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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]


Bathroom with toilet

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

This includes the kitchen, bathrooms with a toilet, separate bathrooms, and separate toilets.

Separate bathroom means a bathroom without a toilet. Separate toilet means a toilet without a bathroom. In all cases, answer (1), (2) or (3) is placed inside the square according to the availability of the utility in the household. (1) When the household has a separate utility; (2) When the household shares the utility with another household(s); (3) When the utility is not available.