individual/Private household (code "16").
- A person working in a Parish or Mosque should be coded as working for an FBO (code "8").
- A person who buys and sells agricultural produce e.g. milk, maize cabbages, "sukuma wiki" etc. will be classified as self?employed informal if the business is not registered with the registral of companies. (Code "11").

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_SECTOR — Employer
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Section D. For all persons aged 10 years and above

20. If employed last week, who was (the respondent's) employer?

[Question 20 to be answered by those who responded codes 10-40 in Question 18.]

[] Not applicable
[] 1 Government
[] 2 Parastatal
[] 3 Private, including self employed
[] 4 Republic of South Africa
[] 5 Other (e.g. Foreign Missions)
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4. Part D of the questionnaire

128. Column 20: If employed, (last week) in column 18, who was your employer. This question applies to those who gave codes 10, 20, 31, 32 and 40.
Please code according to list. Enter NA for persons not in employment last week or are under the age of 10 years. Persons not in employment last week are in codes 50 to 90.
Code 2 (Parastatal) for persons employed at:

1. Lesotho National Bank and its Subsidiaries.
2. Agricultural Bank.
3. Lesotho National Development Corporation.
4. Lesotho Airways Corporation.
5. Lesotho Telecommunications Corporation.
6. Lesotho Electricity Corporation.
7. Lesotho National Tourist Organization.
8. Basotho Enterprise Development Corporation.
9. Lesotho Housing Corporation.
10. State Trading Corporation.
11. Lesotho Freight Services.
12. Lesotho National Bus Service.
13. Lesotho Flour Mills.
14. National Abattoir and Feedlot Complex
15. Maluti Mountain Brewery.
16. Water and Sewage Authority
17. Lesotho Highlands Development Authority
18. Lesotho Drug Association

Code 3 (Private) includes also all persons who are self-employed.
For persons who are employed in the Embassies and international organizations such as UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, FAQ, ILO, IPPF, etc., in Lesotho, code 5.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Section E. Economic status
[For persons aged 10 years and above.]

26. If employed last week, who was (the respondent's) employer?

[Question 26 to be answered by those who responded codes 10-40 in Question 24.]

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Parastatal
[] 3 Private, including self employed
[] 4 Republic of South Africa
[] 5 Other, specify ____
[] 8 Not applicable
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Part D of the Questionnaire
For persons aged 2 years and over

96. Column 26: If employed, (last week), who was your employer?

This question applies to those coded 10, 20, 31, 32, 40 and 60 in column 24.
Please code according to the list. Enter 88 for persons not in employment last week or are under the age of 10 years. Persons not in employment last week are in codes 50-90 exclude code 60.
Code 2 (Parastatal) for persons employed at:
1. Lesotho National Bank and its subsidiaries
2. Lesotho National Development Corporation
3. Telecom Lesotho
4. Lesotho Electricity Corporation
5. Lesotho Housing and Land Development
6. State Trading Corporation
7. Lesotho Freight Services
8. Lesotho Flour Mills
9. Maluti Mountain Brewery
11. Water and Sewage Authority
12. Lesotho Highlands Development Authority
13. Lesotho Pharmaceutical Corporation
Code 3 (Private) includes all persons who are self-employed.
Note: For persons who are employed in the Embassies and international organizations such as UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, FAO, ILO, IPPF, in Lesotho, or other countries, code 5 and specify

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_OCCSECT — Occupation sector
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Question C17 - C29 for person aged 10 years and above

[Questions 25-27 were asked of persons who worked for at least one hour during the last 7 days or had a job to return to.]

C25. Occupation

(a) What is your occupation? ____

(b) Please describe your duties/ nature of work. ____

(c) In which sector is your occupation?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Private
[] 3 Own business

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_EMPSECT — Type of establishment
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

[Questions 29 to 34 refer to the person's job or business during the past week. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.]

29 Name and type of establishment ____

Give the name of the establishment, factory, firm, government ministry, municipal or district council, parastatal body, co-operative enterprise, etc., for which the person worked, including details of branch, division, department, etc.
If there is no name, give name of employer.
If self-employed, give name of business shop, agency, etc., or write the person's own name.
If employed by a private household as cook, driver, watchman, gardener, household worker, maidservant, etc., write 'private household'.
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Stop at this column [28] if person has never worked. Columns 29 to 34 are for persons who have ever worked. Information is required on the person's work during the past week. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours, if person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job.

Column 29
Name and type of establishment
Write the name of the establishment, factory, firm, government ministry, municipal or district council, parastatal body, cooperative enterprise, etc., for which the person worked, including details of branch, division, department, etc. Please do not use abbreviations.

If the establishment has no name (e.g. a sugar cane plantation, an attorney's office, a medical practice), write the name of the employer.
If the person was self-employed, write the name of his/her business, shop, agency, etc. · If the business does not have a name, write the person's own name.
If the person worked as an employee in a private household (e.g. as cook, driver, watchman, gardener, laundress, maidservant, etc.), write 'Private household'.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_EMPSECT — Type of establishment of employment
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 12 years and over.
(Questions 28 to 33 refer to the person's job or business during the past week. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.)

28. Name and type of establishment _

Give the name of the establishment, factory, firm, government ministry, municipal or district council, parastatal body, co-operative enterprise, etc., for which the person worked, including details of branch, division, department, etc.

If there is no name, give name of employer.

If self-employed, give name of business shop, agency, etc., or write the person's own name.

If employed by a private household as cook, driver, watchman, gardener, household worker, maidservant, etc., write 'private household'.
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

[Columns 28 to 33 are for persons who have ever worked. Information is required on the person's work during the past week. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job.]

Column 28 -
Name and type of establishment

Write the name of the establishment, factory, firm, government ministry, municipal or district council, parastatal body, cooperative enterprise, etc., for which the person worked, including details of branch, division, department, etc. Please do not use abbreviations.
If the establishment has no name (e.g. a sugar cane plantation, an attorney's office, a medical practice), write the name of the employer.
If the person was self-employed, write the name of his/her business, shop, agency, etc. If the business does not have a name, write the person's own name.
If the person worked as an employee in a private household (e.g. as cook, driver, watchman, gardener, laundress, maidservant, etc.), write 'private household'.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_EMPSECT — Type of establishment
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Individual form

The following questions [questions 29 through 34] refer to the person's work during the reference week Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011. If the person is retired or had no job during that week, answer for his/her last job. If the person has more than one job, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. [For persons aged 12 years and older]

P29. Name of establishment ______

Write the name of the establishment, firm, government institution, etc., for which the person worked. If establishment has no name, give name of employer. If self-employed, write the name of business shop, agency, etc., or write the person's own name. If working for a private household (e.g. cook, gardener, etc.), write ["private household"].
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P29 - Name of establishment
The name of the establishment is needed only to ensure correct coding of the kind of business or industry as well as the sector of employment.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P29 - Name and type of establishment
[figure omitted]

Write the name of the establishment, factory, firm, government ministry, municipal or district council, parastatal body, co-operatives enterprise, etc., for which the person worked, including details of branch, division, department, etc. Please do not use abbreviations. An example is given as follows:
[figure omitted]

If the establishment has no name (e.g. a sugar cane plantation, an attorney's office, a medical practice); write the name of the employer.

If the person was self-employed; write the name of his/her business, shop, agency, etc. If the business does not have a name, write the person's own name.

If the person worked as an employee in a private household (e.g. as cook, gardener, driver, watchman, laundress, maidservant, etc.); write "private household".

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_CLASSWK — Work status
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Individual form / population structure

Economic activity

16. Employment status

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed, on premises
[] 3 Self-employed, at home
[] 4 Self-employed, traveling or without premises
[] 5 Salaried, public sector
[] 6 Salaried, private sector
[] 7 Family aid
[] 8 Apprentice

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Economic activity

Q16: Employment status
An occupied active individual could be an employer, self-employed, salaried, family aid or an apprentice. Enumerators should consider the person's status within his/her primary profession.

1 Employer: employs at least one salaried person

2 Self-employed, with premises: works on his own and does not employ any salaried person, although, he/she may seek familial aids. This individual works on a specific premise other than his own home. This definition may be difficult to apply for self-employed farmers. We consider each farmer working on his own land within this category.

3 Self-employed, at home: works for his own and does not employ any salaried person on a permanent basis, although, he/she may seek familial aids or apprentice. This individual works at his own home.

4 Self-employed, traveling or without premises: works for his own and do not employ any salaried person, although, he/she may seek familial aids. This individual does not have specific premise.

5 Salaried, public sector: woks for a salary, in-kind or both. This individual works for the public sector, such as government, local communities, external services of ministries.

6 Salaried, private sector: woks for a salary, in-kind or both. This individual works for the private sector.

7 Family aid: works for his family members with no salary and lives with them.

8 Apprentice: works for an employer or self-employed to learn some skills. He/she may receive some salary.

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Economic activity

36. Employment status

For the employed and the unemployed.

[] 1 Fewer than 5 employees
[] 2 5 or more employees
[] 3 Self-employed

Sector of employment
[] 4 Public
[] 5 Private
[] 6 Family help
[] 7 Apprentice
[] 8 Co-op member or partner
[] 9 Other, specify ____

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_SECTOR — Sector
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21. What activity has (the person) performed in the past week?

[] Worked- Go to #2
[] Did not work, but has a job- Go to #23
[] Helped a relative- Go to #23
[] Looked for a new job- Go to #23
[] Domestic- Go to #22
[] Looked for a job for the first time- Go to #27
[] Served the FADM- Go to #27
[] Studied only- Go to #27
[] Retired/ reserve- Go to #27
[] Was unable to work- Go to #27
[] Other- Go to #27
25. Say whether (the person) is a (worker of):

[] the Public Administration/ Government Agency
[] the Private Sector
[] a Government-owned Corporation
[] the Cooperative sector
[] Self-employed worker
[] Family worker with no pay
[] Member of a Cooperative
[] Boss/ Employer
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Questions Only For People With 7 Years And Older

P25. Say if you are:
This question should be answered according to the occupation/profession indicated by the interviewee in P23.
Please keep in mind the following definitions:

- Employee of the State Apparatus includes all people who work for the state, local or central level. Mark X in box number 1;
- Employee of Private Sector includes all employees of fully private companies. Mark X in box 2;
- Employee of the Public Company include all workers of public enterprises such as TDM, EDM, Post Office, CFM, RM, TVM, etc. .. Check the box 3;
- Worker of the Cooperative Sector includes every person who works in a cooperative. Mark X in box number 4;
- Self-employed includes any person who, while practicing his/her profession, does not employ personnel and the earnings of his/her work is reversed to him/herself. For example, a farmer working in his farm without employees, a mechanic who works alone in his workshop with no employees, etc. .. Mark X in box number 5.

If in the person's work, he/she is only helped by members of his/her family without compensation should be considered the same as "self-employed".

- Family workers without pay includes any person who is working for the household, without receiving any compensation. Mark X in box number 6.

Here it should be considered as "family workers without pay" for example, the household members who help the household head's work in the farm, workshop, etc., provided that they do not receive any compensation payment.

- "Member of cooperative" comprises all members of the cooperative production. For example: the farmer who is a member of a cooperative of agricultural production, the craftsman who is a member of a cooperative of crafts, etc. Mark X in box number 7.
You must not include people who are members of a consumer cooperative.
- "Employer/Business" comprises the people who own a business, industrial, farm, etc., which employ salaried workers. Mark X in box number 8.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_SECTOR — Sector
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For people aged 7+ only

26. What activity did (the person) do in the last week of July, this year?

[] 1 Worked- Go to question 28
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job- Go to question 28
[] 3 Helped a relative- Go to question 28
[] 4 Looked for a new job- Go to question 28
[] 5 Domestic - Go to question 27
[] 6 Looked for a job for the first time- Go to question 32
[] 7 Served the FADM- Go to question 32
[] 8 Studied only- Go to question 32
[] 9 Retired/reserve- Go to question 32
[] 10 Was unable to work
[] 11 Other ____
28. What was [the person]'s main occupation/duty this week or the last time he/she worked? ____
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Questions to people aged 7+ only

P28. What was (the person)'s main occupation/duty this week or the last time he/she worked?

