Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 15-20 for all persons]

17. Physical status (Has any household member been suffering from a physical, medical, or mobility problem for a long period (6 months or more) that prevents from independently performing daily life activities easily?)

[] 1 Normal
[] 2 Disabled (go to table 3)

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Table 1: Household characteristics

17. Physical status (for all household members)
There is one square; one of the following numbers is marked.

1. For the member who is able bodied (normal) and psychologically, mentally and physically able.
2. For the member who has a physical, mental or sensual disability, or he/she has one type of disability mentioned in (Table 3: special needs).

Important note:
a. The enumerator should ask about special needs members using the following format:
Is there a member in the household that has had a physical, sensory or mental problem for a long time (6 months or more) that disable him/her of living his/her life independently in a normal way?

Infants who are not yet 6 months old are exempted from the duration criteria.

b. If there are more than 7 household members, complete the table for the special needs member on the same form where his/her name and number were recorded.