All of those who, in P26, marked alternatives 1, 2, 3 or 4 should respond this Question. It is intended to know what the person's main occupation/profession is at their workplace, regardless of the activities conducted there. For example, Mr. Carlos works as a car electrician for Águas de Moçambique, a company that deals with water supply. WRITE "CAR ELECTRICIAN".

Be aware that:
Those who are seeking for a new employment should indicate the profession/occupation they had in the last time they worked.
In case the respondent has more than one profession/occupation, they should indicate the one they believe is the main one.
You should avoid writing vague or incomplete responses, for example:

Wrong Response: Worker
Correct Response: Warehouse worker; Travel Agency employee
Wrong Response: Technician
Correct Response: Radio technician; Telecommunications technician

[Illustration with more similar examples is omitted]

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_ACTIVITY — Activity status
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Age 10 and above (22 through 24)
[Questions 22 through 24 were asked only of persons age 10 and older.

Labor force (22 through 24)

Activity status

22. What was [the respondent's] activity status during the last 12 months? (April 2013 - March 2014)

If options 6 to 11 skip to Q25

[] 1. Employee (Government)
[] 2. Employee (Private, Org)
[] 3. Employer
[] 4. Own account worker
[] 5. Contributing family worker
[] 6. Sought work
[] 7. Did not seek work
[] 8. Full time student
[] 9. Household work
[] 10. Pensioner, retired, elderly person
[] 11. Ill, disabled
[] 12. Other
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Labor force section
The Labor Force section is applicable to all persons 10 years and above. For respondents age below 10 years you will skip the section, leave it blank.

Question 22: Main activity status during the last 12 months

173. Ask "what was [the respondent]'s main activity status during the last 12 months before the Census (April 2013 to March 2014)? What the respondent was doing denotes the work, economic activity or employment that occupied most of the respondent's time during the last 12 months. Here 'employment' is interpreted as work for at least one hour daily in the reference period. Economic activity is work that leads to production of goods and service. The possible response options are as follows.

[p. 40]

174. Employed (worked for at least 1 hour for pay, profit or family gain or was temporarily absent from work but had a job, farm or business. Note that very little paid work is needed to be classified as 'employed'.

1. Employee working for the government. All people working in the government of Myanmar or any other should fall under this option.

2. Employee (working for private employer or private organization for pay in cash or in kind). This category comprises persons who during the reference period worked for wages, salaries, commissions, tips, contracts or payment in kind (especially in the rural areas where people who have rendered services may be paid using food or clothing). All people in NGOs, international organizations, companies, etc. must be coded here.

3. Employer (employing one or more employees). This category comprises persons who during the reference period worked in their own business, which also employs other persons. The person must have also been spending much of his/her time at the place of work than in other work. This is to say that if the person has two places of work then this is where he/she spends more of the working time. The people employed can be paid either in cash or in-kind.

4. Own-account worker (not employing any employee). This category comprises self-employed persons who worked on own business or worked on own/ family business for family gain. This category can include, for example, artisans, self-employed mechanics, traders in farm produce and family workers offering services in own or family business. Any member of the household working on the family holding for pay will fall under code "2".

5. Contributing family worker (working without pay in the business or farm of another household/family member)

175. Not employed, available for work

6. Sought work: A person who in the reference period was actively looking for work belongs to this category "6". This category should not include the under-employed (i.e. those who have paid work but wish to leave for better opportunities). Persons who have no work at all and are looking for work will fall under this category. If a person is working on the family holding but is seeking work, he/she should be coded as "contributing family worker" and not as "seeking work". This category should include only persons who are available full-time for work and hence are actively looking.

7. Not seeking work: This person is not working nor looking for work because he/she is discouraged, but would usually take up a job when offered one.

176. Not employed, not available for work

8. Unemployed student: This is a person who spent most of his/her time in a regular educational institution (primary, secondary, college, university etc.) and hence not available for work. If, for instance, a student was part-time during the better part of the reference period and was engaged in gainful employment, he/she should be coded as employed. This may be the case amongst the university students.

9. Household work (homemaker): Is a person of either sex involved in household chores in his/her own home e.g. fetching water, cooking, babysitting, etc., who did not work for pay or profit or sought work. These categories should not include houseboys/girls who fall under category "2". If such a person worked on family holding without pay they should be coded as "5" and not as "9". Please probe. Many women, especially in rural areas, consider themselves as housewives, but work in the fields on the family farms. They should be classified as "5" Contributing family workers.

10. Pensioner, retired, elderly person: This is a person who reports that during the 12 months, he/she was not engaged in any economic activity because he/she had retired either due to age, sickness, or voluntarily. If a person has retired, but is doing some work/business, he/she should be coded as "2", "3", "4" or "5" as appropriate. If he/she has retired, but is seeking work he/she should be coded as "6".

11. Disabled or ill: This is somebody who cannot work due to some form of disability or illness. Do not assume that all disabled persons cannot work. For example, a blind person who is in wage employment will fall under category "2" and not "11". Similarly physically disabled person working on the family holding should fall under category "2" or "5". You should probe if you are unsure at first.

12. Other: This category includes any other persons not mentioned above. You are to probe to find out whether unpaid family workers consider themselves as "seeking work", etc. and code them accordingly. For example, if a young man helps his uncle to sell goods in a shop without receiving pay, probe whether he is seeking work, and if so code him as such. In such case code 5 would be appropriate. In such case the person is either working without pay (code 5) or employed with pay (code 2).

This question is aimed at identifying the size of the labor force and the reasons why people are not working. It is therefore important this question is asked with all the care. In most cases, women may assume that they are not working but they are deeply involved in the workforce. Below are some photos which should probe you to inquire if the people both women and men say that they are not working; ask them what they are doing then code as appropriate.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_SECTOR — Sector
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For employed and unemployed persons who previously worked
[Questions 53 to 57]

55. Sector

[] 1 Private national
[] 2 Private international
[] 3 National government
[] 4 Foreign government
[] 5 Non-profit organization
[] 6 Aid agency
[] 7 International commission
[] 8 Out of establishments

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_SECTOR — Sector
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For employed individuals and unemployed ones where were employed in the past week (who answered 1 to 5 in question 73; put (-) for those who answered 6-12
[Questions 74-78 were asked of persons age 7 or older who have ever worked, as per question 73]

76. Sector

[] 1 National private (indoor)
[] 2 National private (outdoor)
[] 3 Foreign private (indoor)
[] 4 Foreign private (outdoor)
[] 5 National government
[] 6 Foreign government
[] 7 Non-profit organization
[] 8 UNRWA
[] 9 International organization

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_SECTOR — Sector of work
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For employed persons and unemployed ones who ever worked (who answers items (1--5) of question 74, and if the answers (6--12) go to question 83
[Questions 79 through 82 asked of persons aged 7 or older who were employed or unemployed as indicated in questions 74 responses 1 through 5.]

78. Sector

[] 1. National private inside establishment
[] 2. National private outside establishment
[] 3. Foreign private inside establishment
[] 4. Foreign private outside establishment
[] 5. National government
[] 6. Local authority
[] 7. Foreign government
[] 8. Non-profit organization
[] 9. Cooperative association
[] 10. UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East]
[] 11. International organization
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Large group of the economy, grouped according to their place in the production chain, by their kind of work (product or service), ownership, etc. The sectors are classified as follows:

1. National private (indoor): if the employed and unemployed ever worked persons owned enterprises by 51% or more of their capital to one person or group of persons or private institutions residing in Palestine.

2. National private (outdoor): comprises all persons who worked as self-employed and do not work for fixed establishment; instance for that the street venders who worked as own account, own account taxi driver, or the worker in construction without being employed as permanent worker for any establishment or contractor or farmer who works in his own farm.

3. Foreign private (indoor): if the employed and unemployed ever worked persons in an establishment owned by 51% or more from its capital to individuals or non-resident enterprises in Palestine, including branches of foreign companies in Palestine that does not include diplomatic and official missions to these governments.

4. Foreign private (outdoor): comprises all persons who worked as self-employed and do not worked at fixed establishments in Israel or Arab countries.

5. National government: comprises all establishments (ministries, departments and agencies) that belong to the state of Palestine. This includes institutions that belong to these ministries in governorates, in addition to schools and government hospitals.

6. Local authority: includes municipalities and village councils and their belonging facilities, public parks, public libraries and electricity generators that belong to the village council and the like.

7. Foreign government: It is an establishment that belongs directly to the foreign government, such as embassies, diplomatic missions, consulates, and diplomatic missions.

8. Non-profit organization: includes the charitable association and the nonprofit establishments such as the unions, all women and youth organizations, churches, and the establishments attached to it.

9. Cooperative company: It is an association registered in the Ministry of Labour as associations for specific purposes and can be targeted profit or non-profit.

10. UNRWA: includes all institutions which belong to the United Nation for Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, administration offices and services, schools, clinics and training centers.

11. International organization: includes various United Nations organizations (except for UNRWA), such as UNESCO, UNDP and similar international institutions (such as the International Red Cross, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund ...).

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_EMPSTAT2 — Class of worker
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C. Economic Characteristics

[Questions 13 - 18 were asked of persons 10 years of age and older.]

15. Were you paid for your work in money or in kind by a person, institution or company?

(Only for those who worked and those who had been employed before and looked for work.)

If the answer is yes, ask "where did you work" and mark the box 1, 2, or 3 as appropriate. If the answer is no, keep in mind the following: If self-employed without any paid employees or subordinates, mark box 4. If an owner or boss, mark box 5. If working for any family member, without remuneration, mark box 6.


[] 1 Of the government
[] 2 Of a private company
[] 3 Canal Zone

[] 4 Own-account worker
[] 5 Boss (owner)
[] 6 Family worker

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C. Economic Characteristics

(Only for persons 10 years old or older)

Keep in mind that questions 13-18 of this section correspond only to persons 10 years old or older.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as economically active (employed or unemployed) and as not economically active (homemaker, student, retired, pensioned, rentier, or other inactive persons).
The questions relating to the section are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week).
Definition of reference week or "last week": It is the complete calendar week from Sunday to Saturday that for census purposes goes from May 3 to May 9, 1970.

Question 15 Was your job paid in money or in kind by a person, institution or company?

(Only for one who worked and who had worked before and looked for employment)

If the answer to this question is "YES", ask where the person worked and mark box 1, 2, or 3 according to the answer. To mark the corresponding box, the following definitions should be kept in mind:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 15 of the census form.]

Box 1. Government Employee: is a person who works or has worked for the National, Municipal Government such as: The Ministry of Treasury, Secretary, Council, Autonomous and Semi-autonomous Entities like the General Finance Office, Social Security Fund, Institute of Economic Promotion, etc. and receives for the job remuneration in the form of a salary of a wage.
Box 2. Private Company Employee: is a person who works or has worked for a private employer and receives for the job remuneration in the form of a salary, wage, commission, tip, payments by the job or payments in kind. Examples: Agricultural Worker, domestic employee, seller in a grocery store, employee in a shoe factory, etc.
Box 3. Employee in the Panama Canal Zone. The person classified as an employee of the Panama Canal Zone is all persons who work or have worked in a company, business or institution established in this area. Example: Employees of the Army of the United States, private offices or workplaces, banks, employees in a family house, employees of contractors, etc.
Box 4. Worker on their own account: One who runs or has run their own economic company or private business or manages on their own account a profession or office and is not in charge of any remunerated employees. This person can work alone or with associates. Example: Bus driver, Traveling salesperson, Home hairstylist, Shoeshine [person], etc.

[p. 44]

Box 5. Employer (owner): One who runs or has run their own economic business (alone or with associates), or manages on their own account a profession or office, that always is in charge of one or more employees who receive salaries. Example: The owner of a department store who has many employees, the agricultural and livestock producer who has cowhands and farmers who tend to his farm or ranch, etc.
Box 6. Family Worker: It is the person who manages or has managed an occupation working at least a third of the time during the reference week without receiving remuneration in a company or business run by a member of the family.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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20. You work or worked last as:
Mark the appropriate box.


[] 1 of the government
[] 2 of a private company
[] 3 of a Canal Zone agency
[] 4 of a cooperative of communal organization

[] 5 Own-account worker
[] 6 Owner (boss)
[] 7 Member of a production cooperative or of a communal organization
[] 8 Family worker

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For persons 10 years old or older
(Apply to questions 14 to 25)

The questions that form this Section are meant to get information about the participation of the population 10 years old or older in the economic activities of this country.
The questions relating to the chapter are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week). Reference week is defined below:
Definition of "Reference Week" or "Last Week": It is the complete calendar week, from Sunday to Saturday that, for census purposes goes from May 4, 1980 to May 10, 1980.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as:
1. Economically active (employed and unemployed).
2. Not economically active (homemaker, student, disabled, retired, pensioner, rentier, others inactive).

[p. 80]

1. Economically active population
This group is understood to be the population of 10 years old or older who supply the workforce available for the production of goods and services of the country and is divided into Employed and Unemployed.

1.1 Employed Population: is understood to be persons who:

a) Have an occupation or job remunerated in money or in kind, during the reference week.
b) Have a private business or job on their own account. Example: The owner of a grocery store, the farmer, the lawyer who has his own practice, etc.
c) Works regularly in a business or company of a member of their family even when not drawing a wage or salary (Contributing family worker).
d) Sell tickets, newspapers, or any other article; make food to sell; wash cars; shine shoes; sew in their house for others; the kind of work, time worked or amount of money that they receive during the reference week does not matter.
e) Have a steady remunerated job but do not work during the reference week because of temporary circumstances: sickness or accident; vacation; work conflicts such as: bad weather; machine breakdowns, strike, on leave, etc.

1.2 Unemployed population: This group constitutes persons who do not have a remunerated occupation or job during reference week, but:

a) Have worked before and look for work (visits employment agencies or offices in search of work, consults friends about the availability of work, is relying on ads in newspapers, that is to say, makes the effort with the goal of finding employment).

[p. 81]

b) Are not looking for work because they have a job that will begin on a previously appointed date.
c) Look for their first job or that is "New Workers". The oldest age for a "New Worker" is 45.

2. Not economically active population
This group is understood to be the flowing persons:

2.1 Homemaker: The person who is dedicated only and exclusively to domestic tasks and chores in their own home and were not looking for work, nor were they retired, pensioned, living on investments, or attending school. In a dwelling there can be more than one homemaker.
2.2 Student: The person who is dedicated exclusively to studying.
2.3 Invalid: The person who is found to be physically or mentally impeded from working.
2.4 Retired: The person who has stopped working and is receiving retirement income.
2.5 Pensioned, rentier: The person who receives auxiliary or pensioned income (pensioned). Equally include in this group all the persons who without working receive money or investments from a business or company (rentier). Do not include persons who receive pension for food, divorce, etc.
2.6 Retired without benefits: Include in this group the persons who in some opportunity had a job but currently are separated from all type of economic activity without receiving retirement benefits or a pension.
2.7 Other condition: The person who without being classified in any of the groups above does not do any economic activity and remains idle.

When classifying the population, special care should be taken with the persons of the female sex who declare themselves to be "Homemaker" and those who declare themselves to be [p. 82] students. In the first case they sometimes also do remunerated jobs like: cleaning, ironing, sewing, styling hair, painting fingernails, making candy etc. in their own home or outside it but because they spend little time in these labors they forget to give this information.
On the other hand, some students after class or on weekends dedicate themselves to cleaning shoes, selling newspapers, washing cars etc. Equal care should be taken with the spouse or companion or the children of farm families, who regularly help with the agricultural labors but do not declare this job.
For reasons already explained, it is necessary that before classifying the population, the enumerator investigates more to find out if the parson did some work during the reference week. If is made known that the person worked during this period, even when it was part time, it should be classified as Employed, that corresponds to the population who is Economically Active.

Question 20 You work or worked last as [. . .]

Mark the corresponding box in agreement with the answer the person gives you. To mark the box keep in main the following classifications:
Government Employee: It is the person who works or has worked for the Central or
Municipal Government, such as: The Comptroller General, The Ministry of Housing and
Treasury, Government Offices, City Hall, etc. in Autonomous or Semi-Autonomous
Entities like the Social Security Fund, Institute for the Formation and Use of Human
Resources (IFARHU [in Spanish]), etc. and receives for the work a remuneration in the form of salary or wage.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 18 of the census form.]

[p. 89]

Private Company Employee: is a person who works or had worked for a private employer and receives for the work a remuneration in the form of salary, wage, commission, tip, paid by the job or paid in kind. Examples: Agricultural worker, domestic employee, seller in a grocery store, employee in a shoe factory, head of accounting in a construction materials company, secretary in a dental clinic, etc.
Employee of a Canal Agency: Every person who is classified as a Canal Agency employee is one who works or has worked in a company, business or institution established in the Canal Area. Examples: Employees of the United States Army, private offices or workshops, banks, employees in family houses, employees of contractors, etc.
Employee of a Cooperative or communal organization: is a person who works or has worked for a cooperative or communal organization and receives for the work remuneration in the form of a salary or wage.
Worker on their account: is a person who runs their own private business or manages by their own account a profession and an office and is not in charge of any remunerated employee. This person can work alone or with an associate. Include also persons who declare to work in the Canal Area by their own account. Examples: Bus drivers, traveling salespersons, in house hairstylist, shoe shiner, caddy in the Canal Area.
Employer (owner): The one who runs or has run their own economic company (alone or with associates), or manages, by their own account a profession or office that always is in charge of one or more employees who receive remuneration.
The department store owner who has many employees, the agricultural or livestock producer who has cowhands and those who attend to the farm, the doctor who has an office worker, the architect who has an office, etc.

[p. 90]

Member of a production cooperation or communal organization: is a person who works or has worked for a cooperative or communal organization (settlement, communal group, local group) and receives income proportional with the sale of the product.
Family worker: is a person who manages or has managed an occupation for more than 15 hours during the reference week, without receiving remuneration in a company of business run by a member of their own family.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_EMPSECT — Employment sector
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VI. Degree or diploma obtained and economic characteristics.
For individuals 10 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 21 were asked of people 10 years and older.]

19. For whom do you or did you work?

[] 1 Private company?
[] 2 Government?
[] 3 Cooperative?
[] 4 Family house?
[] 5 Canal Commission?
[] 6 United States Armed Forces?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Important observations about questions 14 to 21:
Questions 14 to 21, which form part of this section, are meant for getting information about the participation of the population of 10 years old or older in economic activities of the country. It is recommended that each member of the home respond for themselves. If this is not possible, the Head or responsible adult could respond for the youngest, but it is preferable to insist that the adult members respond for themselves.
The information refers to the week before the Census. This week is defined as the reference week and is understood to be from Sunday to Saturday.

Questions 15 to 21 should be asked to all persons who were marked in any of the circles 01 to 05 of question 14. Except to persons who answered that they have never worked in question 15.

Question Number 19: For whom do you work or did you work?
This question is asked to persons who were marked in circle 1 (employee or salary earner) in question 18. Read the alternatives and mark the corresponding circle in agreement to the response of the person, considering the following definitions:

Circle 1. Private company: if a person works or has worked for a private employer and receives for their work, remuneration in the form of a salary, wage, commission, tip, paid by the job or paid in kind. Example: agricultural worker, seller in a grocery store, employee in a shoe factory, head of accounting, secretary, etc
Circle 2. Government: if a person who works or has worked for the Central or Municipal Government, such as: The Ministry of Housing and Treasury, Government, Offices, in Autonomous or Semi-Autonomous Entities like the Savings Bank, Social Security Fund, Institute for the Formation and Use of Human Resources (IFARHU [in Spanish]), etc. and receives for the work a remuneration in the form of salary or wage. Include in this category the employees of international organisms (Embassies, OAS, UNO, etc.)
Circle 3. Cooperative: if a person works or has worked for a Cooperative of production, of consuming, of savings, etc. or a farmer's settlement.
Circle 4. Family house: if a person works or has worked in a family house and receives for the work remuneration en the form of a salary or wage. Example: domestic employee, gardener, driver, cook, housekeeper, butler, etc.
Circle 5. Canal Commission: if the person works or has worked in the Canal Commission , a company that is in charge of the running and maintaining of the Canal.
Circle 6. United States Armed Forces: if the person works or has worked for the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_OCCCAT1 — Occupational category
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For individuals 10 years of age and older

[Questions 14-23 were asked of persons aged 10 and older.]

21. Do you work or did you work the last as a . . .

[] 01 Government employee?
[] 02 Employee of a private company?
[] 03 Employee of the Canal Commission or Defense Sites?
[] 04 Employee of a not-for-profit institution?
[] 05 Domestic servant?
[For responses 1-5,] (Continue with question 22)
[] 06 Independent or own-account?
[] 07 Owner or employer?
[] 08 Family worker?
[] 09 Member of a production cooperative?
[For responses 6-9,] (Skip to question 23)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The objective of this section is to get information about the participation of the population 10 years old or older in economic activities of the country.
The information refers to the week before the Census. This week is defined as the reference week and is understood to be from Sunday to Saturday.
It is recommended that each member of the home respond for themselves. If this is not possible, the head or responsible adult could respond for the youngest, but it is preferable to insist that the adult members, especially if they are working, respond for themselves.

[p. 86]

Principal activity of the person:
The responses obtained in questions 14 to 17 are the basis for classifying the population of 10 years old or older in:
1. Economically Active Population: is understood to be the population 10 years old or older who supplies the available work force for the production of economic goods and services in the country, during the reference week. This population is classified as employed or unemployed.

a) Employed population: covers persons 10 years old or older who during the reference week:
- Have an occupation or job remunerated in money or in kind.
- Have their own business or they work on their own account.
- Work regularly in a business or company of a member of their family even when not drawing a wage or salary ([Contributing] family worker). In this case a [contributing] family worker should have as a minimum 15 hours worked to be considered as such.
- Persons absent from their job temporarily because of sickness or accident, holidays or vacations, strikes, on leave from school or military service, on maternity leave.
- Did not work, but do occasional jobs.

b) Unemployed population: This group is understood to be persons 10 years old or older who during the reference week:
Do not have an occupation or job and are looking for employment.
Looked for work before and waits for news, that is to say, one who has adopted means of looking for remunerated employment or an independent job.

2. Not economically active population: is understood to be retirees or pensioners, students, workers at home or homemakers, rentiers and other conditions.

Questions 19 to 23 should be asked to all persons who marked circle 1 in questions 14, 15, 16 and 17 and circles 2 and 3 of the last question except persons who answered that "they never have worked" (circle 9998) in question 18.

Question No. 21: Do you work or did you work the last as a:

The objective of this question is to know the category of the occupation, which is nothing more than the classification with respect to the employment that the interviewed person manages or managed, whether employed or unemployed.
Before asking this question, observe the responses written down in questions 19 and 20, since based on these responses, in some cases you will be able to deduce which circle in this question to mark.
Read the alternatives and mark the corresponding circle, according to the case, for which you keep in mind the following definitions:

Circle 01. Government Employee: is a person who works or has worked for the national or municipal government, such as: Government worker, Ministry of Agricultural and Livestock Development (MIDA), autonomous or semi-autonomous institutions like the Savings Bank, Social Security Fund, and state companies like the Institute of National Water Systems and Sewer Systems (IDAAN), Authority of the Inter-oceanic Region (ARI), and receive for their work remuneration in the form of wage or salary.

[To the left of the text is a picture of an office worker.]

Circle 02. Private Company Employee: is a person who works or has worked for a private owner and receives remuneration in the form of wage, salary, commission, paid by the job or in kind. Example: agricultural worked, sellers in a grocery store, employee in a shoe factory, accounting head, executive secretary, etc.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a person working.]

Circle 03. Employee in the Canal Commission or Defense Sites: is a person who used to work for the Canal Commission or Defense Sites (Army [in English]) and receives for the work remuneration in the form of wage or salary.

[p. 97]

Circle 04. Employee of a Non-Profit Institution: is a person who works or has worked for and Non-Profit Institution, example: National Association for the nature conservation, House of Hope, Caritas, Remar"

[To the right of the text is a picture.]

Circle 05. Domestic Servant: is a person who works or has worked for a single home different than their own, doing activities and receives for the work a salary in money or in kind; example: domestic employee, gardener, chauffer, cook, house keeper, butler, etc.

Circle 06. Independent or own-account: is a person who runs or who has run their own economic company or private business or manages or has managed a profession or office in an independent form and is not in charge of any employees. It can be work alone or with an associate; example: Bus driver, traveling salesperson, dress maker at home, shoe shiner, etc.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a person sawing a piece of wood.]

Circle 07. Owner or Employer: One who runs or has run their own economic business (alone or with associates), or manages on their own account a profession or office, that always is in charge of one or more employees who receive salaries in money or in kind.

Circle 08. Family Worker: is a person who manages or has managed an occupation for 15 hours or more during the reference week, without receiving remuneration, in a company or business run by a member of their own family.

Circle 09. Member of a Production Cooperative: is a person who has participated or participates in an associative type of company that produces an article or good, that requires some grade of transformation. Generally the members provide themselves the decision making power and the benefits go back to or are distributed by way of cooperative returns; examples: Cooperative of Work and Food Storage 1 de mayo, Cooperative of Producers of Mola [a type of Panamanian blouse], R. L.

Considering that it may prove to be too simple to determine who is an Employee or salary earner (Of the Government, Private Company, Canal Commission, etc.) let us analyze the rest of the occupational categories and the following cases a little more:

[p. 100]

a. You are enumerating the dwelling of Mr. Juan Batista, when asking him about his place of work he says the he works in the workshop Vargas-Matamoros (question 19). Before marking the circle, be careful in making the correct classification asking additional questions like the following:
Are you the owner or employee of this business? If he is the owner ask if he is in charge of employees. If the response is yes classify him as owner or employer (circle 07); on the contrary if he has no employees, classify him as independent or for their own account (circle 06).
In the case that Mr. Batista declares to work for other persons, classify him as private company employee (circle 02).

b. You will be able to determine the category of occupation of the persons in some cases, by means of question 18 (occupation). Example: a shoe shiner, traveling salesperson, car washer, scrap seller, newspaper seller and other occupations that persons do in which they logically are not in charge of any employees. These persons can be classified automatically as independent or for their own account (circle 06).

c. In equal form the category of occupation (question 21) will be able to be determined through the response given to question 16 (place of work). Example: If a person states that they worked in the National Environmental Authority, the Institute of National Water Systems and Sewer Systems or any other governmental dependency, you can automatically classify them as Government Employee (Circle 01). Equally if a person works in their house or in the street, they can be classified for their own account (circle 06).

d) Inasmuch as the family worker, you may think that it concerns a person who works in a family house, nevertheless, if you carefully read the definition, it will become clear to you that it concerns a person who works 15 hours or more a week in the business of a family member without receiving a wage or a salary. In this category are included the family members of farmers who work in the same plot of land without receiving payment. Examples:

A child who works (Tuesday to Sunday) in mother's shop without receiving payment 8 hours daily.
16 year old student who used to work in the afternoon with grandfather in a farm without receiving a salary, from Wednesday to Sunday for 3 hours every day.

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_EMPSECT — Type of employer
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[Questions 20-22 were asked of persons who answered 01-04 on Question 19.]

21. Who do you work for?

Write name or company or government department, e.g. Steamships, DPI, Dept. of Works and Supply. If self-employed, write "Self".____
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Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Questions 20 to 22
Questions 20 to 22 are only for people who are involved in money raising activities. That is they are either usually wage earners (codes 01 or 02) involved in a business (code 03) or get money from farming or fishing (code 04). Simply you do not have to ask these questions to anyone with codes OS to 10.
All three of these questions must relate to the same particular job or business for that person.

Question 21

Who do you work for?

Write clearly the name of company or government department.
If the person is self-employed (that is has his own business) simply write "self".
For farmers and fishermen (code 04) you should also write "self".
If a person works as a hausboi or haus meri, you do not have to write the name of the employee, e.g. "Mr Smith" just write "private".
Try to give the actual branch or section of the company or department, e.g. Steamships wholesales BPs plantations, Department of Works and Supply - refrigeration section.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_WKSECTOR — Work sector
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Chapter G.

For individuals 10 years of age and older

28. Do you work (or did you work) in the...

[] 1 Public sector?
[] 6 Private sector? - Skip to question 30
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G. Population information
For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 28: Do you work (or did you work) in the sector...

Public sector: Includes the ministries, municipalities, public schools, public hospitals, heath centers and offices, police and military forces, and other entities that depend on the state, such as: Petropar, Ande, Essap (ex Corposana), Copaco (ex Antelco), Ips, Paraguayan Mail, airport, Electoral Justice, court system, etc.

Philippines 1995 — source variable PH1995A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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5 Years Old and Over

P15. For whom or where does/did [respondent] work?
Enter code. (See codes sheet)

[] 1. Worked for private household
[] 2. Worked for private business/enterprise/farm
[] 3. Worked for government/government corporation
[] 4. Self-employed without employee
[] 5. Employer in own farm or business
[] 6. Worked with pay on own family-operated farm or business
[] 7. Worked without pay on own family operated farm or business

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Class of Worker (P15) and Kind of Business or Industry (P16)

The question P15 is to be asked for those who were engaged in an economic activity in the past 12 months: "For whom or where does/did _________ work?"

The response to this question should refer to the current economic activity/ies, if any, or the most recent activity/ies if not currently economically active. If the person has more than one activity, this question should be answered in relation to that activity in which he/she spends longer hours. If she/he spends an equal number of hours in these activities, the activity to be reported should be that one which yields the highest income.

Possible responses are categorized into seven (7) classes of workers:

1. Worked for private household. If a person worked in a private household for pay, in cash or in kind. Examples are family drivers, gardener, yaya, household help and other persons in domestic service.

[p. 102 ]

2. Worked for private business/enterprise/farm. All employees in private firms and farms are classified here.

Other examples of this class of workers are:

  • persons working in public works project on private contracts
  • public transport drivers who do not own the vehicle but drive them on boundary basis
  • dock hands or stevedores
  • cargo handlers in public market, railroad stations or piers, etc.
  • palay harvester getting fixed share of harvested palay, sacadas and other farm workers

3. Worked for government/government corporation. All government employees would be classified here. Examples of this class of workers are:

  • Employees in national and local government offices, agencies and corporation
  • Filipinos working in embassies, legation, chancelleries or consulates of foreign government in the Philippines
  • Filipinos working in international organizations of Sovereign States of Government like the United Nations, World Health Organization, etc.
  • Chaplains in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

4. Self-employed without employee. If a person worked for profit or fees in own business, farm, profession or trade without any paid employee. Examples include vendors, professionals with own offices/clinics, workers who worked purely on commission basis and who have no regular working hours.

5. Employer in own farm or business. If a person, working in his own business, farm, profession or trade had one or more regular paid employees, including paid family members (code 6 below). Some cases worth noting:

[p. 103]

  • Domestic helpers, family drivers and other household helpers who assist in the family operated business, regardless of time spent in this activity, are NOT hired employees in the enterprises/business; hence a farm or business proprietor who is assisted purely by such domestic help is not considered an employer.
  • A retail store operator who is wholly assisted in the operation of his/her store by unpaid relatives living with him/her and who employs carpenters to construct a building for his store (with store operator supervising the work) is not an employer. However, if this operator is also the owner or partner of a firm with paid construction workers and staff, and the reported industry in P16 is building construction, then he is an employer.

6. Worked with pay on own family-operated farm or business. If a person worked in own family-operated farm or business and receives cash or a fixed share of the produce as payment for his services. Note that whenever there is a household member with this code, there should be a household member with code 5 for class of worker.

7. Worked without pay on own family operated farm or business. If a member of the family worked without pay in a farm or business operated by another member living in the same household.

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in column P15.

Item P16, "In what kind of business or industry is/was _______'s current/last employer engaged in?" refers to the economic activity reported in item P15.

Write the specific industry in which a self-employed person is currently/last engaged in or in which the person's employer is engaged in and enter appropriate code. Use the Codes Sheet which lists the 37 industry codes that you should use to classify the responses. Refer also to Appendix 11 for the specific industry under the major groups.

Below are some examples on the kind of business or industry to be reported in column P16:

1. If for several years, a person has been a public school teacher but on census day, he has already quit his teaching job and is now operating a

[p. 104]

sari-sari store, the kind of industry he is currently engaged in is sari-sari store and no longer government service.

2. For a person doing clerical work in a tobacco manufacturing company, report him/her as engaged in tobacco manufacturing.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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For Persons 10 Years Old and Over

P28. For whom or where did [respondent] work? (Please see code book)


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P28 Class of worker

The question P28 is to be asked for those who were engaged in an economic activity in the past 12 months: "For whom or where does/did _______ work?"

The response to this question should refer to the usual occupation recorded in P25.

Possible responses are categorized into seven (7) classes of workers:

1. Worked for private household (Domestic Services). If a person worked in a private household for pay, in cash or in kind. Examples are family drivers, gardener, yaya, household help and other persons in domestic service.

2. Worked for private business/enterprise/farm. All employees in private firms and farms are classified here.

Other examples of this class of workers are:

  • Persons working in public works project on private contracts
  • Public transport drivers who do not own the vehicle but drive them on boundary basis
  • Dock hands or stevedores
  • Cargo handlers in public market, railroad stations or piers, etc.
  • Palay harvester getting fixed share of harvested palay, sacadas and other farm workers.

3. Worked for government/government corporations. All government employees would be classified here. Examples of this class of workers are:

Employees in national and local government offices, agencies and corporation
Filipinos working in embassies, legation, chancelleries or consulates of foreign government in the Philippines
Filipinos working in international organizations of Sovereign States of Government like the United Nations, World Health Organization, etc.
Chaplains in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

4. Self-employed without any paid employee. If a person worked for profit or fees in own business, farm, profession or trade without any paid employee. Examples include vendors, professionals with own offices/clinics, workers who worked purely on commission basis and who have no regular working hours.

5. Employer in own farm or business. If a person, working in his own business, farm, profession or trade had one or more regular paid employees, including paid family members (code 6 below). Some cases worth noting:

Domestic helpers, family drivers and other household helpers who assist in the family operated business, regardless of time spent in this activity, are NOT hired employees in the enterprise/business; hence a farm or business proprietor who is assisted purely by such domestic help is not considered an employer.

A retail store operator who is wholly assisted in the operation of his/her store by unpaid relatives living with him/her and who employs carpenters to construct a building for his store (with store operator supervising the work) is not an employer. However, if this operator is also the owner or partner of a firm with paid construction workers and staff, and the reported industry in P26 is building construction, then he is an employer.

6. Worked with pay on own family-operated farm or business.
If a person worked in own family-operated farm or business and receives cash or a fixed share of the produce as payment for his services. Note that whenever there is a household member with this code, there should be a household member with code 5 for class of worker.

7. Worked without pay on own family-operated farm or business. If a member of the family worked without pay in a farm or business operated by another member living in the same household.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Population Census Questions

For all 15 years old and over.
[Questions 20 to 23 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

P22. Class of worker- What kind of worker is [the respondent]?

Mention the categories at the bottom. Write the answer on the space provided. See codes at the bottom.

[] 1 Worked for private household (domestic services) -PHH
[] 2 Worked for private business/enterprise/firm -PVT
[] 3 Worked for government/government corporation - GOV
[] 4 Self-employed without any paid employees -SELF
[] 5 Employer in own farm or business -EMP
[] 6 Worked with pay in own family-operated farm or business -PAID
[] 7 Worked without pay in own family-operated farm or business -UNPAID
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Columns P20 to P23 for All Persons 15 Years Old and Over
Columns P20 to P23 are to be accomplished only for household members 15 years old and over. Thus, if a household member is less than 15 years old, leave these columns blank.

P22-Class of Worker
This question should be asked for those who are engaged in gainful occupations in the past 12 months: "What kind of worker is ?" (Mention the categories). The response to this question should be referred to the usual occupation recorded in column P20. Write the answer or the equivalent "short name" of the category in the space provided and enter the appropriate code in the box.
Possible answers are categorized into seven classes of workers with their corresponding "short name" and code:

[] 1.Worked for private household (domestic services) or PHH. This refers to persons who worked in a private household for pay, in cash or in kind. Examples are family drivers, gardeners, nannies (yaya), household helpers, and other persons engaged in domestic services
[] 2. Worked for private business/enterprise/farm or PVT. All employees in private firms and farms should be classified under this category. Examples of this class of workers are:
[] Persons working in public works project on private contract
Public transport drivers who do not own the vehicles but drive the vehicles on boundary basis
[] Dock hands or stevedores
[] Cargo handlers in public markets, railroad stations or piers, and others
[] Palay harvesters getting fixed share of harvested palay, sacadas, and other farm workers
[] 3. Worked for government/government corporation or GOV. All government employees should be classified here. Examples of this class of workers are:
[] Employees in national and local government offices, agencies, and corporations
[] Filipinos working in embassies, legations, chancelleries or consulates of foreign government in the Philippines
[] Filipinos working in international organization of sovereign states of government such as the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and others
[] Chaplains in the Armed Forces of the Philippines
[] 4.Self-employed without any paid employee or SELF. This refer to persons who worked for profit or fee in own business, farm, profession or trade without any paid employee. Examples include vendors, professionals with own offices/clinics, and workers who worked purely on commission basis and had no regular working hours.
[] 5. Employer in own farm or business or EMP. This refers to persons who worked in his/her own business, farm, profession or trade, and had one or more regularly paid employees, including paid family members (Code 6 below
Some cases worth noting are:
[] A farm or business proprietor who is assisted purely by domestic helpers, family drivers, and other household helpers who are NOT hired employees in the farm or enterprise/business, regardless of the time spent in this activity, is not an employer.
[] A retail store operator who is wholly assisted in the operation of his/her store by unpaid relatives living with him/her and who employs carpenters to construct portions of his/her store (with the store operator supervising the work) is not an employer. However, if this operator is also the owner or partner of a firm with paid construction workers and staff, and the reported industry in column P22 is building construction, then he/she is an employer.
[] 6. Worked with pay in own family-operated farm or business or PAID. This refers to members of the family who worked with pay in a farm or business operated by another family member living in the same household. Payment can be in the form of cash or a fixed share of the produce. Note that whenever there is a household member with this code, there should be a household member with code 5 for class of worker.
[] 7. Worked without pay in own family-operated farm or business or UNPAID. This refers to members of the family who worked without pay in a farm or business operated by another family member living in the same household. Note that whenever there is a household member with this code, there should be a household member with either code 4 or 5 for class of worker.

The above codes can also be found at the bottom of page 3C of CPH Form 3.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_SECTOR — Socio-economic sector of supporter
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For persons which have indicated as main source of income the code 6 [indicating that the respondent is a dependent person, assisted by another person], it will be written the order number of the supporting person and if that person it is not recorded in the form, the columns 24-26 will be filled in for the supporting person.

25. Work place: Socio-economic sector

[] 1 Public
[] 2 APC
[] 3 Craft or consumption co-operative
[] 4 Civil and mass organisations
[] 5 On own account

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69. For the persons having in column 22 (main income source) a mark x at code 6 - persons supported by other persons. it will be indicated also the order number of the supporter from the census form. If the supporter is not enumerated on the same form, columns 24-26 will be completed with data regarding the working place, the socio-economic sector and occupation of the main supporter.

71. Socio--economic sector of working place (column 25) or of the sub-unit performing its occupation than of the economic unit census staff. [text not readable] for non-family people, sport complex. Related to the economic unit recorded as place of work this item should be enumerated as follows:

a) a mark x will be written in the code box 1 (of state- public) -- for persons having as the place of work state units, budgetary institutions, units of the public central administration (ministries, departments etc.). For this code the cult personnel will be recorded also;
b) a mark x will be written on the code box 2 (APC sector) -- for the members of agricultural cooperative production, who work in the commune household or only on the received lot;
c) a mark x will be written on the code box 3 (craftsmen or consumption cooperatives) - for persons who stated that they are working in craftsmen or consumption co-operatives, as well as in lawyers' colleges;
d) commercial companies full public capital are not included in code 3, but in code 1.
e) a mark x will be written on the code box 4 (mass and civil organizations) -- for the persons who declared as the place of work mass and civil organizations, such as political organizations, trade unions, youth or females' organizations, the writers union, the composers union, Red Cross etc.;
f) a mark x will be written on the code box 5 (individual) -- for persons who declared as working in "individual agricultural household", "personal agricultural household", "own craft shop", "on own account", "at private persons" or "locative associations".

For persons supported by other persons (code 6 at column 22), a line will be drawn in column 25 if the supporter is recorded on the same census form. If not, the corresponding box of socio-economic sector of the supporter's working place, written in column 24will be marked.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_WKOWN — Ownership structure of working place
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24. Ownership structure of enumerated person's place of work
[] 1 State (public)
[] 2 Private
[] 3 Mixed structure (state and private)
[] 4 Own household
[] 5 Household other than own household

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Ownership structure of place of work, of the enumerated person (item 24)

73. Related to the economic unit recorded as place of work (item 23.1) this item should be registered as follows:

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 1 (of state- public)) -- for persons having as the place of work units like autonomous bodies, commercial societies and other full state capital economic units; as well as the budgetary institutions, of the public central administration (ministries, departments, etc.) and local administration (prefectures, city halls, schools, hospitals, etc.);
-- the mark x will be written on the code box 2 (private) - for persons who stated as the place of work an enterprise, a workshop, a store, etc., owned by only one natural person, or an unit being on the ownership of associated natural or legal persons (full private capital): commercial companies, other patrimonial associations (lawyers offices, medical doctors, agricultural enterprise, etc.), cooperative societies;

To this code will be recorded, also, the own account working persons (the private craftsmen, the free professionals).

The persons who declared as the place of work the units like: political organizations, trade unions, employers unions, professional unions, public organizations, (the mutual aid houses of the pensioners, churches, mosques, prayer houses, monasteries, bishoprics, patriarchate), apolitical organizations, unions (The writers Union, the composers Union, etc.), non-patrimonial associations, foundations, international organizations representations (for example of the United Nations system, etc.) will also be included;

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 3 (mixed structure) -- for the persons who declared as the place of work the mixed capital commercial companies (of state and private);

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 4 (own household) -- for persons working on their own farms (those working on domestic activities are not included);

-- the mark x will be written on the code box 5 (other households than the own) -- for the persons engaged to the private persons (as homemakers).

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_ECONSECT — Sector of economic activity
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Population aged 6 years or more
[Questions 16-25.]

Active Population/currently employed or previously employed
[Questions P22-P25]

P25. Sector of economic activity

Does (did) ____ work for the public sector or for the private sector?

If private sector, specify what type, and circle the code corresponding to the answer given.

[] 1. PU = Public
[] 2. PAR = Parastatal
[] 3. ONG = Non governmental organization
[] 4. COOP = Cooperative
[] 5. AP = Other private

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C. Questions asked to all residents aged 6 years or more (questions from P16 to P25)

These questions aim at knowing the activities related to education and employment for persons aged 6 years or more [the French text says more than 6 years].

Children aged less than 6 years are not concerned with questions from P16 to P25.

Employment status (occupational status) (P21 to P25)

The following questions concern only the population aged 6 years and above. For persons below that age, one will write nothing on questions P24 to P30.

For persons who are employed, one will ask the type of work or the type of employment they are in, or that they were in from July 15, 2002 to August 15, 2002.

[Questions P22-P25 were asked of active persons who are currently or were previously employed]

P25: Sector of economic activity

The sectors of economic activity are the following:

State agents and civil servants (PU)
Employees of parastatal companies (PAR)
Cooperatives and associations (COOP)
Non-governmental organizations (ONG)
Independent occupations (AP)

Persons who have high status occupations in commercial companies, factories, or who work currently in agriculture, livestock farming, or in the industry, will all be enumerated as independent occupations (AP).

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_WKSECTOR — Sector of employment
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 25-28 were asked for residents aged 5 and over who are currently working or have ever worked (as indicated in questions 20-22 above).]

28. What is the respondent's institutional sector of employment?

[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private
[] 3 Non-profit institution
[] 4 Household
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P25 to P28: For residents who have ever worked or are currently working

P28: Sector of economic activity
Ask: What is [the person]'s institutional sector of employment?

Enumerator encircles the code response as declared by respondent.

1 Public: The agents and officials of the state
2 Employees of employers of private sectors
3 Non-profit institution: Employees of the parastatal sectors, the non-governmental organizations [NGOs]
4 Household: This category includes all paid domestic workers

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_SECTOR — Occupational status
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Persons age 15 years and over [Questions 23-29]

[Questions 23-27: refer to the past year]

23. Main activity during the past 12 months

[] Worked
[] Seeking first job
[] Others seeking work
[] Wanted work and available
[] Home duties
[] Student
[] Retired
[] Disabled
[] Other
[] Not stated

24. Worker or occupational status during the past 12 months

Worked for others

[] Government
[] Private enterprises
[] Private household
[] Unpaid work

Has own business/farm

[] With paid help
[] Without paid help
[] Did not work
[] Not stated

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_SECTOR — Main employer in the past 12 months
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

10 years and above [Questions P25-P33]

Economic activity [Questions P28-P31]

P29. Employer

Answered only by respondents who indicated that they were employed, in an apprenticeship or looking for work in question P28.

Who did [the respondent] work for during the past 12 months?

[] 01 Government
[] 02 Parastatal/quasi government
[] 03 Self employed
[] 04 International non-governmental organization
[] 05 Local non-governmental organization
[] 06 Family member
[] 07 Private enterprises
[] 08 Private household (paid domestic work)
[] 09 Embassy or International organization
[] 10 Others
[] 11 Don't know
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns P28 to P31 -- Economic activity (for persons 10 years and over)
149. Questions on economic activity relate to respondents who are aged 10 years and above. Note that the reference period is 12 months prior to the census; you must therefore concern yourself with the person's economic activities within that period and not beyond.

P 29-- Employer
151. This question seeks to establish the person the respondent works for. Ask for whom are you doing this work for? (Use code list to record the response).

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Personal module

Persons 15 and above (employment)
[Questions P30 - P42 were asked of persons aged 15 and above about their employment.]

P30. Was this person active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012?

Examples of work: activities in agriculture, livestock and fisheries, selling pickles, selling newspapers, jobs, odd jobs.

N.B.: If the person carries out unpaid work in a family business, enter code 1.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

[If answer 1, go to question P32. Elsewise, go to P31.]

P31. Was this person absent from work in the period 6 to 12 August 2012 due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, weather conditions?

[Question P31 was asked of persons age 15+ who were not active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012, per question P30.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

[If answer 2, 7 or 9, go to P38.]

P32. This person was active as:

[Question P32 was asked of persons age 15+ who were active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012, per question P30 or who were not active in that period but absent from work due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, or weather conditions, per question P31.]

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed person
[] 3 Unpaid worker in family business
[] 4 Civil servant
[] 5 Employee with parastatal institution
[] 6 An employee of a private business / NGO
[] 7 Employed at private household
[] 8 Trainee
[] 9 Volunteer
[] 10 Member of a worker co-operative
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_WKTYPELEG — Legal form of the employer's enterprise

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_CLASWK — Class of worker (past 12 months)
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Section VI. Economic Activity

[Questions 23-29 asked of all persons 10 years and over.]

24. Worker or occupational status during past year

[Question 24 refers to activity in the past year.]

[] Worked for others: Government
[] Worked for others: Non Government
[] Worked for others: Unpaid worker
[] Has own business/farm: With paid help
[] Has own business/farm: Without paid help
[] Did not work
[] Not stated
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F. Section VI - Economic activity

One of the main purposes of this section is to determine which individuals have been in the working force of the country at any time during the 12 months preceding Census Day. It is essential that the enumerator understands the definition of the term work as given in question 2.3 and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally work done
outside of the country is not relevant to the Census, but work done under contract on U.S. farms by residents is to be included, as also is work on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

55. Question 23 - Main activity during past 12 months

This question aims at classifying persons according to their main activity during the 12 months preceding enumeration, based upon what each person has been engaged in for most of that period. It is also intended to distinguish between persons who work (i.e. are economically active) and those who do not work. An individual is classified as working if he is engaged in the production of goods or services for sale. Usually this entails his receiving a wage, salary or other form of recompense; but trainees and apprentices, whether paid or not, as well as unpaid helpers in commercial farms and other enterprises also to be classified as workers. All self-employed persons are also to be listed as worked.

Categories of persons who are not economically active in this context over persons who have never worked before but who are seeking their first job, people engaged in home duties, students and those retired or disabled.

56. Question 24 - Worker or occupational status during past year

The purpose of this question is to distinguish between persons who for most of the 12 months preceding census day worked for others as paid employees, or unpaid workers and those who worked for themselves.

In the case of persons who worked for others, the information sought is whether they worked for the government or not, or were engaged in a family or other business without pay.

For those who carried on their own business or farm your mark must indicate whether they operate with paid help or without.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_SECTOR — Employment sector
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Section 4 Economic Activity -- For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Question 16 to 18 apply to those answering from [10] to [30] in Question 15.
Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18.

16. Type of worker
What type of worker status applies to (N) [the respondent]?

Worked for Others
[] 0 Government -- Public Service (GPS)
[] 1 Government -- Public Enterprise (GPE)
[] 2 Non--Government (NG)
[] 3 Unpaid (U)
[] 4 Learner (L)
Has own business/farm
[] 5 No paid help (NPH)
[] 6 With paid help (WPH)
[] 7 Never worked (NW)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

Interviewer: Persons responding to [] 20 in Question 15 tick [] 7, and those responding to [] 21 and [] 30 in Question 15 classify by last status held

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Section 4 - Economic Activity, questions [15] to [23]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.
Question 16 - Type of worker
The purpose of this question is to distinguish between persons who worked for others as paid employees [e.g. government, public service and public enterprise; non-government workers; unpaid workers and learners]; those who worked for themselves without any help - paid or unpaid, those who had their own business or farm and employed others [paid or unpaid]. Obtain the correct information and tick the appropriate box. You are to check your list of the names of government public enterprises if in doubt, to assist respondents who work for government but are unsure whether it is the public service or public enterprise.

For job seekers and similar unemployed persons, you are to record information on job last held. Persons seeking first job are classified as never worked.

The type of worker [status in employment] can be defined as follows:

[i] Worked for others, i.e. employee

An employee is defined as a person who works for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, piece rates or pay in kind. Four [4] types of employees are identified:

[a] Government-Central and local including Statutory boards, Quasi Government.
[b] Government-Public enterprises and/or state-owned enterprises, i.e. and enterprise where government holds the controlling interest 51% or more of shares.
[c] Non-Government-That is private employment.
[d] Unpaid worker and learner- These are apprentices, unpaid family worker in a business establishment or enterprise whether agricultural or non-agricultural.
[ii] Employer [has own business/farm with paid help]
A person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires one or more employees.
[iii] Own account worker [has own business/farm without paid help]
A person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires no employees.
[iv] Unpaid worker
A person who works in a business or farm which is run for profit, belonging to a relative or other persons and who receives no payment in cash, but who benefits from the operation of the business or farm either because he is a member of the proprietor's household or because he is being taught a trade or profession.
[v] Learner
A person who is being taught a trade or a profession without receipt of any remuneration but contributes to the production of economic goods and/or services.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_CLASSWK — Type of worker
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Section 4. Economic activity - For all persons 15 years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Questions 16 to 18 apply to those answering from 10 to 30 in Question 15.

Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18

[Questions 16-18 apply to those who had a job during the past week or were looking for job, per question 15]

16. What type of worker status applies to [the respondent]?

Interviewer: For persons who are ticked 20 in question 15, tick 7. For persons who ticking 21 and 30, classify by last status held.

Worked for others
[] 0 Government - Public service (GPS)
[] 1 Government - Public Enterprise (GPE)
[] 2 Non-government (NG)
[] 3 Unpaid (U)
[] 4 Learner (L)
Has own business/farm
[] 5 No paid help (NPH)
[] 6 With paid help (WPH)
[] 7 Never worked (NW)
[] 8 Not stated (NS)
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Section 4 - Economic activity-questions [15] to [21]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.
It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.

Question 16 - Type of worker status

The purpose of this question is to distinguish between persons who worked for others as employees [e.g. Government, Public service and Public enterprise; Non-government workers; Unpaid workers and learners]: those who had their own business or farm and employed others [paid or unpaid]. Obtain the correct information and tick the appropriate box. You are to check your list of the names of Government public enterprises if in doubt, to assist respondents who work for Government but are unsure whether it is the Public service or Public enterprise.
For job seekers and similar unemployed persons, you are to record information on job last held. Record persons seeking first job as never worked.

The type of worker status [in employment] can be defined as follows:

[i] Worked for others, i.e. employee
An employee is defined as a person who works for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, piece rates or pay in kind. Two [2] types of employees are identified:
[a] Government
-Central and local including statutory boards, Quasi government.
-Public enterprises and/or state-owned enterprises, i.e. an enterprise where government holds the controlling interest-51% or more of shares.
[b] Non-government
-Private employment
[ii] Employer [has own business/farm with paid help]
A person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires one or more paid employees.
[iii] Own account worker [has own business/farm without paid help]
A person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires no employees.
[iv] Unpaid worker
A person who works in a business or farm which is run for profits, belonging to a relative or persons and who receives no payment in cash, but who benefits from the operation of the business or farm because he is a member of the proprietor's household.
[v] Learner
A person who is being taught a trade or a profession without receipt of any remuneration but contributes to the production of economic good and/or services.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_CLASSWK — Class of work
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Section 6. Economic activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. Questions 23 to 24 apply to those answering [30] in Question 22.

25. Type of worker status -

What type of worker status applies to (N) [the respondent]?

(a).Worked for others
[] 0. Statutory Boards and Similar Bodies (S.B.)
[] 1. State Owned Enterprise (S.O.E.)
[] 2. Central or Local Government (C/L.G.)
[] 3. Private Enterprise (P.E.)
[] 4. Unpaid worker (U.W.)
[] 5. Learner/Apprentice (L/A.)
(b). Has own business/farm
[] 6. No paid help/Own account worker (N.P.H.)
[] 7. With paid help /Employer (W.P.H.)
[] 9. Not stated
Interviewer: For persons who are ticked for 20 in question 22 classify by where (N) [the respondent] last applied for a job. Those persons ticking 21 or 30 classify by last job held.
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Section 6 - Economic activity

The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is, the production of goods and services during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past 12 months and those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question (22) and makes use of it in his interviews.

Question 25 - Type of worker status

This question is to be answered by all persons in the labour force both employed and unemployed. This question is also to be answered by those individuals indicating boxes 46 to 99 in question 23 and having responses in boxes 1 to 5 in question 24. For these individuals classify by where last applied for a job.

It also distinguishes between persons who:

Worked for others as employees (e.g. public service and state enterprises; non-government workers; unpaid workers and learners); and

Those who had their own business or farm and employed others (paid or unpaid);

Obtain the correct information and tick the appropriate box.


You are to check your list of the names of state enterprises if in doubt, in order to assist respondents who work for government but are unsure whether, it is the public service or state owned enterprise.

Types of worker status are categorized as follows:

1. Worked for others

(a) Statutory boards and similar bodies

For Example:
The National Housing Authority,
The National Lotteries Control Board,
The Princess Elizabeth Home for Handicapped Children, The Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago,
The Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and
The Public Transport Service Corporation.

(b) State owned enterprises

For Example:
Caroni (1975) Ltd.,
National Petroleum Marketing Company, National Quarries Limited,
National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited,
First Citizens Bank,
Trinidad and Tobago Solid Waste Management Company Limited and National Flour Mills.

(c) Central / local government

Central government workers will be found in the Ministries and departments of government.

Local government workers will be found in the City corporation, Borough Corporation and Regional Corporations.


(d) Private enterprise

These workers will be found in privately owned companies such as:
West Indian Tobacco Company,
Lever Bros. (WI) Ltd.,
Trinidad Match Factory and
Coosal's Construction Company Limited.

(e) Unpaid worker

These are persons who work without pay but whose labour contributes to the operation of the business or farm.

(f) Learner / apprentice

This is a person who goes to work regularly and is learning a job or trade. Persons in this category may or may not receive an income.
2. Own account worker
This is a person who operates his/her own (economic) enterprise or is engaged independently in a profession or trade and hires no employees or paid help. However, he may run the business with unpaid help.
3. Employer
An employer is a person who operates his/her own (economic) enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade and hires one or more employees.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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Section 6: Economic Activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

22. Employment status

What type of worker status applies to (N) [the respondent]?

[] 00 Statutory boards and similar bodies (SB)
[] 01 State owned enterprise (SOE)
[] 02 Central or local government (C/LG)
[] 03 Government, contract work (GCW)
[] 04 Private establishment (PE)
[] 05 Private establishment, contract work (PECW)
[] 06 Paid employee, private home (PEPH)
[] 07 Self-employed with paid employees (SPH)
[] 08 Self-employed with no paid employees (SNPH)
[] 09 Apprentice/Learner (A/L)
[] 10 Unpaid family worker/employee (UFW/E)
[] 11 Other unpaid worker/employee (OUW/E)
[] 77 Other (O)
[] 98 Don't know (DK)
[] 99 Not stated (NS)
Interviewer: For persons who shaded 20 in Q.19, classify by where (N) [the respondent] last applied for a job. And those persons shading 21 OR 30 classify by last job held.
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Section 6 - Economic activity

6.8. Type of worker (status of employment)

The status of employment refers to the status of the economically active (both employed and unemployed) with respect to his/her place of employment.

The following categories are identified:-

(i) Statutory boards and similar bodies - This refers to any commission, board, committee, council or similar body established by an Act of Parliament.

Examples are: National Insurance Board, National Lotteries Control Board, Princess Elizabeth Home for Handicapped Children, the Airport Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and the Public Transport Service Corporation.


(ii) State owned enterprises - This refers to enterprises where the Government of Trinidad and Tobago owns controlling interest i.e. 51% or more of shares.

Examples are: National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited, National Flour Mills Limited.

(iii) Central or local government - Central government workers will be found in the Ministries and Departments of Government. Local Government workers will be found in City Corporations, Borough Corporations and Regional Corporations.

(iv) Private Establishment - These workers will be found in privately owned companies such as West Indian Tobacco Company Limited and Nestle Trinidad and Tobago Limited.

(v) Paid employee, private home - These workers will be found in privately owned homes such as maids, gardeners etc.

(vi) Self employed with paid employees - A person who operates his or her own (economic) enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires one or more employees.

(vii) Self employed with no paid employees - A person who operates his or her own (economic) enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires no employees.

(viii) Apprentice / Learner - A person who is being taught a trade or a profession with or without receipt of any remuneration.

(ix) Unpaid family worker/employee - A person who works in a business or farm, belonging to a relative who receives no payment in cash, but who benefits from the operation of the business or farm.

(x) Other unpaid worker/employee - A person who works in a business or farm belonging to other persons and who receives no payment in cash, but who benefits from the operation of the business or farm.

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_CLASSWKR — Class of worker
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41-46 Current or most recent job activity
Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for his/her last job or business.

41. Was this person...
Mark (X) one box

[] an employee of a private for profit company or business, or of an individual, for wages, salary, or commissions?
[] an employee of a private not for profit, tax-exempt, or charitable organization?
[] a local government employee (city, county, etc.)?
[] a state government employee?
[] a Federal government employee?
[] Self-employed in own not incorporated business, professional practice, or farm?
[] Self-employed in own incorporated business, professional practice, or farm?
[] working without pay in family business or farm?
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Answer person questions 41 through 46 if the person worked in the past 5 years.

41. Mark the "An employee of a private not for profit, tax-exempt, or charitable organization?" box if the person worked for a cooperative, credit union, mutual insurance company, or similar organization.
Employees of foreign governments, the United Nations, and other international organizations should mark the "a Federal government employee?" box.
If the person worked at a public school, college or university, mark the appropriate government category; for example, mark the "a state government employee?" box for a state university, or mark the "a local government employee (city, county, etc.)?" box for a county-run community college or a city-run public school.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_INDTYPE — Industry type
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Occupational characteristics
For persons age 8 or older
[Questions 13-18 were asked of persons age 8 or older.]

15. Industry of principal activity: ________

Only for those who are employed and unemployed.

Specify the class of establishment where the employed does the principal occupation, or if unemployed, the class of the last establishment worked. Examples: textile factory, food storage, public school, judge's chambers, farm, country house, etc.

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Occupational characteristics

222. Under the general title "Occupational characteristics" are six themes for titles 13 to 18. For the information to be collected, firstly the whole population of the country has to be grouped within two primary groups:

a) The economically active population.

b) The not economically active population.

Each one of these two large groups will be, at the same time, differentiated into sub-groups, and each and every one of these will be specified under title 13.

[p. 36]

223. Next, the principal occupation of those to be enumerated is investigated (title 14), considering that when a person works more than one occupation, it is the one that supplies the greatest income; and secondary occupation, that which follows the principal in importance regarding income. If a person only works one occupation, this will be the principal occupation.

224. Next, under the name industry of principal activity, the class of industry or place of work where said principal occupation is done (title 15) is to be investigated, and the category or role with which it is done, as employee, worker, etc. (title 16).

The same is for the investigation of secondary occupation when it exists (title 17), and the industry of secondary activity or class of industry where this last activity is done (title 18).

225. In order to get a rational and appropriate group of information, many individual situations should be contemplated which are adjusted to definitions, each time more refined by economic, social and technical censuses. Such definitions and methodological procedures to register information are structured in the form that reflects the occupational situation of those enumerated on the "day of the census".

226. The information asked for in titles 13 to 18 is intimately correlated. This means that once initial basic information is registered, no other information in titles 14 to 18 should be written down without having clarified, whether proceeding or not, the registration of information in the title immediately before. The information registered in title 13 is clarified, and continue conditionally for each one of the following titles until 18, according to the situation of the person enumerated.

Title 15: Industry of principal activity
252. "Industry of principal activity" is understood to be the class of business, establishment, office, organization, company, institution, etc., where a person does their principal occupation.

253. Write down this information only for people who in the previous title (title 14), were registered with a principal occupation that pertains to one of the two groups: "Employed", or "Unemployed".

As in the case of the principal occupation, try to register in the most concrete form, avoiding vague names, the class of establishment where the person works or worked (if "Unemployed"). Avoid names such as workshop, office, store, company, factory, stall, etc., and instead specify in the following manner: shoe factory, radio repair shop, accountant's office, leather stall, air transportation company, refrigerator repairs, construction company, textile factory, bronze smelting, etc.

[p. 40]

255. Avoid writing down names that are exclusively the name of the establishment, like the factory "La Violeta", "Casa Fénix", etc., that do not give any idea of the class of industry or business done in it.

256. In the case of mixed businesses like a beauty salon or hairdresser's in which there is at the same time a lottery kiosk or caramel vending, register the business that receives the greatest benefits or that the owner considers the most important.

257. If a person is a government employee, of an autonomous, municipal, or decentralized service entity, write down without exception the name of these institutions where they work, such as: Ministry of Public Works, Department of National Parks, Ancap, Department of Combustibles, National Administration of Ports, Department of Accounting, etc.

258. If a person has the same occupation in more than one business or industry, the type of establishment where the greatest remuneration is received should be noted. For example, in the case of a bookkeeper who does the books for a glass factory, a feminine articles shop, and a transportation company, and he receives the largest income from the glass factory, this will have to be noted as the "industry of principal activity". It is understood that this does not concern a person in an accounting office who has a varied clientele -- the same is true for any other professional (doctor, dentist, etc.).

259. If a person does their job in a company that supports two or more different industrial activities, that industrial activity with which the person is directly linked should be written down, since it is a principal activity of the company and not a supplementary activity.

a) In the case of a company that has a refrigerator factory and one that makes furniture, an employee will be written down as industry of principal activity: "refrigerator factory", or "furniture factory", according to which of these industries the employee works for.

b) If a textile factory has its own electric plant that supplies the necessary motorized power, a person who works in this factory will be written down as industry of principal activity: "textile factory", and not "electric plant", because the plant is an supplementary activity of the factory.

260. With respect to domestic employees, they will be written down as industry of principal activity: "family house", or "collective dwelling".

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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(III) Occupational characteristics (for people age 12 or older)

Questions 16-18 are asked only for those who answered under part "A" of question 15 [who are employed or have been employed and are looking].

18. Of the following, what is the category in the occupation that you indicated?

Ask in the indicated order and when you receive an affirmative answer, mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Employer with employees at your charge
[] 2 Worker for your own account
[] 3 Public employee or worker with paycheck or salary
[] 4 Private employee or worker with paycheck or salary
[] 5 Non-remunerated family worker
[] 6 Member of a production cooperative
[] 7 Other (specify) ____
[] 9 Not known

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G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

III. Occupational characteristics
[Persons age 12 or older]

252. With the questions from this chapter, we look to quantify the active population and determine what the activities that are done are.

280. For question no. 18: "Of the following, what is the category in the occupation that you indicated?", you should read the list of possible answers, one by one in the order presented in the Census document, waiting for an affirmative answer. When you get it, mark the corresponding box with an "X" and do not read the rest of the alternatives.

In case an interviewed person has doubts and asks for clarifications, you should present the following definitions:

  • Boss or employer is a person who does their own economic enterprise and who has one or more employees by salary or daily pay.
  • Worker for their own account is a person who, without depending on a boss, does their own economic enterprise, without having any remunerated employee.
  • Employee or worker is a person who works for a boss or employee, public or private, and who receives remuneration in the form of paycheck, salary, daily pay or commissions paid item for item or in kind.
  • All people who work in central administration, decentralized services, state companies, that is to say, those cases in which the employer is the state, or in those in which the state participates, such as the Family Service Fund, C.H.A.S.E.C., C.H.A.S.T.T.A., etc. are public employees.
  • Non-remunerated family worker is a person who works (at least 15 hours per week) in a company or business whose owner is related and does not receive any remuneration.

[p. 79]

  • Member of a production cooperative is a person who is an active member of a production cooperative, whatever activity is done.

If a person has a job whose category is not present in the Census document, write it down in "Other" as exactly as possible.

If a person you are enumerating tells you that their category is non-remunerated family worker, you should ask them if they worked more than 15 hours last week. If they answer affirmatively continue ahead, on the contrary, tell them that their answers to questions no. 15, 16 and 17 should not be registered, erase what you have written in them and ask question no. 15 again.

What box would you mark if you had to enumerate the following people?
1. A foreman on a construction site.
2. A person who sells newspapers and works alone.
3. An owner of a carpenter shop, in which three people work.
4. A fence maker at a farm.
5. A teacher at a public school.
6. A chauffer of a bus cooperative, of which he is a member.

[Below the text are two forms, one of which is filled out as follows:
1. Private employee or worker for a paycheck or salary
2. Worker for their own account
3. Employer with employees in their charge
4. Private employee or worker for a paycheck or salary
5. Public employee or worker for a paycheck or salary
6. Member of a production cooperative]

You have to enumerate three taxi drivers named Ferrari, Arcos, and Pérez for whom the following conditions are given:
  • Ferrari drives his own car and does not have any employees;


  • Arcos drives his own car and has two helpers;
  • Pérez is an employee of Arcos.

How do you fill out this information for question No. 18?

285. A young man declares to you that he worked last week making orders for the department store of his father without receiving any remuneration for it. What should you do?
  • Ask if he worked 15 hours or more last week.

286. If you answered this question correctly, continue ahead; if contrary, read paragraph 282 again.

[p. 81]

287. Dr. Gil is a doctor, works in his private office and also if head of the departmental ward of a hospital, where he receives the largest income. Make the notations corresponding to this case for questions no. 15, 16, 17 and 18.

[p. 82]

288. The nephew of Mr. Alvarez works in the store of his uncle, where he eats lunch and dinner every day; weekly he takes to his house something from the store. Make the notations corresponding to this case.

Keeping in mind that a weekly something represents a remuneration in kind; the nephew of Mr. Alvarez receives a remuneration for his work and therefore you should mark the box indicated in the answer.

289. If you answered correctly, continue ahead. If the contrary, read paragraph 281 again.

290. Remember that when asking the occupation you should make sure that the enumerated person clearly specifies where they worked.

291. In the series of answers that follows, mark in the column C those that are considered to be correct and in column N.A. those that need explanation.
[Below the text are two forms, one of which is filled out as follows:
a) Peón, N.A.
b) Foreman in a factory that makes screws, C
c) Office worker, N.A.
d) Supervisor, N.A.
e) Typist
f) Municipal supervisor, N.A.; Public employee, N.A.; Secretary]

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_CLASSWK — Class of worker
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(III) Occupational characteristics
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

15. Of the following types of activities, what did you do last week?

Ask them in the indicated order and, when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box and go to the next person.

[] 11 You worked last week?
[] 12 You did not work because of leave, sickness or strike but you have employment?
[] 21 You did not work because of maternity leave or being suspended?
[] 22 You did not work because of being a harvest or seasonal worker?
[] 23 You looked for work having worked before?

[] 31 You looked for work for the first time?
[] 41 You are retired or pensioned and did not work?
[] 42 You are a rentier and did not work?
[] 43 You studied and did not work?
[] 44 You only took care of the home?
[] 45 Other (specify) ____

18. Of the following, what is the category in the occupation that you indicated?

Ask in the indicated order and when you receive an affirmative answer, mark the corresponding box and go to the next question.

[] 1 Employer with employees at your charge?
[] 2 Worker for your own account?

Employer or worker with paycheck or salary?

[] 3 Public
[] 4 Private

[] 5 Non-remunerated family worker?
[] 6 Member of a production cooperative?
[] 7 Other? (specify) ____

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III. Occupational characteristics -- for persons age 12 or older

With the questions from this chapter, we look to fundamentally quantify the active population and determine what the activities that are done are.

For question No. 18: "Of the following, what is the category of the occupation that you indicated?" you should read the list of possible answers, one by one in the order presented in the Census document, waiting for an affirmative answer.

When you get it, mark the corresponding box with an "X" and do not read the rest of the alternatives.

In case an interviewed person has doubts and asks for clarifications, you should have the following definitions present.

"Boss or employer" is a person who does their own economic enterprise and who has one or more employees by salary or daily pay.

"Worker for their own account" is a person who, without depending on a boss, does their own economic enterprise, without having any remunerated workers.

"Employee or worker" is a person who works for a boss or employee, public or private, and who receives remuneration in the form of paycheck, salary, daily pay or commissions paid item for item or in kind.

All people who work in central administration, decentralized services, state companies, that is to say, those cases in which the employer is the State, are considered public employees.

"Non-remunerated family worker" is a person who works in a company or business whose owner is related and does not receive any remuneration.

"Member of a production cooperative" is a person who is an active member of an economic company that functions under cooperative rules (it is a social cooperative).

If a person has a job whose category is not present in the Census document, write it down in the "Other" [category] as exactly as possible.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_CLASSWK — Employment type
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For all people age 12 or older
[Questions 16-28 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

28. Of the following, what is (was) your category in the occupation you indicated?

[] 1 Employer, with workers or employees in their charge
[] 2 Public worker or employee
[] 3 Private worker or employee
[] 4 Worker for their own account
[] 5 Non-remunerated family worker
[] 6 Member of production cooperative
[] 7 Other

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Persons age 12 or older

Question 28. Of the following, what is (was) your category in the occupation you indicated?

[p. 29]

Read the following options. When you receive an affirmative answer, fill in the corresponding box. If an enumerated person has any doubt, remember that:

Boss, with workers or employees at their charge. It is the person who exploits their own economic company and who has one or more workers by salary or weekly paycheck.

Worker or employee. It is the person who works for a boss or employer -- public or private -- and who receives remuneration in the form of paycheck, salary, weekly paycheck, commissions, per item payments, either in the form of money or specie.

All people who work in central administration, decentralized services, state companies, that is to say, those cases in which the employer is the state, are considered "Public sector". If the employer is not the state, they will be considered "Private sector".

Worker on their own account: It is a person who works independently without hiring remunerated personnel, exploits their own business and manages their own profession or office for their own account. They can work alone or associated; they can have family help who they hire without payment in money. Examples: independent professionals and technicians, owner of a store without employees, street peddler, etc.

Non remunerated family worker: It is a person who does not receive a paycheck or salary for the job they do in the company or business of a family member.

Member of a production cooperative: It is a person who is an active member of an economic business that functions under cooperative rules (it is socio cooperative).

Other: If a person does a job whose category is not in the Census questionnaire.

Once this question is concluded, observe what you wrote down in relation to the sex and age of the enumerated person. If this person is a woman age 15 or older, go to Question 29 of the following part.

If on the contrary, [if] an enumerated person is a man or a woman younger than 15, finish the enumeration of this person and go to the next one, if necessary.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_CLASSWK — Type of employment
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

69. In this job, you are?

[Question 69 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked last week or had a job or business to return to, as per questions 62, 63, and 64.]

[] 1 Working for a wage/salary in the private sector (go to question 72)
[] 2 Working for a wage/salary in the public sector
[] 3 Member of a production cooperative (go to question 75)
[] 4 Employer (go to question 75)
[] 5 Self-employed without physical facilities or investment (go to question 75)
[] 6 Self-employed with physical facilities or investment (go to question 75)
[] 7 Household member not receiving wage/salary (go to question 75)
[] 8 Participating in a work public program (go to question 75)

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Characteristics of the main job

69. In this job, you are...?

This question investigates the occupational status of the interviewee, which all in all is the relationship of the worker with his work.

Working for a wage/salary: worker or employee; a person who works for an employer (public or private) and receives a remuneration in the form of a salary, payments in installments or in kind. If he is a public salaried worker, the following question will be asked; if he is a private salaried worker you will go on to question

Member of a cooperative: person who is cooperative, whatever the productive activity to which the cooperative is dedicated. If this is the response you will go on to question 75.

Employer: person who operates his own economic business and has one or more salaried or day laborers under his charge. If this is the response, you will go on to question 75.

Self-employed: person who without depending on an employer operates his own economic business without having remunerated workers, allowing for one or more family workers that are not remunerated. There is a distinction between those who have some installation or investment in order to carry out the activity (with premise) and those who don't possess it (a premise). In both questions, you will go on to question 75.

Household member not receiving wage/salary: person who works for the company or business of a family member that lives within the dwelling and from which he does not receive a salary, wages, or goods for his work. If this is the response, you will go on to question 75.

Public program employee: people who are working in transitory jobs created in the framework of social programs to help the low-income population. The person can declare working for example in the Intendencia, the program of Barrida Otoñal, but it doesn't deal with a public employer but rather a job in a public employment program. The same occurs with the people who are found working in the program Trabajo por Uruguay del Plan de Atencion Nacional a la Emergencia Social (PANES).

Attending to the criteria indicated and the response of the interviewee the corresponding code will be circled.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_EMPSECT — Employment sector

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_SECTOR — Economic sector
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For persons born on or before 1-4-1984 [it should say 1976] (aged 13 and over) answer following questions [applies to questions 9 to 13]

13. c. Sector of industry


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Persons born before April 1st, 1976 (aged 13 and older) answer this question.

c. Economic sector:
Write one of the five economic sectors, as follow:

For persons working in the private sector write down "private"
For persons working in a collective farm or production cod-operative write down "collective"
For persons working in a public office or factory write down "public"
For persons workings in a public-private joint venture factory write down "public-private joint venture"
For persons working in a private factory write down "private factory"

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_EMPLOYER — Employer
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Persons born before 4/1986 (13 years old or over) answer the following questions:

18. a. Did (Name) work for the government or for other organization?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Collective
[] 3 Capital
[] 4 Private [Go on to question 19]
[] 5 Mix
[] 6 Foreign

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Questions 13 to 18: Only ask persons who were born before April, 1986 (aged 13 years and older) (Persons who were born in 1986 and do not have month of birth in question 4 should also answer these questions).

Question 18:

This question is only asked of persons who have code "1" in Question 16.

Question 18a. Did (name) work for the government or for other organization?

A person who "worked" (code "1" in question 16) and reported main job in question 17, can work in one of 6 socioeconomic organizations, as follows:

1. Public: including all public offices, institutions, and enterprises managed by central or local governmental authorities. These are defined as follows:

Government agencies, public administrative and research offices
Communist party organizations, governmental union and mass organizations
Public enterprises are fully funded by domestic capital and managed by public company's rules or law.
Joint venture companies in which all partners are governmental enterprises.
Joint venture companies in which one or more partners belong to Vietnamese public sector and one foreign company or organization or individual.

A person who is defined as working for public sector has code "1".

2. Collective: includes all economic organizations (so called co-operative) which were founded and funded voluntarily by their members in accordance to the co-operative law and members (who were called co-operative's staffs) and are working directly at the co-operative. Collective sector includes:

Co-operatives in agriculture, handicraft, construction, transportation, services, etc.
Production enterprises are managed as co-operative rules.
Joint venture companies funded by staffs' family members of offices, union and mass organizations
Joint venture companies between one or more collective enterprises and one foreign company or organization or individual.

A person who is defined as working for collective sector has code "2".

3. Private: includes enterprises which were founded and managed by private enterprise law. Private enterprise is a business unit with its recurrent capital not less than its legal established capital and is managed by one individual who has guaranteed all of his/her assets for the company's activities.

A private enterprise should have:
Company's name, stamp (with its own company's logo), bank account.
Official address and business office.
Registering production or business or services
Private sector can be a joint venture between one or more Vietnamese private companies and one foreign company or organization or individual. Persons who are managers or workers of private companies are all defined in "private sector" and coded "3".

4. Self-employed: includes household production enterprises or household business and are not in satisfactory conditions to open private company. They organize as small and private household productions and services.

If a person is defined as self-employed, interviewers select code "4" and ask the next person (if it is a complete census) or ask question 19 and skip questions 18b and 18c (if it is a sampling census).

5. Mixed: includes economic units which were joint ventures of companies in different economic sectors. These companies are managed by company's law (such as Joint Stock Company and limited company).

A company should have its name, stamp (with logo of a joint stock company or limited company), and business office.

Mixed economic sector includes:
Joint stock companies
Limited companies
Joint venture companies between one or more Vietnamese companies in mixed economic sector and one foreign company or organization or individual.

A person who is defined as working for mixed sector has code "5".

6. Foreign:
Enterprises with 100% of foreign capital
Representative offices of foreign companies, enterprises, and factories.
International and foreign organizations

A person who is defined as working for foreign economic sector has code "5".

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_SECTOR — Economic sector of work organization
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17. If the respondent was born before April 1994 (15 years or older), [go to] Q 18; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 18-30 were asked of persons aged 15 years and over]

25. Does the establishment where you did the above mentioned work belong to an individual, household of individual production and trade, collective, private, state, or foreign investment economic enterprise?
(Household of individual production and trade includes agriculture/forestry/fishery and non-agriculture/forestry/fishery households)

[] 1 Individual (go to Q31)
[] 2 Household of individual production and trade (go to Q27)
[] 3 Collective
[] 4 Private
[] 5 State
[] 6 Foreign investment economic enterprise

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Questions from 20 to 30: These are questions on work during the last 7 days for persons of 15 years old or more. Thus, in order to collect exact information, the enumerator must have direct interviews with these persons.

Question 25: Does the establishment where you did the above mentioned work belong to an individual, household of individual production and trade, collective, private, state, or foreign investment economic enterprise?
The place at where a person is working can be only classified into one of the following 6 economic categories:

1. Individual: This includes individuals performing services without business registration according to the Government's decree number 88/2006/ND-CP, specifically:
  • Those who sell things on the streets, buy from afar, mobile business, individual services, except as specialized occupations such as medicine, pharmacy, etc.
  • Individuals who have free will work (he works by himself; he decides all), such as: bicycle repair, motorbike repair, Honda taxi driver, etc.). For a person who has defined his/her main work in the last 7 days as belonging to an individual, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "1". He/she then moves to Question 31, not to ask Questions 26 - 30

2. Household of individual production and trade: This includes households who are doing agriculture/forest/fishing production and business, or non-agriculture/non-forest/non-fishing production and business headed by an individual, group of individuals, or a family household that have not registered as enterprises.

An individual production and trade household can produce more than one type of main product. For persons who participate in producing a type of main product, the enumerator records the name of the main product for Question 27.


For a person who has defined his/her main work in the last 7 days as belonging to an individual production and trade household, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "2". He/she then moves to Question 27, not to ask Question 26.

3. Collective: This includes:
  • Collective economic units, i.e. cooperatives, comprising: agriculture cooperatives, craft industrial cooperatives, construction cooperatives, trading cooperatives, service cooperatives, credit cooperatives (People's Credit Fund, etc.), etc., and their establishments are registered in accordance with the Cooperative Laws;
  • People's non-profit units: units of non-government social/occupational organizations and other non-government units. Budgets for activities of these units are contributed by their members.

For a person who has defined his/her main work in the last 7 days as belonging to a collective unit, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "3". He/she then moves to Question 26.

4. Private: This includes enterprises which are established and operated in accordance with the Private Enterprise Law. Specifically it includes private limited companies, non-state joint stock companies, other private enterprises.

  • Private limited companies: companies where the owner(s) are private (100% private capital).
  • In-country joint stock companies companies where all of their shareholders are non-government organizations or individuals, or companies with government shareholders that do not hold control or special shares.
  • Joint state-private companies: these are enterprises, of which:

  • Should have at least two joint members; apart from joint members there could be capital-sharing members;
  • Each joint member should be an individual with high qualifications and high professional prestige, and is responsible for his/her property and the duties of the company;
  • Each capital-sharing member is responsible for his/her shared capital.

Joint state-private companies are not allowed to issue any kind of stocks.

  • Private enterprise: is an enterprise headed by an individual who is responsible by him/herself for all his/her property on all duties of the enterprise.

The type "private" also includes joint companies between one or more units belonging to Vietnam's private economy and foreign enterprises, organizations, or individuals. All owners and workers employed by private enterprises are classified as the type "private".


For a person who has defined his/her main work in the last 7 days as belonging to a private unit, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "4". He/she then moves to Question 26.

5. State: This includes:

a. Enterprise: State enterprises, state limited companies, state joint stock companies.

  • State enterprises are enterprises which are registered and operated in accordance with the State Enterprise Laws, comprising: state enterprises organized under the form of an independent enterprise, Corporations, enterprises of Corporations with 100% Government capital, joint companies whose members are in the Government.
  • State limited companies are one-member limited companies which were converted from state enterprises, or enterprises of the state's political or sociopolitical organizations.
  • State joint stock companies are joint stock companies where the Government is the shareholder with majority control stock holdings (Government stock accounts for over 50% of all stocks and is at least twice as great as the stock holdings of the other largest shareholder in the enterprise) or has special stock (Government does not have majority control stock holdings but has rights to decide some important issues of the enterprise according to agreements in the Enterprise Regulations).

b. Non-profit administration units, Party associations, mass organizations, other public associations: state offices, public administration units, semi-public administration units, units of political organization, sociopolitical organizations, socioeconomic organizations of the State.

  • State offices include legislative, judiciary and administrative offices.
  • Public non-profit units are units operating in the branches of health, education/training, culture, information, broadcast, television, or sport which were established on the basis of association between state organizations with non-state organizations or individuals. When established, all or part of a public unit was transferred to invest in the construction of material bases for managing and operating all activities in accordance with the laws.
  • Units of political organizations comprise offices of the Vietnam Communist Party.
  • Units of sociopolitical organizations comprise units whose main source of funds comes from the Government, such as: Fatherland Front, Trade Union, Women's Association, Youth Union, Veteran's Association, and Peasant's Association.


  • Units of state socioeconomic associations comprise: Association of Letters and Arts, Association of Writers, Association of Theatrical Artists, Association of Lawyers, Medicine Association, etc., where their funds come mainly from the Government.
  • Units of other state associations comprise units other than the above mentioned units, such as: the Elderly Association; Association for Protection of Disability and Orphaned Children; Association for the Encouragement of Learning; Association of the Blind; Buddhist Association; other faith-based associations that have funds mainly coming from the Government.

For a person who has defined his/her main work in the last 7 days as belonging to a state unit (including those who are on the roll, contracted employees, and temporarily-recruited persons), the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "5".

For persons who are not on the commune's roll but are contracted to work for the Commune People's Committee (archiver, cashier, etc.) according to administrative working hours, they are counted as working for the state.

6. Foreign enterprise: comprises:
Enterprises with 100% foreign capital; representative offices of foreign agencies, companies, or enterprises; foreign and international organizations.

For a person who has defined his/her main work in the last 7 days as belonging to a foreign investment enterprise, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "6". He/she then moves to Question 26.